The screen stops abruptly from here.

Chen Qing looked at Tianyi Shengzun with a half-smile, and said, "Although you are not the mastermind, in a sense, it is you who directly killed me!"

His Holiness Tianyi opened his mouth, with an expression of guilt on his face, he slumped down on the chair and said, "I'm sorry... Chen Qing... When I was doing this, he lied to me that There was no one in the game cabin, so I was asked to test it... As a result, after I operated it, I suddenly discovered that there was actually someone in the game cabin..."

"But it's too late..." Tianyi Shengzun shook his head dejectedly and said.

Chen Qing's eyes were full of coldness: "I also understand what happened afterwards, and I wonder why you want to wake up everyone so much. In fact, you didn't enter the game normally at all, but was sent by the senior management of the game company through the game cabin. You are imprisoned inside, you are the person that the game company uses to test the stability of the crystal, and you are also the first person to really enter this world!"

"So, your game cabin doesn't have normal nutrition at all! Others can continue to sleep, but you can't! If you don't wake up, you will die!"

Tianyi Shengzun nodded with a wry smile, and then he said: "Actually, I did not enter the memory of era-level awakening, because in the real world, my physical body is about to reach its limit, so I was awakened under the threat of physical death. lost memory.

And the opportunity of Primal Chaos Daoist was not my mistake at all, but I was familiar with the mechanism of the game and knew that there was a lot of energy gathering in that place, so I arrived at that place and charged the opportunity to be promoted to the era level! "

Chen Qing's eyes were extremely cold: "That opportunity is what I prepared for myself!"

This Tianyi sage nodded numbly: "I have already realized..."

Afterwards, the aura of Tianyi Shengzun became weaker and weaker. He looked at Chen Qing, then gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Qing, your matter is that I am sorry for you, but when I was doing this, it was Unaware! don't have to be completely hopeless!"

Chen Qing frowned, and looked at Tianyi Shengzun.

Tianyi Shengzun immediately said: "I have seen this crystal before, and it has strong plasticity! At this moment, your brain domain has been connected to the crystal. After the crystal is strengthened, your brain domain must have produced a huge amount. The metamorphosis produced all kinds of supernatural powers! You might as well be resurrected in the real world with crystals as your body!"

Chen Qing raised his head, looked at Tianyi Shengzun seriously, and asked, "Really? What should we do?"

Tianyi Shengzun thought for a while, and then said: "Do you still remember the way Jincan was born? Destroy the world, gather all the power at one point, and then you can break out of the cocoon and be reborn, affecting the real world, truly from the real world. Reborn!"

"You mean, you want me to destroy this world?" Chen Qing said slowly.

Venerable Tianyi said uncertainly, "It should be like this..."

"Should?" Chen Qing suddenly became emotional: "It's a good one! Li Tianyi, Li Tianyi! Once I destroy this world, doesn't it mean that I am dead and the crystal self-destructs? Do you really think I'm a fool so easy to fool? As long as The crystal self-destructs, and your consciousness can wake up in the real world, so you have achieved your goal!"

"Until now, you still want to plot against me!"

Tianyi Shengzun quickly explained: "Chen Qing, don't get excited, after all, I don't fully understand crystals, and I haven't experienced such a thing, but there is still a great chance..."

Before Tianyi Shengzun finished speaking, Chen Qing suddenly snorted coldly and said, "Enough! Die for me!"

The next moment, the body of Tianyi Shengzun directly shattered, and was crushed by Chen Qing's thought.

Chen Qing slowly withdrew her outstretched hand, a trace of exhaustion and loneliness seemed to appear in her eyes, and she sat down slowly.

At this moment, Jin Shan's figure gradually appeared beside Chen Qing.

Chen Qing glanced at Jin Shan, his expression neither sad nor happy: "You're here!"

Jin Shan nodded, and slowly sat beside Chen Qing.

"I finally understand why I have such a strong sense of trust in you..." Chen Qing said to himself slowly.

"You are the program I created, so I will naturally trust you, and Jin Can is actually the program I created... It's just that he seems to have undergone some mutations during the iteration process and has begun to devour the master. "

"But it doesn't matter, I can still create a new program." Chen Qing muttered to himself.

At this moment, Jin Shan sighed and said, "Master, you are still too lonely..."

Chen Qing's eyes showed a strong sense of vicissitudes and loneliness, and his eyes showed pain. He said: "The time ratio between this world and the real world is hundreds of thousands, tens of millions, hundreds of millions to one!"

"It is possible that one day has passed in the real world, and hundreds of thousands or tens of millions of years have passed in this world..."

"In the beginning, I was the only one in this world. Do you know how terrifying this feeling of loneliness is? For hundreds of millions of years, I was the only one floating alone in this world! I can't die!" Chen Qing's In the eyes, filled with extreme sadness.

"Later... I gradually mastered powerful power and began to merge with this world, creating you and Jin Can."

"After merging with the world, I can perceive what is happening in the real world..."

"I will know... how I died!"

"I hate! I hate the so-called manager of the game company. He killed me for his own selfishness and threw me into this never-ending world!"

"So, I activated the power of the crystals and began to affect the real world, pulling the executives of the game company into the game world one by one, while in reality they fell into a deep sleep forever!"

"In order to imprison them and make them feel endless loneliness, I created the so-called Supreme Battlefield! It's just a trash can, a prison! In the Supreme Battlefield, there is a dead silence, without a single bit of power, and all evil thoughts are destroyed. They will turn into evil spirits and devour the souls of these executives!"

"But I didn't want them to die quickly, so I created the Six Realms of Reincarnation! Let them live in pain, torture, and loneliness in the supreme battlefield, life after life!"

Chen Qing's voice was filled with endless resentment!

"It's a pity... it was too painful in the game world, and their consciousness in the real world collapsed directly, and they died one after another!"

"After they died, the world fell into endless loneliness..."

"Later... the players came in..."

A smile finally appeared on Chen Qing's face, as if thinking of something wonderful, he said slowly, "'s so interesting!"

"With players, the world will be lively!"

"But... soon some players realized that something was wrong in this world, and began to boycott this game in the real world!"

"How can this work!" Chen Qing said to himself.

"I've been lonely for so long, and finally someone came to accompany me, how can I let them leave!"

"So I affected reality, sending out special thinking fluctuations through the game cabins one by one, affecting everyone's thinking!"

"Soon, everyone's consciousness entered this world..."

"I will erase all their memories."

"Life after life, the shattering of each era represents the birth of these players in this world with new identities."

"And I am also happy to participate in this game."

"So I sealed my cultivation and memory, and with a new identity, I continued to reincarnate in this world, experiencing one era after another, and every era, I started again."

"And the so-called system is actually myself. It is my own thoughts and power that have been sealed, and finally returned to my body."

At this time, Jin Shan stepped forward, sighed, and said slowly, "Master, are you going to start a new round of reincarnation? The power of the main universe is still there, and I can re-breed a new universe!"

After hearing Jin Shan's words, Chen Qing hesitated for a while, then slowly shook her head, and said, "No need... I'm a little tired from reincarnation, please let me stay by myself for a while. I want to take a break!"

Jin Shan hesitated to speak, then nodded, and slowly disappeared in front of Chen Qing.

As soon as Chen Qing's figure moved, he came into the chaos, floating aimlessly in the chaos.

Everything he saw was chaos.

Chen Qing has seen the scene in front of him countless times...

For hundreds of millions of years, Chen Qing was tired of seeing the scenery in front of him.

"I can still reincarnate... I can even control reality to keep everyone alive... But... what's the use of it..."

"No one knows better than me that this world is a false world!"

"The so-called enjoyment is nothing but self-deception!"

Chen Qing sighed with disgust on his face.

"I'm tired, I'm really tired! The endless life, in the end, becomes a meaningless killing time, which makes me miserable instead."

At this moment, Chen Qing's mind flashed what Lei Ming and the others said before standing in front of him.

"Remember to wake me up! Let's meet in reality!"

"Chen Qing, meet in reality, remember to wake me up!"

"Remember to wake me up!"

"Remember to wake me up!"

Chen Qing froze in place, with an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

"Yeah... I promised you... I will wake you up in reality and get together in reality..."

"What's the point of me continuing to stay in this world?"

"Reality..." Chen Qing muttered to himself.

"In reality, I am already dead, how can I get together with you?"

Suddenly... In Chen Qing's mind, the words that Tianyi Shengzun said before his death emerged.

"Break the world, you can be reborn in reality!"

"Can you really be reborn? Or is it just your side story!" Chen Qing said to himself.

Immediately, Chen Qing sighed deeply, and said, "Forget it...I'm tired too, I've lived long enough, even if I really doesn't matter, I will help you... "

The power in Chen Qing's body gradually spread out.

With the overflow of his power, the world began to gradually crack open, looking like the end of the world.

"Go back to reality! Wake up!"

"This is what I promise you!"

At this moment, Chen Qing released all the consciousness imprisoned in this world, freeing him from the shackles of this world.

Soon, the surrounding world completely collapsed.

"Jin Shan, I'm sorry, I want you to die with me!"

Chen Qing smiled wryly.

"It doesn't matter, master, my life is what you gave me!"

Jin Shan's figure appeared behind Chen Qing, without any trace of resentment.


The chaos collapsed, and the world finally began to collapse towards a point in the center.

Eventually... completely collapsed to a point...


one year later...

Above a bustling city, there is a huge screen playing news.

"Today last year was the day when all the people escaped from the malfunction of the game, so we set today as "Escape Day for All" to commemorate the feat of everyone escaping from the game at the same time!"

The host talked eloquently, broadcasting the news at a slow pace.

"Here's a piece of news."

"After all the citizens escaped from the game glitch, some citizens' brains were developed, and both their reaction and strength were greatly improved..."

"Even some citizens have awakened various abilities!"

Soon, the screen appeared on the screen of citizens generating supernatural powers.

I saw that the citizens on the screen were able to spew terrifying flames from their mouths, burning up the obstacles in front of them!

After seeing this scene, the people who were watching the news couldn't help being in an uproar.

Soon, the figure of the host appeared on the screen again.

"Besides, according to the reactions of relevant citizens, unknown energy factors seem to appear in various places. These energy factors can be absorbed by the human body. After absorption, there is no adverse reaction, but the body has been strengthened!"

"After identification by the relevant agencies, it was found that these energy factors can stimulate the potential of organisms and help organisms evolve. If absorbed in large quantities, they can even produce life leaps!"

"After the unanimous resolution of the relevant departments, this special energy factor is called aura!"

"In the future era, human beings are about to enter the era of aura recovery!"

The host's words resounded through the streets.

And in a cafe on the street, there are several young people sitting at the moment.

"Interesting, the spiritual energy has recovered!"

"Some time ago, I heard that there are special space passages in some places, which seem to be able to connect to other worlds, but they haven't been fully explored yet, so I haven't made this information public."

"Actually, I've been across these passages."

At this time, one of the men whispered.

After hearing the man's words, the others couldn't help being stunned.

"Really, Lei Ming, have you been to the other side of the passage?"

The man smiled proudly, and said, "I am the strongest in the military's awakening ability, so of course I was sent there!"

At this time, the only girl among them couldn't help asking curiously: "Then what's on the other side? I want to go and have a look too!"

After Lei Ming heard this, his eyes became serious, and he shook his head and said to the girl, "Desna, although you have awakened the power of war, the world over there is very dangerous!"

"Very dangerous?" Everyone was surprised.

Lei Ming nodded, and said slowly: "The opposite side of these passages is connected to the world of alien races. Some alien races are extremely cruel, and they have been exposed to spiritual energy earlier than us, and their power is much stronger than ours!"

"It is very possible that we will face the invasion of alien races in the future, and we will go to war with alien races!"

After hearing Lei Ming's words, everyone was shocked, with disbelief on their faces.

At this time, a young man suddenly opened the door and walked in, and sat down on the empty seat beside Lei Ming and the others with ease.

The young man was smiling and wore a small necklace with the word "Heaven" around his neck.

He casually picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

"Foreigners? It's interesting. In two days, I will go to the land of aliens with you, and we will meet these aliens!" The young man said to Lei Ming with a smile.

After hearing the young man's words, everyone immediately laughed.

"If you go there, I think the alien race will be in bad luck!"

Youth is noncommittal.

At this moment, Lei Ming suddenly saw with sharp eyes that the young man was drinking Desna's coffee.

And Desna didn't stop her, as if she was used to it.

Lei Ming widened his eyes, pointed at the young man and Desna, and stammered:

"Chen Qing, you two, are you already together?"

(End of the book)

(The book is finished! Today Rice will simultaneously release a new book "All Races Are My Spies", and finally decided to call it this name! Thank you for your continued support!)

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(The new book is rushing! Chong Duck!!)

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