Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 429 Decide a winner and loser!

They also did not expect that since the young man in front of him could find the help of the elf queen and build a powerful fortress.

The reason why Mr. Han agreed to Qin Mu's request at once was that there was such a meaning in it.

"Master, this is the most powerful priest in the team. 35

The Elf Queen said.

Qin Mu looked at the two priests of the elf tribe in front of him, and his entire body was illuminated in the black cloak.

He couldn't see the faces of the two priests at all.

"See Master!"

The priests of the two elves said in unison.

Qin Mu shuddered when he heard the words spoken by the two priests.

The words that came out of the elven priest's mouth seemed to come from a dark cave.

It was an old voice that penetrated the bone marrow.

"Free gift!"

After receiving Qin Mu's order, the two elf priests retreated behind the elf queen.

"Master, these two priests, but I have chosen from thousands of people." 35

"I believe that the two of them are the most suitable for the dungeon mission in the sky, and can show their talents."

When the Elf Queen was talking, an unpredictable smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the Queen of the Undead spoke up.

"Master, I brought some undead army here, and these people all obey the master's arrangement.

The elves were already angry with the undead queens who came from the underworld.

When he heard that there was an army of undead joining the clever priests, he became angry.

Among them was a high priest holding out a hand hidden under a black cloak.

He immediately saw a red flame in his hand.

"You undead should go back to the underworld immediately."

The Queen of the Undead became furious when she heard these words.

He raised his weapon and pointed at the talking elf priest, roaring loudly.

"It's you sly guys who should go back, not me.

Seeing that the two of them arrived, it was time to draw swords.

Qin Mu coughed.

"Cough..." 35

"You guys can quarrel here first, I'll wait beside you.

"We'll discuss it in detail after you've finished arguing. After all, Mr. Han is not in a hurry to leave now."

Hidden in Qin Mu's words was some anger.

Those undead present, as well as several priests of the elves, calmed down all of a sudden.

When the Elf Queen heard what he said, she couldn't help trembling.

"`" The master forgives the sin..."

The Queen of the Undead and the Queen of the Elves suddenly fell to their knees on the ground.

"It's okay, let's fight a battle first, anyway, I have time."

Qin Mu sat on the chair next to him, took a cup of tea and took a sip carefully.

The elf queen said tremblingly.

"Master, you know that our elves and the undead are enemies from time immemorial.

"It's rare to get together today, and there will definitely be a time when the guns go away (Qian Zhao).

When the queen of elves spoke, she waved to the priests behind her, motioning for them to kneel quickly.

"It's alright, you have to play a game first, and then make a decision after the outcome is determined.

Qin Mu still said the same sentence.

The undead present were also silent at this time, no longer angry as before.

The Queen of the Undead was also crawling on the ground at this time.

He didn't first excuse himself like the Queen of the Golden Spirit Race.

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