This mage, who was once a hero who fought against Diablo, is now addicted to the power of demons and has fallen into what he is now.

Out of respect for the hero, Zhang Yang condensed a bone spear, a set of silky combos, and took it away directly.

This is definitely not Zhang Yang's itch, just out of respect for the hero!

After liberating the hero's corpse with flames, Zhang Yang opened the portal to Ta Rasha and entered the most mysterious and powerful mage - Ta Rasha's tomb.

It is also the place where Baal, the Devil of Destruction, is sealed.

As Zhang Yang had expected, Diablo had already completed the liberation of Baal, and endless demons filled the entire ancient tomb.

He didn't prepare to explore one by one, and because he didn't find Deckard Kane, he didn't know which tomb the real tomb was this time.

However, he has many people.

The army of the "597" undead dispersed, and every 5 teams entered an ancient tomb.

48 boss-level summoned creatures, never used up!

The rest were sent by Zhang Yang to clean the entire map.

Zhang Yang took advantage of this time and after a short rest, got the news of the correct ancient tomb.

Driving the giant dragon to go quickly, after inserting the Horadric staff into the altar in the real tomb, the violent energy instantly poured out and shattered the wall next to it.

A terrifying figure, accompanied by boundless cold air, walked out from the broken wall.

[King of Pain - Duriel (King Class)]


【Level: 40】

【HP: 2000W】

【Attack: 2W】

【Defense: 1W】

[Talent: Cold of Soul, Torment of Pain]

"It's been a long time since I had a taste of human beings.

As soon as Duriel appeared, he rushed towards Zhang Yang like a heavy tank.

Wherever he passed, there were faint blue traces left behind.

Although it doesn't seem obvious, if you really touch these traces accidentally, the soul of ordinary people will be frozen instantly.

Even adventurers can't completely avoid this cold, and the speed is greatly reduced.

Coupled with Duriel's powerful attack, ordinary people really have to pay some price to kill him.

But Zhang Yang doesn't need it.

The bone spear condensed in his hand, and with a flick of his finger, the bone spear instantly pierced through Duriel's body.


A full seven-digit damage emerged from Duriel's head, and the blood on his head disappeared in an instant, even more than a third!

"What the hell hurt!

Just when Duriel was still shocked by the terrifying damage caused by Zhang Yang's bone spear, the next move came.

A group of vengeful spirits with white light appeared from Zhang Yang's hands, wailing and rushing towards Duriel.


The eight-digit damage directly exploded Duriel's entire body, and even the second Bone Spirit's damage failed to explode.

"Hint: You killed Duriel, the King of Pain, and you gained 100W experience. 35

"Hint: Your level has been increased."

Accompanied by two prompts, a purple light accompanied by two dark golden lights exploded into the sky from Duriel, and then landed lightly on Zhang Yang's side.

Picking up the dropped equipment, Zhang Yang saw that it was completely useless.

The purple equipment is a dagger, called the Shadow Dagger, with a terrifying 1W attack, and the wielder can use part of the shadow power.

For Zhang Yang, the dagger was useless.

You can't expect a necromancer to go up and fight bayonets, right?

He is not a mage of the Asa God race, so he is not that stupid.

Two Dark Gold Legends are exclusive to other professions, a Druid's Wave Head and a Barbarian's Skeleton Helmet, which Zhang Yang can't use for the time being.

After cleaning the battlefield, Zhang Yang came to the space behind the wall and saw the angel with light wings.

Archangel of Justice - Tyrael!

After some nonsense, Zhang Yang watched the archangel who didn't know what to do, opened a portal and left here.

And Zhang Yang also came to the purpose of his trip, which is Duriel's treasure chest.

This is a pure gold coin treasure chest. After Zhang Yang opened it, he got a full 23 gold coins!

This is also Zhang Yang's favorite treasure chest.

In the meantime, Zhang Yang knew that once he went out, it would cause the second update of the Infinity Tower. He was going to think about whether he was ready for the second update.

Unlike the first update, the second update has more changes.

The first is that the conditions for resurrection after death are different.

After the second update, if the player dies unfortunately, a corpse will be left at the place of death. The player needs to use a body that has no combat power except for the skills imprinted on his soul, to go to the place of death and leave it there. The corpse below can be merged into one, in order to be able to restore its own strength.

Otherwise, you need to consume 10% of the attribute points to re-condense a body with combat power.

Of course, the original equipment on the body will also disappear.

This is the first point, and it also limits the way to kill BOSS with resurrection flow.

The next day, the fusion of reality and the Infinity Tower increased again.

If it is said that the first update just gave everyone an extraordinary seed, then the second fusion is that this seed takes root and sprouts.

Everyone can play 10% of the combat power of the endless tower game characters in reality.

For example, a level 20 ordinary barbarian, after the second update, can become a strong man who can carry a cauldron, and can even force a car to stop at full speed without being damaged. !

Another example is a level 20 ordinary mage, who can control the various elements that gradually increase between heaven and earth, thereby releasing gorgeous magic.

For example... In a word, after the second fusion, the order of the whole world will be greatly impacted.

Third point.

Because of the fusion of the two worlds, some creatures in the Infinity Tower can also come to this planet through special means.


The place where they descend will be turned into a special area. If these monsters are not killed in a short period of time, these areas will be transformed into existences similar to game copies, and the creatures that occupy this area will continue to be born.

fourth point.

This is about in-game.

After the second update, in addition to the endless battlefield, when entering the third floor of the endless tower, you will meet the members of the civilization who came to the endless tower at the same time.

At the end of the third act, the winning civilization will be decided, with 100% experience and an increase in explosion rate within 1 year!

In other words, in the third act, the Blue Star players no longer compete with each other within themselves, but compete with several, or even a dozen civilizations, on the same stage. Under the coercion of the victor, lingering on.

The Tower of Infinity is not a charity.

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