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Chapter 376 The Huge Vortex Appearing in the Eyes of the Formation!

Gradually, the Queen of Undead saw that Qin Mu actually started to use his body to urge that powerful method.

It is constantly spreading around.

Those dark creatures that surged like a tide.

They were desperately absorbed by the testimony in the circle.

At the moment when it was absorbed, some dark creatures also made a shrill scream.


After the screams, another series of damage values ​​floated up as he disappeared.




After about half a cup of tea, these dark creatures gathered were completely absorbed by the powerful magic circle displayed by Qin Mu.

There are only those demon army led by the dark lord clan chief.

They still stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

"No, it's impossible."

"How could these powerful dark creatures I summoned have been defeated so easily?"

"I absolutely can't let this happen, you wait for me."

"I'll use a more powerful summoning technique in a while, and I want you to recognize this guy."

"Who is the ruler in this area?

The patriarch of the dark lord clan saw the scene in front of him.

Just can't believe it.

He said angrily.

"You don't have any chance, I'm just giving you a stick of incense.

"You can't summon so many dark creatures again.

"Do you think I don't know your strength?"

After Qin Mu finished speaking, he looked at the Queen of the Undead, who was standing behind him.

There are also those clansmen gathered next to the Queen of the Undead.

"Queen, you really have foresight."

"We really didn't find out how he could have such a powerful combat power."

A clan behind the Queen of the Undead said with admiration.

"My Lady Queen, how could this person be so strong.

"When he defeated you before, I thought he was playing tricks. 35

After seeing the scene just now, those clansmen began to discuss with you and me.

They were discussing the previous battle between the Queen of the Dead and Qin Mu.

0.. ask for flowers...

This time, they completely admired the unknown academician in front of them.

It seems that for everything that happened before.

Now I finally understand some of the reasons.

The Queen of the Undead just listened to what the people around her said.

In his heart, he had long thought that Qin Tomb could solve these dark creatures.

But I didn't expect him to solve the matter here so quickly.

This speed really made him a little overwhelmed.

And what worried the Queen of the Undead most was the huge vortex that appeared in the eyes of Duke Mu of Qin.

That huge vortex can actually absorb those dark creatures.

These dark creatures and his clansmen have no way to use spells.

The magic circle used by Academician Qin Mu was easily solved.

It's kind of incredible.

The Queen of the Undead thought that this must be caused by the formation eye in the middle of the magic circle.

I still don't quite understand the effect it plays on the formation eye in the middle of this powerful formation.

That's someone who has gone through a lot of battle scenes.

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