Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 430 Come up with a suitable solution!

Instead, he knelt on the ground without saying a word, and the army of undead under his hands also accompanied the queen.

After Qin Mu saw this situation, he let out a long sigh and turned to look elsewhere.

The queen of the elves saw that Qin Mu did not speak, so he continued to speak.

"Master, you are talking, if we are guilty, you can punish us.

"Please don't do this, okay, you make us really overwhelmed.

After some requests, Qin Mu said slowly.

"If this is the case next time, then you should leave here quickly, the city of 287 of the gods does not protect you jealous people. 99

The queen of the elves hurriedly said to Qin Mu.

"Don't worry, the master will never have a next time. If there is a next time, I will definitely come up with a suitable solution."

After receiving the reply from the elf queen, Qin Mu turned his gaze towards the direction of the undead queen.

When he saw that the Queen of the Undead was still the same as before, the butcher said at the first try.

"What are your plans? Are you dissatisfied with the decision I just said?

When Qin Mu spoke, he got up and walked in the direction of the Queen of the Undead (acbf).

His anger began to burst outward like steam.

The Queen of the Undead seemed to have sensed these anger from Qin Mu.

Then he spoke quickly.

"No master, we were not killed by the patriarch of the dark lord clan because of your protection.

"You are the creator, how can we not trust you?

"We all agree with what you said just now. There is no next time for this matter."

"If there is a next time, I will come up with a suitable solution, and I will definitely give the owner a satisfactory answer."

After the Queen of the Undead finished speaking, she looked up and turned to the elf queen who was kneeling beside her.

Although there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

But thinking of the previous promise again, he slowly put it away.

"I am sure you will be able to keep your promise."

"Okay, everyone get ready, we'll be leaving soon.

After some rest, Qin Mu led the elves and the undead army to the place where Han Lao and his group were.

"We are ready, when is Mr. Han ready to leave?"

Qin Mu said after arriving at the gathering place of Lao Han and his group.

When everyone saw the powerful team led by Qin Mu, they all looked sideways.

"It's really too weird, how could he have such a powerful legion to join? 55

Several people in Old Han's group began to mutter in a low voice.

Qin Mu heard what they said and didn't care.

But for those people, the powerful team he led does make people feel a little jealous.

But what these people did not expect is that this powerful army is also some contractual relationship.

There was no connection between them, and it was a balance of power to bring them together.

"Don't worry, they won't take the initiative to attack."

The group behind Han Lao was relieved.

After seeing this situation, Little Loli immediately became interested.

"I have never understood why, how could you add these two powerful legions to your command.

Qin Mu looked at the little loli with a puzzled face, he knew that this person must have broken the casserole and asked to the end.

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