Its claws slapped Wanxingtian fiercely.

Wan Xingtian threw a punch.


There was a violent collision, and the two forces collided together, making an earth-shattering loud noise.

A terrifying shock wave spreads - out.

The surrounding rocks rolled down one after another, and countless trees were blocked - broken.

Wan Xingtian's wrist twisted, and his huge arm suddenly swayed.


The giant tiger was smashed directly into the mountain.


The screams of giant beasts could be heard from the depths of the mountain.

Wan Xingtian's body moved and rushed into the mountain again.


Another roar.

Wan Xingtian threw the giant tiger out again.

This time, the body of the giant tiger was smashed to pieces by Wan Xingtian, turned into flesh mud, and dissipated in the void.

At this moment, a group of tribal warriors with the black tiger logo rushed over.

"Our war tiger was killed!

"kill him!"

Everyone shouted and rushed up with their weapons in hand.

Wan Xing Shan laughed directly and stood in the void with his arms folded.

He looked at the people in front of him and said indifferently, "Just because of you shrimps, do you want to deal with me?"

"court death!"

A young man rushed to Wanxingtian first, holding a big sword in his hand, and slashed towards Wanxingtian.

Wan Xingtian raised his right palm.

The big knife was shaken away in an instant, and the whole person was shaken and flew out and fell to the ground.


He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, unable to move.

The rest of the soldiers were horrified when they saw their boss being killed in seconds.

They dared not continue to charge up, but retreated.

Wan Xingtian moved in front of them, and when he raised his hand, he threw a punch.

"Bang! Bang!"

The bodies of these people were all shattered, turning into a blood mist and disappearing.

The remaining few people saw this and hurriedly dodged.

Wan Xingtian snorted coldly, and sent out the dark tentacles, chasing after a few people and falling.

The bodies of these people exploded, turning into blood mist and dissipating in the void.

They couldn't die any longer.

Wan Xingtian continued to walk forward and came to the sky above the tiger tribe.

Fly towards the tiger tribe.


He slapped the door of the Tiger Clan.

The door was fanned and shattered.

Wan Xingtian walked in swaggeringly.

The tiger clan chief and some of the others heard the movement outside and hurried out to investigate.

0.・Ask for flowers・

At a glance, they saw a figure standing in their tribe.


A member of the Tiger Clan shouted loudly.

In the open space behind, tribal warriors quickly gathered.

They also held weapons in their hands and looked at Wan Xingtian vigilantly.

Wan Xingtian glanced around and said indifferently, "I'm here to see your patriarch, don't stop me. 39

This sentence is simple and crude.

Everyone looked at each other.

"What an arrogant child, actually came to my tiger clan to run wild! 35

A burly middle-aged man stood in front of the crowd and roared, holding a silver gun in his hand.

This is a treasure, which he fused after cultivating a set of secret techniques found in an ancient book to the extreme.

And he also has matching martial arts, his current strength has reached the peak of the warriors in the tribe.

He is a fighting maniac with a strong desire for his own strength.

So after getting this secret technique, I immediately practiced it and raised it to a new level.

At this time, he just wanted an opponent, and Wan Xingtian came.

"Is your patriarch here? Let him get out. Wan Xingtian glanced at him disdainfully and said contemptuously.

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