An incomparably solemn expression appeared on his face, and the voices of the last words echoed in the ears of the Queen of the Undead.

"We still don't do this. The master has repeatedly told us not to disturb him easily. If we disturb him at this time, it is likely to cause unimaginable effects."

The Elf King expressed his worries. He is also very worried about Qin Mu's safety now, but they can't do anything. At this time of "270", they must be calm.

The Queen of the Undead naturally knew what was going on. Hearing the Elf King say this, he naturally didn't say anything more, and the two of them could only continue to watch.

Looking at Qin Mu at the moment, he was at the moment when he opened the door of the gods.

Outside the palace, I suddenly remembered the sound of a crackling battle.

He knew that it was a critical time for him, and he immediately put those voices out, but just as he was about to try to open the door of the gods.

Suddenly, a powerful force rushed towards him.

That powerful force was like a ghost, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth towards them.

Each of them had a look of fear and anxiety on their faces.

After Qin Mu arrived at this point, he immediately ordered the Elf King and the Undead Queen to start blocking.

But when he reacted, he found that the elf king and the undead queen around him had already been beheaded by the inexplicable enemy.

That was a very strong guy, he cut off all the defenses laid by the Elf King and the Undead Queen in a very short period of time.

"You want to open the door of the gods and make the city of the dead into the most powerful castle. This is absolutely impossible."

The person who assassinated him had a cold look on his face, and his voice echoed in her ears.

Seeing all of this on Qin Mu's face, his expression became more and more solemn.

He was very clear in his heart that things were not as simple as he imagined, the Queen of the Undead and the King of Spirits.

At this moment, the two of them have already fallen to the ground, which is enough to show that things are more complicated than he imagined.

"Could it be that everything here is a dream, you don't exist at all but a nightmare in my heart."

Qin Mu secretly guessed in his heart, but at the same time the overwhelming murderous aura was so obvious.

And everything around him is so realistic, he can clearly feel that the person in front of him poses a great threat to him.

If all this is really a fantasy, then this is too real.

Qin Mu's face became more and more ugly, and he began to use all his strength to resist.

However, in the constant battle, she found that the opponent seemed to be something she could never surpass.

"If you continue to want to open the door of the gods, then you have no choice but to die.

The other party obviously wants to forcibly prevent him from opening the City of the Gods. If this is the case, then there must be other reasons for this.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Qin Mu's face became more and more solemn.

In such a short instant of 1.5, his whole body strength surged out directly.

The moment his power was released, he directly locked the guy who suddenly came out.

However, his powerful strength did not seem to have any effect on the enemy.

When Qin Mu arrived at this point, he was also a little worried that if he was too reckless to ignore all this.

If this is not a fantasy.

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