Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 425 Void Contract, Floating In The Void!

in the villa.

Luo Cheng is ready for everything.

Everything has been restored to its peak.

According to his last experience, after entering the deep void world, he only had ten minutes to search for the void life.

and sign a contract with it.

If during this period, the Void Life cannot be found, the contract opportunity this time will be completely wasted.

For this ability to sign a pact with a void life.

Luo Cheng has not touched even the slightest bit of the law of void that Luo Cheng has now comprehended.

Therefore, this kind of rule, with his current ability, has no way to change it.

Luo Cheng sat upright in his room-.

All over the body, the power of space surged.

A mystical void rune was lined up around him in a very strange state.

Under the continuous superposition of these runes, a magic circle containing a strong void power slowly took shape.


When the formation was formed, Luo Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a dark purple brilliance bloomed from his body.

When the purple brilliance dissipated.

Luo Cheng saw the surrounding scene clearly again.

It has already come to a mysterious world full of all kinds of magnificent blue and purple.

Deep Void World!

This is the second time Luo Cheng has entered.

On weekdays, although he can use the void to walk, he can integrate his body into the deep space interlayer.

But even if he blesses himself with the law of void, he can go to the deepest space.

It is only infinitely close to the most real deep void world.

Although his power can affect the deep void world.

However, I want to really walk and explore in this world.

With his current strength, he cannot do it for the time being.

However, in Luo Cheng's view.

If he can comprehend the magnificent runes that appear around him when he uses the void contract.

It should be able to obtain the ability to truly walk in the deep void world.

Time is precious, Luo Cheng dare not waste it.

He hurriedly activated the power of the void in his body.

Randomly found a direction and quickly wandered away.

He must find a void creature worthy of his contract within a limited time.


Perhaps it was because the location of Blue Star was too remote.

A full five minutes.

Luo Cheng didn't even see a single Void creature.

Even the weak, ubiquitous void plankton that I saw last time I entered the deep void world.

He never met a single one.

In this situation, Luo Cheng couldn't help frowning.

But no matter what, he couldn't just give up.

Therefore, he once again increased the consumption of the void power in his body.

At a faster speed, cruising towards the distance.

Six minutes later, there is still nothingness around...

Seven minutes...  

Eight minutes.....

Nine minutes.....

Luo Cheng's body was surrounded by a thin layer of dark purple light curtain with mysterious void runes that allowed him to walk in the deep void world.

It has begun to slowly dissipate.

There is only one minute left before he is forcibly squeezed out of the deep void world.

But from the beginning to the present, he still hadn't encountered a single Void creature.

Luo Cheng's complexion has completely darkened.

He also did not expect that in the deep void world around Blue Star.

Not even a single Void creature.

If he fails to contract a void creature this time.

The quota for the second Void Contract will be wasted along with it. . . .

Although, not being able to contract with the void creature, it is not a particularly big loss to him now.

But, in his heart, there will always be some unhappy.

Soon, there were only the last thirty seconds left.

In Luo Cheng's heart, some regrets were already born.

This time, it seems that there is really no way to contract a new void creature.

But just when Luo Cheng's eyes dimmed, and after more than ten seconds of preparation, he returned to the original world.

In his line of sight, a dark purple spot of light flickered unexpectedly.


Floating in the void?!

Luo Cheng remembered what the creature looked like.

It's just that the figure floating in the void that appeared in front of him was really too small.

It was much smaller than any Void creature he had seen before.

Even, less than one-tenth the size of his little finger!

But even so.

Some contracts are better than no contracts.

Luo Cheng didn't have time to think about it, his thoughts moved slightly, and the vast spiritual will like the starry sky was surging into the spiritual sea of ​​the void creature.

This weak void creature did not even have the slightest resistance.

Luo Cheng forcibly signed a subordinate contract with him.

When the contract is signed.

The special void energy on Luo Cheng's body was finally exhausted.

A powerful repulsive force came and directly pushed him out of the deep void world.


After withdrawing from the deep void world, Luo Cheng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although he entered the deep void world this time, he failed to contract any powerful void creatures.

But it also made him see it clearly.

The world where Blue Star is located is the same as the deep void world that is linked in the world of the heavens.

Just, for some reason.

The deep void world corresponding to Blue Star is too barren.

Looking around, the large area of ​​the deep void world is all barren and dead, and the vibrant scene in the deep void world corresponding to the world of the heavens is very different.


This is because the star field where Blue Star is located is really too barren.

Luo Cheng thought so.

The same is true.

The vast star field where Blue Star is located.

Except for the life on the blue star, there is no trace of other life on the other stars.

Even, in a whole galaxy and star field, human beings have never found any trace of the existence of other life.

As the only blue star with life in the vast star field, it is too lonely.

So much so that the connected piece of deep void world is also extremely barren.

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