Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

118: The popularity of the post!

When this post was posted on the forum that comes with the Endless Tower, some people were curious to see it at first, but when they saw that it was a paid post, and it was still asking for 1 silver coin, they were stunned.

"What stinky fish and rotten shrimps have started posting guide posts? Still charging?"

Qiu Wuji, the well-known forum god of war, paid 1 silver coin in a heartache, and chattered endlessly: "I want to see if your post is worth 1 silver coin! 39

However, when he entered the post and saw the ID that posted the post, he was stunned.


Just two words made Qiu Wuji's eyes widen.

The endless tower cannot have the same name, and posts on the forum can only be posted with their own ID.

This also means that this post is a post by the real God of Evernight.

Qiu Wuji looked at the title of the post again.

"How to get attribute points and skill points after each level is full!"

"Is this the reason for the Eternal Night card level?"

Qiu Wuji himself is already level 36, and his progress in Lu Gaoyin has come to Duriel.

But Duriel's strength made him stop here, and he can only expect to be able to successfully attack Duriel as his level increases.

Let me talk about it here, the change of death penalty is only applicable to the outside of the dungeon. If you die inside the dungeon, as long as it does not exceed a certain number of times, there is no loss.

Of course, if all are killed in the dungeon, some money and experience will be lost.

If you didn't see the post ID just now, and Qiu Wuji felt distressed that he spent 1 silver coin, look at it now, it's really cheap.

This is the first time the Great God of Evernight has posted, and it has also announced the reason why he has always chosen the card level!

After reading the post carefully, Qiu Wuji finally understood why Zhang Yang did not immediately choose to go to the next floor every time he reached the highest level limit that the current Tower of Endless Tower could achieve, but kept going to the next floor every day. Crazy brushing experience.

It turned out that after reaching the upper limit of the level limit of each layer of the endless tower, every time you get full experience, you can convert it into 10 attribute points, or 1 skill point?

Although it doesn't seem like much, if every layer can do this... the gap between the strong and the weak will become more and more obvious.

If you don't know this, every time you beat the boss of a level, you will go to the next level. I won't talk about your own combat power, but at the same level, it must be a card-level person who has stronger combat power.

Of course, this kind of thing will only happen after the third floor.

After all, the first and second floors are just for people to practice, and when they reach the third floor, they will face the existence of the demon god level.

Difficulty is incomparable.

"So it is, so it is"~!

When Qiu Wuji thought that he had lost a full 100 skill points and 10 attribute points, he felt heartache and could not breathe.

If he has these 100 attribute points and 10 skill points, can he get through Duriel?

This is not random thinking, but 100 attribute points and 10 skill points, which is equivalent to an increase of 30 levels!

In addition to its own level 36, that is, with the attributes of level 66, to attack the boss of level 40, not to mention that it is almost certain, it is also inseparable from ten, right?

After all, he is now consciously collecting cold-resistant high-defense equipment, hoping that he can cooperate with the passive skill of resisting cold, the Paladin's passive skill, to resist Duriel's attack.

On this side, Qiu Wuji was annoyed at why he didn't choose to increase his Attribute Points like the Great God of Eternal Night. On the other hand, the popularity of this post started to rise at an extremely slow rate.

After all, it is 1 silver coin. If it is converted into soft sister coins, it is 1,000 yuan. How many pounds of ribs are enough to buy?

So not many people bought it, but everyone who read the post said it was worth it!

I would like to say here that, for example, for this kind of paid post, the Tower of Infinity has extremely perfect rules, and all those who spend money to read the post cannot disclose the content of the post in any way. Made a contract with the Infinity Tower.

If you want to spread the content of this post, you will find yourself unable to speak, write, or even think.

Although it is not a tough punishment, it fundamentally eliminates any chance for the post to be prostituted for nothing.

Lou Treble, Sewer.

The senior special agent, Ningbing, holds two fist blades (special weapons for the assassin profession), and looks like a ghost, and turns Rodament around.

The fist in his hand is constantly attacking Rodamente in the form of jabs, and each time he can take away thousands of blood.

Although small, but the attack speed is fast.

It can cause five or six times of damage every second, so it is not too small.

Soon, Rodament's body was bruised and bruised, and the blood on his head had dropped to freezing point.

In the end, under the finishing technique of the condensed ice's tiger claw, a full six-digit damage broke out, killing Rodament in seconds!


Ning Bing looked at the fallen Rodament and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hint: You have killed Rodament (easy), and you have gained 5W experience."

"Just the simple difficulty of the Rodament, it is already so difficult, the king-level Rodament, what kind of strength! 35

After trying the single brush once, Leng Bing had a deeper understanding of Zhang Yang's combat power.

Just as she was cleaning the battlefield and collecting the spoils, a message was passed to her through the friend system.


After seeing this news, Leng Bing was stunned.

She hurriedly picked it up from the ground, and went straight off the line.

Reality, Secret Service.

After Leng Bing went offline from his dormitory, he quickly walked to the conference room.

Like her, there are many people who are rushing towards the conference room.

When she opened the door, the conference room was half full, so she hurried to her seat and sat down.

When it was almost time for people to come, the secret service desk knocked on the table and said, "I told you to read that post, did you all read it?"


(Li Nuozhao)

All responded loudly.

"So, what do you think?"

The seat of the bureau had a serious expression: "Please speak to your heart's content."

"We can't make up for the loss of the first layer, but we must not miss the second layer.

A sturdy secret service like a barbarian stood up and said, "At the same time, new members of the Secret Service must obtain all attribute points and skill points on the first floor before they can enter the second floor." 5



The barbarian Secret Service's words obviously resonated.

There is nothing they can do, but the newly joined companions are still on the first floor, and they can get the rewards that they should have.

"In that case, let's announce it."

This is also the plan of the bureau: "As for the 1 silver coin for reading the post, the Secret Service is out, everyone remember to go to the financial reimbursement Yang! 99


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