Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Seven: Elementary Ancient Origin Technique

"Because Grandpa Massoke asked me to help you collect things when we first met. I was afraid of encountering a liar, so I asked Teacher Agur. Teacher Agur told me your name!" Chen Qing looked at Ma with a natural expression. Sok said.

Just now, he thought that one of the chain tasks of Marsok in the strategy was to send 10 gold coins to Agur's widow in the name of Marsok.

It seems that the two definitely have friendship.

In desperation, Chen Qing quickly took out Agur as a shield, and poked Masok secretly by the way—I have a teacher, and if you ask me any more questions, I won't learn magic with you.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Qing's words, Ma Suoke's eyes disappeared, and he said quickly: "So it turns out that you are Agur's student, so it's no wonder that your perception of magic is not low, but, Agur doesn't Too good at teaching students, you have to continue to learn from him, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make a big difference in the future, cough cough."

After speaking, he coughed to hide his embarrassment.

There was no reaction on Chen Qing's face, and his eyes almost rolled to the sky in his heart.

For the continuation of the lineage of the ancient mages, Masok didn't even want to be ashamed.

Agur still doesn't know how to teach students?

Several of his students have become benchmark figures that influence the direction of the edition, and they are short of writing the words "Son of the Edition" on their heads. How difficult is it to make a big difference?

If it weren't for the fact that the time-space mage was too perverted, he would probably have to rush to learn from Aguer.

But now that Marsok has said so, Chen Qing is also happy to climb down the pole, pretending to know nothing and said: "Don't you say that, Mr. Agur is a very powerful magic teacher, what are you doing?" I don't understand how you can say that about Teacher Agur!"

After hearing Chen Qing's words, Marsoke immediately blew his nose and stared, "What? I don't understand anything? Boy, let me tell you, I'm an ancient mage with a higher level than Agur!"

Seeing Marsoke take the bait, Chen Qing thought inwardly, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said: "Bragging, I have never heard of the name of the ancient mage, did you call it yourself? And Aguer The teacher can learn the advanced knowledge of three different mages, Grandpa Masok, can you?"

Ma Suoke's face was flushed, like a cat whose foot has been stepped on sorely, and he said loudly: "How can Aguer's three advancement directions compare to the advancement of the ancient mage lineage? You said that my stuff is not powerful, right?" Well, I will pass on my magic knowledge to you and see if you can comprehend it within a week. If you can’t comprehend it, it proves that my magic knowledge is more profound than Agur’s!"

"Ding, do you want to accept Masok's mission?"

[D-level task] Comprehend the magic of ancient mages (2/4)

Mission introduction: Massok wants to use it to let others learn ancient magic to understand the profoundness of ancient magic...but it may have the opposite effect!

Task content: The ancient mage's exclusive magic [Elementary Ancient Origin Technique] proficiency level reaches Lv: 2

Time limit: 7 days

Task reward: 3 gold coins, 27 experience points.

Failure penalty: Massok favorability -50, task line frozen


This task is a continuous task, Chen Qing must accept it.

Seeing Chen Qing accepting the task, Marsok showed a look of success in his eyes, but he hid it well.

"Since you have agreed to learn my magic inheritance, I will give you the magic book about elementary ancient source arts. Ask me if you don't understand anything. Let me tell you in advance that if you still fail to learn the elementary magic after a week Ancient origin technique, it proves that you don't have the talent to learn the inheritance of ancient mages, and you will learn from Aguer honestly in the future!" Ma Suoke glanced at Chen Qing and said slowly.

Chen Qing didn't reply to Marsok's words, and started to read the elementary ancient origin technique book that he handed over.

Marsok didn't care when he saw Chen Qing ignoring him, he only cared about whether Chen Qing could learn the primary ancient origin technique.

But what Marsok didn't know was that the way Chen Qing read the book was just pretending in front of him.

Chen Qing's attention has long been on the panel.

The NPCs in this world acquire knowledge and grow through learning, growing slowly, and practicing, but Chen Qing has a player panel. After receiving the skill book, there is no need to study at all, just use the panel to read it directly.

At this moment, Chen Qing's panel shows the skills of primary ancient source technique:

Passive skill: [Elementary Ancient Origin Technique]

Skill level: Lv: 1

Skill introduction: The ancient source technique is the foundation of the ancient mage's inheritance. After practicing the ancient source, the magic elements in the practitioner's body can be successfully converted into more advanced energy, the ancient source force.

Skill effect:

Skill cooldown reduced by 1% X skill level

Reduce energy loss by 1% X skill level when releasing skills

Energy recovery rate increased by 1% X skill level

When casting offensive skills, increase the damage of the ancient mage's exclusive skills by X (X=current intelligence X5%X skill level)

When using the exclusive skills of ancient mages, there is a 1% chance of X skill level to increase the caster's intelligence by 20%

After Chen Qing read the skill introduction of the elementary ancient origin technique, his first reaction was: it is not unreasonable for the ancient mage to be so weak in the early stage.

Although this passive skill looks rich in skill effects, it can be said to be the core skill of an ancient mage. The core passive skills of any profession have very rich effects.

The reason why the ancient mage's core skills are so weak is that in the early and mid-term of the player, the skill cooling time, energy loss, and recovery of these attributes are actually useless.

Other professions always focus on reducing damage, strengthening, and passively increasing attributes, while ancient mages tend to focus on cooling time, vigor, and recovery, which seem to be very useless.

And even if the skill level reaches the top level of level 10, it can only reduce the cooldown by 10%. For small skills with very short cooldown time in the early stage, the advantage is almost zero.

Look at the effect of exclusive skill damage. This effect basically has no effect until the player reaches level 100.

For mages before level 100, their intelligence is only between 300 and 400, and the average increased damage is only about 200.

For a bonus of several thousand damage at every turn, 200 is too pitiful.

But Chen Qing, as an ashes player of Multi-War, knows that these seemingly useless skills in the early stage are actually the truly terrifying skills in the later stage.

In the career path after the ancient mage, you can learn the intermediate ancient source technique at level 80. At that time, it will almost be on par with ordinary professions, and it will be weaker than hidden professions.

But after reaching level 200, after learning advanced ancient origin techniques, all kinds of forbidden spells and powerful skills have basically become low-cooling states. Others dare not use the big move, and you treat the big move as a small skill. Let it go casually, anyone who faces an ancient mage of this level will have his head swollen.

And for Chen Qing, because he has twice as many attribute points as others, his professional strength period will come earlier.

Even because of the attribute bonus of the starry sky behemoth Kong, he may not be weak in the early stage.

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