Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

119: Large demon blacksmith, in the future, you will work for me!


Zhang Yang and the third girl and the second child just returned home, and after they went online, the prompts appeared like a screen swipe.

He glanced at it and saw that the post had been seen by millions of people.

The small money that can be withdrawn has reached 1W+ gold coins.

"The speed of the money..."

Zhang Yang felt as if he underestimated his own name.

Knowing that he could achieve such an effect, why did he work so hard to deceive people and post a few posts directly, wouldn't the money come from "huahuahuahua"?

Of course, just think about it, if you meet someone like this, you should be pitted, but you must be pitted!

At present, he has already obtained the basic rewards of the second floor, and the next step is a large-scale hidden task.

This task is similar to the monster siege on the first floor, but this is the real direction of the task, not the same as the first floor, which is completely unexpected.

After doing the pre-task hard, when he returned to the ancient tomb of Ta Rasha and picked up the Horadric Staff, a crimson portal appeared.

On the other side of the door is the boundless hell.

This task, the monster siege is only incidental, the most important thing is a hammer born in the deepest part of hell, with special divine power.

Hammer of God!

The name is simple and clear, but the function is extremely powerful.

It can destroy the hardest thing on the first few floors of the Infinity Tower - the Soul Stone!

In other words, with this hammer 597, in the deepest furnace of hell, you can truly destroy a god-level existence!

Apart from this, this hammer is also the ultimate artifact of the blacksmith, with the special effect of turning decay into magic.

Zhang Yang is bound to win this hammer!

Zhang Yang stepped into the crimson portal without hesitation due to the pungent smell of sulphur constantly being sent out from the portal.

"Hint: You have entered hell, your current location: the river of flames!"

With the prompt, it means that Zhang Yang has officially stepped into hell.


This is Zhang Yang's first feeling of hell.

Bad smell.

This is Zhang Yang's second feeling about the air of hell.

The monster is so ugly!

This is Zhang Yang's evaluation of those monsters with claws and claws.

Although these pure hell demons are only level 40, their attributes far exceed the attributes of monsters on normal maps.

Here, is hell.

Demon monsters can only display their true strength here.

Zhang Yang walked down from the teleportation location, and when he entered the destination, there were hot magma and extremely disgusting monsters everywhere.

The temperature of these magma is extremely high, even those demon monsters such as the abyss demons, flesh-and-blood beasts, and the Dog of the Styx who are born in hell can't stand it.

"be careful."

After Zhang Yang instructed the third girl and the second child, and the army of undead beside her, a massacre began.

Morena and Ellie are by Zhang Yang's side. Although they don't make a lot of shots, their strength is stronger than that of the SSS-level talent Azu.

Each arrow can easily inflict six-digit damage, and with the elemental power attached to the arrow, the damage can be close to seven-digit damage after a critical strike.

What's even more terrifying is that their scattered arrows and penetration skills are already full, and every time they attack, they kill a large number of monsters like cutting wheat!

Because of professional reasons, Redna also has a lot of long-range methods. The ultimate skill, the coupon of heaven, fell from the sky like no money, and smashed the hell demons into patties.

Xiao An was playing, constantly throwing out dark green light balls.

This kind of light group that carries the power of the devil and contains highly poisonous rules, how can these little Karamis be able to resist?

Melts directly at the moment of contact.

This is not over yet, this light ball will explode, turning into a highly poisonous nova, sweeping all enemies within a 12*12 range, causing equal damage.

So does Little Lear.

Although she was inattentive when attacking, but she showed the true body of the devil, and the spider legs behind her were like four assault rifles.

Well, in terms of power, there is no way to compare with Xiao An, after all, her rank is only king rank, not Xiao An's god rank.

Fight one (cjfe) face down.

Soon, the entire river of flames quieted down.

Apart from the occasional drop of extremely hot lava from the upper rock wall, there was nothing difficult for Zhang Yang.

All the way to the end, he saw the burly figure with the hammer of God, hammering a huge long sword.

The Armorer of Highfast, a more powerful being than the Demon Blacksmith.

【Hayfast Armor Maker (King)】


【Level: 60】

【HP: 12E】

【Attack: 32W】

【Defense: 10W】

[Talent: Faith, Special Strike, Magic Resistance]

This is simply the super invincible enhanced PLUS version of the demon blacksmith.

When the long sword was polished by it and placed in the container holding the hell lava next to it, it didn't take a moment for the long sword to turn red.

Then, the Heifast armor maker, unknowingly, grabbed a monster with a chill all over his body from the side, and shattered its body with a hammer.

The flesh and blood tissue that also exudes cold air in hell landed on the huge long sword and blended into it strangely.

Finally, in a dazzling purple light, a divine sword took shape under Zhang Yang's eyelids.

"You are very good, mortal!"

The Haifast armor maker put the Excalibur aside and turned to look at Zhang Yang: "Don't bother me while I'm casting! 99

"When I kill you, that thing is mine.

Zhang Yang smiled at the Haifast armor maker: "'ll work for me in a while!99


The Haifast armor maker raised the hammer of God in his hand: "I will always be the most loyal existence under the command of Lord Diablo!

"Is it?"

Zhang Yang didn't believe it, so he did it.

In the contemptuous gaze of the Haifast armor maker, a white bone spear pierced its body directly, shattering all its pride.

"Demon, take control! 35

Zhang Yang changed into the weapon he used to, and under the shocked gaze of the other party, he directly and completely controlled the other party.


The Haifast armor maker's eyes widened, completely unable to believe that there was such a skill in the world.

"Your boss has become my fighting force. If you say this, will you feel better?"

Zhang Yang patted its belly cheerfully: "In the future, you will be called Lao Tie, and you will make a magic weapon for me!"


Although Lao Tie rejected the title of Lao Tie in his heart, he couldn't say it in the face of the devil's mastery of this domineering skill.


Very frustrating!

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