Since Qin Mu had already started, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately started a frantic attack.

I saw that the power released by the head of the Hong family was like a torrential rain, falling from the sky.

The powerful force directly suppressed Qin Mu in a very short period of time.

This is definitely not a power that ordinary people can have.

The Elf Queen saw all this in her eyes, and a worried look appeared on his face.

Because he can clearly see how powerful the patriarch of the Hong family is, there is no way for ordinary people to deal with this.

"Should we help, if Qin Mu has any problems, it will not be good for us and you in the Eternal City.

His words 490 voices echoed in Han Lao's ears.

When Elder Han heard what he said, there was a hint of indifference on his face.

"In my opinion, let's forget it, what is Qin Mu's strength? Actually, you are very clear in your heart.

"I have to say that the strength of the Hong family's patriarch is indeed strong, but with his current strength, it is not worth mentioning in front of Qin Mu.

It can be clearly felt that Mr. Han is not worried about Qin Mu at all.

The Elf Queen, who looked at everything in his eyes, heard Han Lao say this, and he didn't say anything more and shook his head slightly.

Everything that followed was just as they imagined, Qin Mu's power was extremely powerful, and under the attack of the Hong family's head, he was not in much danger.

The Elf Queen who saw this scene was relieved.

The Elf Queen knew in her heart that Qin Mu's strength was indeed strong, and judging from the current situation, he would definitely conquer the patriarch of the Hong family directly and completely with more powerful strength.

Just when he was thinking.

You can clearly see the Dongfang Clan and Murong Clan not far away, their disciples are constantly moving.

The movement of those people is very mysterious.

If nothing else, they must have other plans.

Seeing this, the elf queen said to Mr. Han again.

"Elder Han, I don't think the people from the Dongfang family and the Murong family (acbf) will wait for us quietly like this.

"They may have been studying in Anzhong. You can see that now they are constantly sending troops to approach us."

After the Elf Queen told Elder Han about her discovery.

Han Lao, who understood the situation, couldn't help showing a dignified look on his face, and after a while, she also began to line up.

Qin Mu has handed over all of this to Lao Han's control.

Han Lao naturally did not hesitate at all, and he immediately began to command the surrounding soldiers to resist.

After the surrounding soldiers understood the situation, they began to ambush in secret.

The Elf Queen didn't think that Han Lao thought of a countermeasure at the first time, which made him start to be a little vigilant.

He knew that with Lao Han's leadership ability, he would definitely be able to resolve the development of the Dongfang family and the Murong family.

What worries him the most now is if Qin Mu really has a problem in the fight against the head of the Hong family.

So with the powerful strength of the Hong family head, Qin Mu should be able to get some damage.

The Elf Queen looked worriedly at the situation Qin Mu was fighting.

At this moment, Qin Mu did not take the initiative to attack, but was constantly watching the attack of the head of the Hong family.

I don't know what Qin Mu is thinking, but there is one thing that the elf queen knows.

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