"What did you say?" Tianyi Shengzun's pupils contracted suddenly, and he looked at Chen Qing in disbelief.

Chen Qing shook his head and smiled, then looked around with a sigh.

"I don't want to kill you so quickly, you can chat with me at the last moment..." Chen Qing smiled.

Then he waved his hand lightly, and suddenly a strange space appeared in front of the two of them.

Tables and chairs were born immediately.

"Sit!" Chen Qing nodded to His Holiness Tianyi as if inviting a friend.

It didn't look like he was going to kill him at all.

Tianyi Shengzun looked extremely shocked, but at this moment Chen Qing could easily kill him with a flip of his hand. He had no choice, so he sat obediently opposite Chen Qing.

"Chen Qing... why are you the master behind this world! You clearly..."

"I obviously died in the real world, right? Li Tianyi!"

Chen Qing didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and spoke immediately.

"You have known my identity in the real world for a long time, but you have been pretending not to know, why?"

After Tianyi Shengzun heard Chen Qing's words, his face showed complicated expressions, and he hesitated to speak.

Seeing the appearance of Tianyi Shengzun, Chen Qing laughed loudly: "Let me guess!"

"In the real world, I didn't die normally, but... was killed by the game company! You know this, so you have no face to face me, and you lied that you didn't know me!"

Tianyi Shengzun suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Qing: "You are obviously dead, why do you know what happened next, why did you appear here? You have no idea how shocked I was when I saw you !"

Chen Qing took a serious look at Tianyi Shengzun, seeing that the shocked expression on Tianyi Shengzun's face did not seem to be fake, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, and sighed: "It seems that you don't know the game company doing."

Tianyi Shengzun seemed to have forgotten that his power was constantly passing away, and he was not far away from death. At this moment, he looked at Chen Qing seriously, and asked, "What did the company do after that?"

Chen Qing smiled, then stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Immediately, scenes in the real world appeared in front of him.

"This is the picture I got after reading the consciousness of the game company executives, take a good look at it!"

After Tianyi Shengzun heard it, he quickly looked at the picture in front of him.

In the screen, there was a picture of a middle-aged man and a man in a suit chatting in the office.

At this moment, the middle-aged man stood up and angrily yelled at the man in a suit opposite him: "Crystals can affect people's consciousness and give people a great sense of reality. For this reason, we specially obtained the crystals. Leave it to you for research, but how long has passed! Why can't crystals be used in games!"

The man who was questioned looked helpless, and said with a bitter face: "This crystal does have this ability, but it is difficult to combine it with the game program, because the crystal is rigid, and once combined with the game program, there will be many loopholes. It will also be unstable!"

The bald, middle-aged man spoke impatiently: "This is a problem with your ability. I just want to know how to solve it? If I can't figure it out today, I will change to a different R&D team. You guys pack up and get out of the company!"

After hearing the bald middle-aged man's words, the man in the suit showed a cloudy look on his face, and then he seemed to have made up his mind and said to the middle-aged man, "Boss, I have a solution!"

After hearing this, the middle-aged man suddenly became happy and said, "What can I do?"

The man in the suit hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth, and said, "We just need to create a consciousness for this crystal, and let this crystal manage its own loopholes in the game world!"

After hearing what the man in the suit said, the middle-aged man frowned: "Be more specific."

The man in the suit took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "To put it simply, it is to connect the consciousness of a person who is very familiar with this game with the crystal through the game cabin, and set up a role similar to a game administrator. That's how it works!"

The middle-aged man frowned: "It's easy to find someone who is familiar with the game, you can just find a professional player, but... this requires this professional player to never go offline, otherwise, the game will be lost if he goes offline. There will be loopholes! And we have to guard against the idea that this person will leave the job and not want to continue, otherwise is it not a waste of effort?"

"What's the use of the method you mentioned? Who would want to completely abandon their life in the real world and live in the game world forever?"

After hearing the question from the middle-aged man, a gloomy look suddenly appeared on the face of the man in the suit, and he whispered to the middle-aged man in a cold voice: "Boss... the dead... only the real The stability of..."

After hearing what the man in the suit said, the middle-aged man gasped: "What do you mean?"

The man in the suit showed a ruthless expression: "Just do nothing, find a professional player, and let him..."

As he spoke, the man in the suit made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Now that medical technology is advanced, we can completely take out his brain, retain his brain's activity and thinking ability, and connect it to the crystal at the same time, so...he can make the crystal produce consciousness without any ability to resist!"

After hearing what the man in the suit said, the middle-aged man showed a cloudy look on his face, constantly thinking about the pros and cons of it.

After a while, the middle-aged man looked at the man in the suit, and then slowly asked, "Among the professional players... has anyone signed an agreement similar to organ donation?"

The man in the suit quickly pulled out a piece of data and kept sifting through it. Then, from this data sheet, he found the information of a professional player.

"Boss, this man named Chen Qing, signed a public welfare organ donation agreement a year ago."

"Chen Qing? I know him, he seems to be the champion of the last professional league!" The boss took over the information of the man in the suit and looked it over carefully.


The boss thought for a while, and then said: "The interests of the company are above everything else, so let's sacrifice this young man named Chen Qing! But we don't have to take the initiative, we can create some accidents, so that no one can find out that we did it!"

"Accident?" The man in the suit was taken aback.

The boss smiled, and then slowly said: "Professional players all have game cabins. It's very simple. The background control program increases the power of the game cabin to the maximum. The body of a normal person cannot withstand such a large power. He Sudden death from cardiac paralysis is inevitable! At that time, I can get his qualifications for organ donation through my relationship, so... his brain will be ours!"

After hearing the boss's words, the man in the suit's eyes lit up immediately, and said, "The boss is smart! I'll execute it now!"


The man in the suit stopped immediately and looked at the middle-aged man in confusion.

"The person in charge of this matter, just ask him to execute it. As for the specific reason, there is no need to tell him... Also, sign a sealed contract with him. After finishing this matter, find a way to put him under house arrest in the company." !"

The man in the suit smiled and said, "Don't worry, boss, I know."

"By the way, what is the name of the person in charge of controlling the backstage of the game cabin?"

The man in the suit smiled, and then slowly uttered three words:

"Tianyi Li..."

(Don't panic, the finale will be tomorrow! Hold on to the rice!)

By the way, Rice thought of a few titles, let's vote for them! (Some students did not use the title of the book not because they are not excellent, but because everyone is not clear about the content of the new book, so the name they thought of may not be suitable for the direction of the new book of Dami~ sorry)

1. "Lord of the Spiritual Way"

2. "Resurrection of Reiki: I'm the Big Boss Behind the Scenes"

3. "The whole world is kept in the dark by me"

4. "My disciples spread across all races"

5. "All Races Are My Spies"

Which title do you like the first time? Or which title will make you want to click in and read it? vote!

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