Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 377 Things Can Actually Be Avoided!

He really had never seen Qin Mu's array.

I have never seen anyone show it.

This is the first time I have encountered such a formation.

After this battle, the Undead Queen finally understood.

The reason why Qin Mu made it less angry.

It turned out that these things were already under his control.

It's just a matter of timing.

Another thing, the undead Queen "257" still hasn't figured it out.

Since Qin Mu already knew that he was no match for the patriarch of the dark lord clan.

Why insist on letting him fight the guy on the opposite side to the death?

This kind of thing can actually be avoided.

After the Queen of the Undead thought of these things, he felt mixed feelings.

These things have been haunting the heart of the Queen of the Dead.

He knew that he didn't have to think about it any longer.

Those dark creatures that were summoned by the dark lord with a powerful magic circle were unable to enter the battlefield.

They have all been absorbed into the magic circle by the powerful spells Qin Mu cast.

So the current dark lord, and the army of the dark demons under his hands, are no longer enough to be afraid of.

For such a thing, the Queen of the Undead is still very clear.

The only thing he needs to consider now is the clansmen he leads, where should they go?

His original purpose was to defeat the patriarch of the dark lord clan.

And the demon army that he led.

Then enter there before the City of the Dead recognizes its Lord.

After waiting for the governor of the undead to recognize the master, the dark army of demons was taking it, and he had no other way.

But the imagination is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Plans can never keep up with change.

The Lord of the Undead has been completely destroyed by the patriarch of the dark lord clan.

These people have no way to stay anywhere.

In this area, you can only silently and secretly hurt yourself.

After Qin Mu defeated those dark creatures, he turned and walked towards the Queen of the Undead.

"Queen of the Undead, do you still have something on your mind?

Qin Mu saw the undead queen frowning.

There was no expression on his face, he just said lightly.

The Queen of the Undead suddenly raised her head.

Seeing Qin Mu who was on the battlefield just now, he has already come to his side..

He immediately became nervous.

Some said incoherently.

"No...nothing, just thinking about something."

Immediately afterwards, he praised the powerful magic circle that Qin Mu had cast on the battlefield.

"What is the name of the powerful magic circle you just cast?"

"How can he have such a powerful combat power? The combat power of those dark creatures is really a powerful circle.

"How could it be possible to absorb all those guys?"

"I'm still a little confused, so I'm just thinking about those things."

Qin Mu just smiled slightly at the things the Queen of the Undead had said.

"These things you think about are just small things, nothing to be afraid of.

1.5 "It's you, I know what you just said is not what you thought.

"You should have something else in mind. 35

The Undead Queen's heart trembled.

Those words Qin Mu said.

It was the thing that stimulated the most fear in his heart.

"Alas! I originally wanted to lead the tribe into the capital of the dead."

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