Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

117: Announce the secret, only 1 silver coin!

"Full server reminder: Ta Rasha's tomb has been cleaned up, and Duriel, the king of pain, has died, meeting the conditions for dungeon generation."

"The new large-scale dungeon - [Tomb of Ta Rasha] has been opened. Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Difficult, Brave, King. A maximum of 40 people can enter in a team, and the required level is 35."

"Hint: New dungeons are created because of you, and you can share 10% of each player's dungeon revenue as your own reward."9

"Hint: Duriel has been killed, and if the conditions are met, the Tower of Infinity will undergo a large-scale update in 10 minutes."5

"Updates: Death penalty changed, world fusion increased, regional blockade opened.

"Death penalty:

As Zhang Yang walked out of the Ta Rasha Tomb, several prompts appeared one after another.

Zhang Yang looked at the update that was exactly the same as what he knew, without words, but returned to Lu Gaoyin.

"Your task is well done. 35

Jay Hein looked at Zhang Yang in front of him with a strange glow in his eyes: "Are you interested in becoming a royal enshrined?

"Not interested, thank you.

Zhang 29 Yang shook his head.

After seeing Zhang Yang's rejection, Jie Hein didn't say anything, just let someone take out the reward for this mission.

A sailing pass, and a full 100 gold coins.

Zhang Yang was also welcome. After taking the reward, he left the palace directly.

"Secretly find an opportunity to kill him. 35

Jay Hein murmured softly, and then a dark shadow drilled out of his body.

"It always feels like something is wrong with Jay Hein."

Zhang Yang, who had left the palace, looked back at the splendid palace, and always felt that there was something wrong with this place.

But what was wrong, he couldn't tell.

However, he did not struggle with these issues, because he has now obtained a pass to the third floor of the Tower of Endlessness.

It's just that his level is only 33. If he wants to go to the third floor of the Endless Tower, the minimum level is 35.

It's the turtle's ass - the rule!

What can he do, upgrade!

a month later.

Zhang Yang let out a long sigh of relief when he saw that he had finally filled up 200 attribute points and 20 skill points.

Today, most of the players' level has been raised to about level 35, and the first echelon with faster progress has even come to Duriel's room.

But Du Riel's growth hindered everyone's progress.

It also includes Azu, who considers himself second in combat power.

It's just that after breaking up with Yingjiang, Azu came to the flower grower alone and swore with his soul that he was accepted by the flower grower.

But the flower grower is no better than Eagle sauce. There is no special treatment for Azu here, and therefore, Azu, who is arrogant, even the crescent moon, has restrained a lot.

The entire Blue Star, the three SSS-level powerhouses, all gathered in the flower garden at this moment.

This makes it a bit unbearable for other countries that have experienced the taste of power in reality.

They protested one after another, saying that SSS-level talent owners belong to all human beings, and flower growers can't all occupy Papapa.

In order to express his loyalty, Azu acted on his own without receiving an order, and single-handedly destroyed the top group of several small countries.

At that time, although Azu was locked up for half an hour, he still could not quell the anger of those guys who lost top players and became third-class countries.

Such as monkeys, chicken feet, sticks, etc...

Although Yingjiang wanted to stand up for justice, there were only a few SS-level powerhouses left, and they were still affiliated to major financial groups. Yingjiang, who could not command, could only grit her teeth and swallow the bitter fruit.

Also because of the deepening integration of the Infinity Tower and reality, everyone has 10% of the power of the Infinity Tower character, causing the evil side of some people's hearts to be magnified and doing something that violates the law.

All countries have organizations like the Secret Service, which settled these disputes in a very short period of time.

Only from then on, the social status was re-divided, and the hero was based on hierarchy.

Of those former big capitalists, one counts as one, and those who have no self-protection ability are almost all swallowed up.

Those who have not had time to enter the Tower of Endless, regretting their originality, poured into the Tower of Endlessness one after another, hoping to become an extraordinary existence like the first batch of players.

Ancient city, sunshine otaku single apartment.

Zhang Yang walked out of the game booth, looked at Foyego who had prepared everything for him, and nodded with satisfaction.

He has evolved Foyego into Death Scythe, and his grade has come directly to the king level!

At the same time as the strength has increased greatly, the weakness of the phylactery has also been eliminated.

As long as Zhang Yang is willing, he can roam freely, and he will be resurrected here if he dies.

"Has nothing happened recently?

Zhang Yang hasn't come out for ten days, and he doesn't know much about the development of the outside world.

"A total of thirty-two battles took place yesterday, seventeen of which engulfed the apartment."

Foyego told the latest information one by one: "The subordinates took action without authorization and expelled them from the radius of a hundred miles."

"well done.

Zhang Yang is very satisfied with Foyego's approach.

It is not in vain that he deliberately handed over the authority of the black fog belonging to the dark power to it.

Reaching out, a magic circle appeared out of thin air, and the figures of three girls and two children walked out of the magic circle.

This is not the first time that the three girls and the second primary school came to the real world. After coming here, they put on modern comfortable clothes and discussed where to go shopping today.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang felt that he did something wrong by summoning them together.

Morena still knew him best.

After seeing Zhang Yang like this, he came over, hugged Zhang Yang, and didn't speak, just stared at him with big eyes.

"Go, come back early.

Zhang Yang is helpless, he just eats this one.

With permission, the third girl and the second child went out excitedly, and the daring Redna even blew a kiss to Zhang Yang.

"These little girls...'

Zhang Yang was speechless.

It was also his fault that he was too gentleman. No matter what Ellie and Redna suggested, they almost went straight to the bow, but they failed to take Zhang Yang down, which caused these little girls to tease Zhang Yang all the time.

Fortunately, Morena didn't follow the nonsense, and volunteered to give herself when she needed to vent, so that Zhang Yang was not suffocated.

Opening the forum, Zhang Yang found that most of the recent popular posts were about him, and a few were about Azu.

Among them, about him, they are all guessing why he will be stuck for a period of time every time.

Some say that Zhang Yang is to give everyone more time to catch up.

It is also said that after the card level, you will get additional rewards.

Most of these guesses are outrageous, and only the second is relatively close to the truth.

Seeing that most of the people had come to Lu Gaoyin, Zhang Yang thought about it and decided to announce the news.

Of course, not free.

Reading needs money, not much, just 1 silver coin.

He felt that he was too generous!

Oh, this is a problem, it needs to be cured!

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