This is also the easiest way for the wild ape family to select the patriarch.

Qin Mu still had that faint smile on his face after hearing what the ape chief said, staring straight at the ape chief.

"Master Patriarch, it's not that I don't plan to compete with you, but now I'm looking for my subordinates, which will take a lot of time, so I don't have much time to waste here. 99

His voice echoed in everyone's ears.

I didn't expect Qin Mu to reject the barbarian patriarch at the first time.

After the patriarch of the ape heard Qin Mu say this, his originally happy expression instantly froze.

You can clearly feel that his expression is full of anger at this moment.

"I don't understand what you mean, you have to know that now you are asking me for something, so let's not talk about the conditions of the exchange. 95

"He said that you don't want to compete with me, that's enough to show that you didn't put me in your eyes from the bottom of your heart.

An increasingly angry look appeared on the face of the barbarian patriarch.

So he clearly felt that at this moment, even his husband and wife had begun to rush.

The Elf Queen, who saw all this in his eyes, couldn't help taking a deep breath after hearing what Qin Mu said.

The main reason for this was because Qin Mu had actually offended the entire ape clan when he refused the invitation to fight from the ape chief.

You must know that the barbarian ape family itself is a group that respects force, and if there is a duel between the people among them.

Then they must fight, and only the winner can end the battle.

The patriarch of the barbarian ape sent Qin Mu an invitation to a duel, but Qin Mu refused.

This is the greatest request for the patriarch of the barbarian ape. At this moment, he can completely refuse any conditions of Qin Mu.

At the same time, he can also let his clansmen attack Qin Mu.

Worrying that things are going to get serious.

The Elf Queen walked slowly in front of Qin Mu, who thoughtfully expressed some thoughts in his heart.

"I suggest that you better accept their challenge, otherwise, the relationship between us may become very tense, and you will face the pursuit of the entire ape family.

The Elf Queen expressed her worries.

Qin Mu couldn't help but look surprised after hearing the words he was worried about.

Because he didn't understand why the Elf Queen would say such a thing?

When the Elf Queen saw the look of doubt on Qin Mu's face, he told all about the situation of the ape family.

After Qin Mu found out about the situation, a helpless look appeared on his face.

Qin Mu didn't want to waste too much time here, and it seemed that the situation was much worse than he expected.

An extremely solemn expression appeared on his face, and then he turned his head thoughtfully to look at the barbarian ape clan at the moment.

You can clearly feel Qin Mu's face, her expression has been relieved at this moment, and her thoughtful voice echoed in the ears of the ape patriarch.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know the rules of your savage ape clan. Since you have the rules that you must accept when you challenge, then I agree to your challenge."5

After Qin Mu said his thoughts, the face of the barbarian clan chief on the side showed a displeased voice.

"You only agreed to my challenge now, that is the greatest contempt for me, and you have to accept the most severe challenge of our barbarian ape tribe." Ren.

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