With Qin Mu's current strength, he will definitely be able to defeat the head of the Hong family.

Just when he was looking forward to it, Qin Mu's side was already moving, and he kept dodging the attack of the head of the red clan.

An angry look appeared on the face of the head of the Hong family, and he seemed to feel Qin Mu's disdain for him.

His somewhat icy voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"If you don't do it again, don't blame me for being rude, I will definitely let you all die without a burial.

After the voice fell, the head of the Hong family launched a frantic attack again, this time Qin Mu did not dodge.

The corners of Qin Mu's mouth rose slightly, as if he had already seen through all this, and a voice of contempt echoed in everyone's ears.

"Your strength is indeed strong, and Zhou Shen's domineering is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but you still have a fatal weakness, that is, you believe too much in your own strength."

Just as Qin Mu was speaking, the attack of the head of the Hong family had already hit him.

Everyone clearly saw how powerful this punch of the Hong family patriarch was.

This is definitely not something that ordinary people can compare to.

After everyone saw this scene, they all gasped, and some timid guys closed their eyes in unison.

They closed their eyes because they were afraid.

They were very scared, afraid that Qin Mu would be beaten by that guy.

If that was the case, the Eternal City would be completely plunged into endless despair.

However, on the other side, the Murong family patriarch and the Dongfang family patriarch saw this scene.

Each of them couldn't help showing excited expressions on their faces, because they knew in their hearts that the only people who could really defeat Qin Mu now were the powerful people from the Hong family.

But the current situation is not as simple as they seem, Qin Mu completely dodged their attack.

And now it is inseparable from the Hong family's main.

This is enough to show that Qin Mu's power is stronger than they imagined.

While Patriarch Dongfang watched in his heart, he was also contemplating his future.

No matter who wins this battle, they clearly feel what kind of existence the Eternal City really is.

They violated the Eternal City, which is the taboo of Qin Mu.

0.. ask for flowers ·

At the same time as Patriarch Dongfang was thinking, he secretly began to send people to prepare.

Patriarch Murong was also worried at the moment, he was very afraid that things would exceed his expectations.

Just when they felt uneasy in their hearts, they saw that the guy attacked by the fist of the Hong family's patriarch was disappearing.

The moment the head of the Hong family hit Qin Mu, he also realized something was wrong.


Because he could clearly feel that Qin Mu's body was not hindered in the slightest, it meant that the one in front of him was not his corpse at all.

But an afterimage.

It is indeed the same as what the head of the Hong family felt.

Qin Mu's speed was extremely fast, at the moment when the head of the Hong family attacked him.

He conveniently used his high-speed movement to leave an afterimage on the spot.

After the head of the Hong family discovered this, he realized that the situation was not right, and immediately began to defend himself.

But when he was defending, Qin Mu's voice sounded in his ear.

"My speed is not yours at all, it is comparable to you. The moment your body moves, it is already doomed that you cannot beat me." People.

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