Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

120: Iron Golem, a terrifying attribute!

"Let's go, you'll mess with me from now on."

Zhang Yang patted Lao Tie's stomach: "For you, I am willing to specially remodel a shop as your workshop!"


Lao Tie wanted to refuse, but it really couldn't resist the devil's control, so in the end it could only ~ nodded.

"Almost forgot about this!"

Zhang Yang turned his head, looked at the purple god-sword that Lao Tie had put aside, and picked it up.

[Diablo's Sword of Fear-(Purple Epic)]

【Two Hands・War Sword】

【Attack: 12W】

[Attack/Cast: Normal]

[The wearer automatically obtains the passive skill: Fear Field (in the field, creatures whose level is not higher than their own level 10 triggers a fear effect every 10 seconds, lasting 1 second)]

[After hitting the enemy, there is a 50% chance to apply a fear effect for 1 second]

[After triggering fear, the owner's all attributes will be increased by 10%, which lasts until the end of the battle, with a maximum cap of 1000%]

[Epic Skill: Fear! Diablo! (Summons the phantom of Diablo to fight for you, the attribute is 10 times your own attribute, you can enjoy any skill effect)]

[Equipment Level: Level 60]

"So you made Diablo's weapon?"

Zhang Yang looked at the weapon and looked at Lao Tie with a strange look.

Although he was aware of Zhang Yang's malicious intentions, he couldn't resist under the demon's control and just nodded.

"very good.""

Zhang Yang put away the weapon and patted Lao Tie's stomach again: "It's really good!"

Lao Tie didn't know what Zhang Yang meant when he said good, but he felt a cold wind whizzing past.

"Let's go!

Zhang Yang tore open a scroll of returning to the city and returned to Lu Gaoyin with everyone.

"Demon?! 99

"There is a demon invasion, everyone get ready! 35

"Art, you go to the alarm!

Zhang Yang had just walked out of the teleportation array when he heard a familiar voice arranging tasks.

When he just raised his head, several mercenaries surrounded Lao Tie, led by his old acquaintance Glaze.

"Hey hey, don't get excited.

Zhang Yang looked at the posture and knew that Glaze had misunderstood: "It's under my control now!


Only then did Glaze realize that Zhang Yang, who was hiding in the crowd, waved his hand and told the mercenaries to retreat: "The devil is not so easy to control. I heard that the former hero fell into depravity because of the bewitchment of the devil."

"rest assured."

Knowing who Glaz was talking about, Zhang Yang nodded: "It's safe."5

"Okay. 35

Looking at Zhang Yang's appearance, Glaze already understood the dangers of controlling demons, and immediately closed the team.

"I heard you turned down Jay Hine's invitation?"

Graz leaned over: "I want to say, you're doing the right thing! 39

Zhang Yang smiled, and then Glaz was going to clear the alarm. Zhang Yang also brought Lao Tie to an idle shop.

"This is your workshop."

Zhang Yang pointed to the shop: "Renovate as you want, go to Drognan for anything you need, and put it on my account first.

The old iron heard the words and nodded.

Then Zhang Yang stretched his back, and under the shocked gaze of Lao Tie, he threw the Sword of Fear he had just obtained in his backpack on the ground.

A purple beam of light rose into the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

"Who threw epic equipment on the ground?"

"Go take a look, maybe you can pick up a leak?"

"Go! 55


Some players who like to stick to petty cheap began to rush towards the direction of the purple light beam.

In the next second, the purple beam of light disappeared, making everyone feel lost.

"Master, you are..."

Lao Tie was so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe as he watched the Divine Sword he built for the great Diablo-Diablo turn into a lump of iron.

"Never mind."

Zhang Yang waved his hand at Lao Tie, expressing his satisfaction with the Iron Stone Demon he summoned.

[Iron Golem (leader level) (Summon of Eternal Night)]

[Damage: 15W+ (101500 from the summoner)]

【Defense: 5W+(15500)】


[Skills: Fear Field (Iv.60), Fear! Diablo! (Iv.60), Fear Growth (Lv.60)]

Don't look at this Iron Stone Demon is just a leader-level summon, but it inherits the high attack of epic-level weapons. After stacking its own attacks, the basic damage has reached 15W!

This can occupy a place in Zhang Yang's king-level summons.

Moreover, the Iron Stone Demon perfectly inherits all the attributes of the weapon, and the growth is extremely high!

"Fusion Golem!"

Zhang Yang used another skill, and the Iron Stone Demon in front of him changed again.

A looming flame coat appeared on his body, the temperature was extremely high, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted.


Ripples appeared under his feet, standing on the earth, it was the son of the earth, and it was difficult to die.

The eyes are scarlet, and each attack can absorb the enemy's blood and turn it into healing to assist friendly units.

[Fusion Golem (King Class) (Summon of Eternal Night)]

[Damage: 55W+ (101500 from the summoner)]

【Defense: 25W+(15500)】


[Skills: Fear Field (Iv.60), Fear! Diablo! (Iv.60), Fear Growth (Lv.60)... ]

The attributes of the fusion golem are even more powerful, and can even wrench the wrist with the king of death knights!

"Do you think its temperature can meet your requirements?"

Zhang Yang suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Lao Tie.

Hearing the words, Lao Tie stepped forward and felt the temperature with his own hands.


The old man nodded.

Zhang Yang heard the words, nodded, let the fusion golem disintegrate, and handed the flame stone demon to Lao Tie.

"Later, it helps you raise the temperature. 35

Zhang Yang left here after leaving a few words.

Lao Tie looked at the stunned flaming goblin, speechless and tearful.

"It's time. 39

Zhang Yang looked at Lu Gaoyin's sky, there were no clouds in the sky, and the sky was blue and enchanting.

Now, it has been a month and a half since he entered the Infinity Tower, and the accumulation on the second floor has reached the upper limit, so it is meaningless to keep it.

Found Meshif and gave him the pass given by Jay Hein.

"Come to the pier tomorrow morning to find me.

Meshif accepted the pass: "I'll arrange a VIP room for you!

"Then thank you Captain Meshif."

Zhang Yang took out a topaz: "It's a meal fee, I'm picky about what I eat."

"no problem.

Ma Shifu also knew what Zhang Yang meant and took the topaz: "I'll bring every meal back to your room!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Saying goodbye to Mahif, Zhang Yang glanced at the time and went offline.


Zhang Yang had just come out of the game room, and Foyego, who had been waiting for a long time, lowered his head and said, "Master, there have been more and more battles in the community recently. I took action to suppress it, and it may have been exposed."

"Just now, Leng Bing from the Secret Service came to look for me, what do you think?" Guang.

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