Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 413 Must be the master of this void!

Then, if he acts recklessly, it will lead to the failure of opening the door to all living beings. Such consequences are unbearable for him.

Therefore, he still intends to carefully observe the other party to determine whether he is currently in an illusion.

For absolute safety, he also made all preparations specially.

In the process of constant fighting, he began to find some meaning.

His fears and worries kept growing.

The more he worried that everything in front of him might not be true.

That real feeling kept coming towards him.

This feeling made him very uneasy, and for a while, his face couldn't help showing a more and more terrified look.

I began to worry a little about my next situation and situation.

"If 02 is really just an illusion, if you break through this illusion, then the problems you encounter can be solved."

An extremely solemn expression appeared on his face. After speaking, he began to contemplate in his heart how to resolve everything in front of him.

At least one thing, Qin Mu is now basically sure that he is in an illusion.

Qin Mu thought of this, and he began to adjust his mentality.

He is very clear that only by adjusting his mentality can he see the situation around the situation.

After Qin Mu actively adjusted his state of mind, the illusion changed again.

Of course, these changes have long been seen by Qin Mu.

When he saw this change, he had already thought of a solution.

"Haha, it's really amazing, it's exactly as I thought.

Qin Mu laughed while looking at the team members who had fought before.

When he saw the people in front of him lying on the ground, the corners of his mouth rose, as if ready to say something.

However, at this time, he still felt that he should be careful here.

This illusion seems to only have an effect on him.

"Just wait, wait for me to break through here."

Qin Mu held it in his hand and pointed his weapon at the front that seemed to have nothing, he said loudly.

His voice began to echo throughout the space.

That final pseudo-tone spread over and over the entire area over and over again.

After letting him finish speaking, there seemed to be a response from the front.

And at this time, in the illusion like a void, suddenly there was a reply.

"Young man, what you think is too simple, do you really think you can escape from here? 35

When Qin Mu heard this sentence, he immediately became alert.

Start looking to 4 weeks to see where this sound is coming from.

After some exploration, he found that the sound seemed to be audible in the entire space.

"Who are you? Come out quickly.

His words were not answered by anyone.

"Come out quickly 270, don't hide here, come out if you have the ability, like a battle with Lao Tzu.

The voice still echoed here.

But this time there was no reply from that person.

Qin Mu looked at this and shook his head helplessly.

He knew that the person who just said those words must be the master of this void.

Any situation in this illusion can cause everything he did before to fall short.

So he took a deep breath and started holding his breath.

Let yourself escape from this void as soon as possible.

Everything that appears in front of you may be created by fantasy.

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