After Chen Qing learned the elementary ancient origin technique, he smiled and said to Marsoke: "Grandpa Masoke, then I will accept the elementary ancient origin technique book first, and I will come back to you when I am finished practicing!"

Marsok probably never imagined that Chen Qing could learn the elementary ancient origin technique by relying on the panel in an instant. Now Chen Qing only needs to practice the proficiency to go directly to Lv: 2.

Below the elementary ancient source technique, there is a proficiency experience bar. It takes 200 experience points to upgrade from level 1 proficiency to level 2. This experience bar is shared with the level experience bar.

In other words, if Chen Qing kills a small stone monster, he can get 9 experience points, so he can put the 9 experience points in the storage pool for upgrading or increasing skill proficiency.

In this way, although the speed of upgrading will be affected, the skill proficiency will be twice that of ordinary players.

After Chen Qing learned the basic ancient source technique, she felt a certain change in the flow of magic power in her body, suppressed this change, and hurriedly bid farewell to Marsok.

If this old man knew that he had learned the ancient origin technique after reading the book, it would probably scare him into doubting his life.

Mainly, Chen Qing subconsciously kept an eye out.

Although this is a game world, after Chen Qing traveled here, he felt that it was no different from the normal world.

Humans have seven emotions and six desires, and naturally they also have greed.

If you know that Chen Qing doesn't need to learn anything, you can learn it immediately, it is estimated that many people will have thoughts about Chen Qing.

Chen Qing didn't dare to treat the characters here as NPCs.

After leaving the cabin, Chen Qing went straight to the familiar rocky basin.

For Chen Qing, the leveling difficulty and experience of the little rock monster are quite considerable.

To raise the proficiency of the ancient origin technique to level 2, 200 experience points are needed.

With the spirit of Chen Qing's "Gan Emperor", it is estimated that today will become a dark day for the little rock monsters.

Throughout the afternoon, a small figure appeared from time to time in the rocky basin, avoiding the attacks of the little rock monsters.

After about 3 or 4 hours, Chen Qing successfully upgraded the ancient source technique to level 2, and the flow of magic power in his body changed slightly, and the flow speed became faster and faster.

Chen Qing exhaled lightly, every improvement brought Chen Qing a very comfortable feeling.

In fact, it didn't take that long to kill one small stone monster, but after Chen Qing killed the second small stone monster, the other small stone monsters began to hide around as if they sensed danger.

Instead, Chen Qing spent more time looking for the little rock monster than fighting it.

Looking at the time on the board, it was almost time for dinner. Chen Qing thought about it, and instead of returning to Masok to hand in the task, he went back to the small town first.

He had to return to Marsok to hand in the task in two days, and he didn't want Marsok to know that he had raised the proficiency of the ancient origin technique to level 2 in one afternoon.

There is another reason...

That is, Chen Qing is hungry...

Yes, hungry.

When playing Multiwarfare, characters don't feel hungry, nor do they need to eat.

But when he came to this world, Chen Qing could be considered integrated into this world, so he would naturally be hungry like a normal person.

Such a real sense of hunger constantly reminds Chen Qing that this world is a real world, not a game virtual world.

When returning to the town, Chen Qing randomly picked a noodle restaurant and walked in.

The proprietress is a woman who still has charm. When she saw Chen Qing coming in, she smiled and said to Chen Qing: "Xiaoqing, sit down wherever you want. What would you like to eat today?"

Chen Qing saw the proprietress's name was "Zhu Na" through the panel, and quickly replied: "Aunt Zhu Na, just give me a bowl of beef noodles, thank you!"

After speaking, Chen Qing took out a silver coin and handed it to the proprietress.

The proprietress smiled and took the silver coins from Chen Qing, pointed to the table and chairs beside her, and said with a smile, "Sit down! The beef noodles will be ready soon!"

Chen Qing nodded and sat up.

At this time, the door of the noodle shop was pushed open, and a man in a gray magic robe and a face scarf walked in from the outside.

He casually threw two silver coins to the proprietress, and a hoarse voice said, "Madam proprietress, a bowl of noodles and a glass of wine."

After speaking, the man in the gray magic robe found a side seat and sat down.

Just happened to sit at the table next to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing secretly wondered, he had never seen this NPC when playing games, could it be that he was killed in the invasion of the Liko tribe?

Subconsciously, Chen Qing used the panel and threw it towards the NPC.

Lites | Wanten

grade:? ? ?

Occupation: Elemental Mage

strength:? ? ?

endurance:? ? ?

Spirit:? ? ?

intelligence:? ? ?

Chen Qing sat up straight when he saw the panel introduction.

What shocked him was not the question marks behind the attributes such as level and strength. Now Chen Qing is just a child of level 2. Let's see who is not like this.

What made him feel unbelievable was the word "Wanten" after Lites' name.

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