The barbarian patriarch stared straight at Qin Mu for a long time, his pupils shrank, and then a thoughtful voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

After hearing the words of the ape patriarch, Qin Mu naturally had no reason to refute, he nodded slightly.

"I was unreasonable. Although I said that those who didn't know were innocent, but I didn't have a certain understanding of your rules before, it was still my fault. No matter what kind of challenge you sent, I would accept "May 83""5


Qin Mu's attitude was very calm. After his words fell, the ape patriarch nodded slightly.

It can be clearly felt that it is still very satisfied with Qin Mu's attitude.

But now the elf queen's face showed an extremely worried look, because Qin Mu was going to accept their toughest challenge.

This toughest challenge is not something that the average person can take lightly.

His somewhat disturbed voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"I suggest that you better think about it, you have no idea what the most severe challenge of their family means."

The disturbed voice of the Elf Queen echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

After Qin Mu heard what he said, a surprised look appeared on his face, and then he said slowly.

"You're right, I really don't know what their toughest challenge is, but no matter what, I was so rude to them at first, and now even if they are stricter with me, I can accept it.

The Elf Queen just smiled indifferently and said slowly.

"Then you have to think clearly. Next, you are going to meet the most ferocious attack from this savage ape clan, and it is their entire clan."

This is the worry of the Elf Queen.

The most severe challenge of the barbarian ape family is to gather all the masters of the barbarian ape family, and they attack the challenger like a wheel battle.

Starting from the historical records of the ape family, no one has been able to successfully pass the severe challenge of their ape family.

Qin Mu agreed so easily, it was obvious that he was too reckless for such a challenge.

After hearing the words explained by the Elf Queen, Qin Mu just shrugged.

"Anyway, there is no possibility of regretting it so far, so it's not a bad idea for me to accompany them to have a good time."

After the voice fell, Qin Mu's affirmative voice echoed in the ears of the barbarian patriarch..

"Let's get started and don't waste time.

Qin Mu's attitude was very decisive, and the patriarch of the barbarian ape could not help but be shocked when he saw her indifference.

"Is this guy's strength really that strong? He is disdainful of the masters of our entire savage ape clan. 99

When the ape patriarch thought of this, he couldn't help but get even more angry. From the time he was despised from the beginning, he had already had a bad impression of Qin Mu.

Now Qin Mu still despised the masters of their wild ape clan.

He was naturally even more angry.

So he has already figured out a strategy to deal with it.

Slowly turned around and directly gathered all the masters in the family.

After all the masters of the barbarian ape clan gathered, the thoughtful voice of the barbarian ape family chief echoed in the ears of those masters.

"The guy we're going to challenge this time, wants to challenge the toughest model in our family."9

"And that guy refused my challenge from the beginning. His attitude was very arrogant, so I hope you teach him to be a man."

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