He howled in pain.

When his companion saw this, he was taken aback and stepped back immediately.

These people are hunters with rich combat experience, and they know that the strength of Wan Xingtian is not weak.

"Want to run? It's late!""

Wan Xingtian snorted coldly and punched out.

Immediately, the fist burst out, and the space seemed to be shaken, forming a ripple that spread around.

These people suddenly felt like they were in a rough sea.

There were huge waves around, and countless sea water swept towards them.

They were submerged.


The leading man was beaten to death by Wan Xingtian.

His accomplices also fell down, swept away by the sea water and turned into splashes.

"You, who are you? Why do you have such strength!"

The old man in the lead was frightened, and hurriedly knelt to the ground.

"My name is Wanxingtian." 833

Wan Xingtian said calmly.

"You, you are Wanxingtian! 35

The old man was shocked.

Recently, the Snow Fox Clan reported that they were going to catch this person.

Unexpectedly, he ran to his own tribe.

This is a calamity!

"Do you know who I am? Wan Xingtian asked.

"I know, we don't dare to provoke you, let me go."

The old man said with a sad face.

"I won't kill you, I will keep you. But if you dare to reveal the news, I will make your life worse than death!"

"Yes, yes, I promise not to spread it out! I beg you!

The old man kept kowtow.

"Let's go!" Wan Xingtian waved his hand, signaling the old man to leave.

The old man left quickly.

The old man was frightened by him just now, so he did not dare to resist, nor did he have any complaints, he left obediently.

At this moment, he saw Wan Xingtian sneer, raised his hand and aimed at the old man's back, and pointed out directly.

The black tentacles burst out instantly.


The old man's body was pierced, and blood spurted out.

He stared at Wan Xingtian in disbelief, he didn't understand how he could die here.

He obviously didn't provoke Wan Xingtian.


He fell.

Wan Xingtian put away the black tentacles and walked towards the distance.


There were clansmen who had not left shouting nearby, and there were also some old and weak members of the tribe.

Wan Xingtian smiled coldly and waved his hand on the spot.


The black tentacles were like silk threads, quickly spreading out, hitting the crowd in front of them.

"Boom! Boom!"

The black tentacles exploded like firecrackers, covering everyone.

These people's bodies were torn apart, blood sprayed, and it was desolate.

Before they could even shout for help, they turned into corpses.

Wan Xingtian turned around, retracted the black tentacles, recovered all the blood on it, and took a breath of satisfaction.

Then he walked forward.

His feet were on the ground, and the ground trembled under his feet.

His pace was slow, and every step he took, it seemed like he was going to smash mountains and rivers, shaking the sky.

One step at a time, he walked out of the tribe.

His speed was rapid, and as he moved, the ground ahead collapsed and the tribe disappeared.

When Wan Xingtian walked outside the tribe.

This tribe has been razed to the ground, houses collapsed, and countless people fell in a pool of blood.

He stopped and looked forward.

When he saw a high mountain, in his memory, the Tiger Clan was in the middle of the mountain. He needed to find the location of the Tiger Clan tribe.

His eyes shone with golden light as he glanced forward.

Soon he locked on a mountain and ran quickly.


A roar rushed out from the center of the mountain, and a giant tiger rose into the sky, opening its mouth to let out an angry roar.

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