This is reasonable.

If Zhang Yang knew what these guys were thinking, he would tell them this.

Zhang Yang walked out of the area shrouded in the Fist of Heaven unscathed, looked at the dull Andromeda Galaxy, and greeted the players who didn't know what civilization they were.


As these two words came out, Morena behind Zhang Yang sent them away with a split arrow.

Andromeda, Abet Civilization.

This is a human-like civilization, except that its hands and feet show three claws, it is no different from the Blue Star humans.

As the most outstanding and talented player in the Abet civilization, Essie Abette has always occupied the first place in this civilization's ranking and equipment rankings, and has never slack off.

This time, they passed Duriel's test with difficulty and came to Kurast Seaport.

From the update of the Infinity Tower, his "Five Ninety Seven" also knew that they might encounter players from other civilizations on the third floor, but they didn't expect that they would meet them right away.

At this time, their level is only 39, but they can't wait to conquer the third floor of the Infinity Tower.

When they came to the Spider Forest, they found many traces of battles.

When they were still looking for the legendary spider cave, a system prompt made them panic.

As the subordinate civilization of the blood clan civilization, they can be considered to know some information about the endless tower, and even able to clear the Du Riel, they still rely on the equipment lent to them by the blood clan to clear the customs.

Knowing that it was only one person who was ahead of them to clear the Spider Cave dungeon, Essie Abette decided to come to the skinning cellar ahead of time, preparing to get ahead of the player named "Eternal Night".

Only when they came to the skinning cellar and found the traces of the battle, their hearts were half cold.

They are late.

But not quite late.

As long as you can quickly find Zhang Yang and kill Zhang Yang, you will be able to grab this first kill and the right to share the profits of the copy.

They followed the monster corpse without taking any detours, and when Zhang Yang was about to start, they came here and met the player named "Eternal Night".

Essie didn't even think about it, and directly aimed at the figure with a sniper, and the arrow flew over with great force.

He is mainly attacking sniping, and his skill level has reached the highest level. He even used a very rare skill evolution stone to evolve his sniper skills once.

Once, it was this skill that gave Duriel the heaviest blow and brought them to this place.

Essie believed that this arrow could also take that guy away.

The arrow hit the target with precision.

But Essie was not at all happy.

Just because the two big "immunities" on the target's head made him almost autistic.

When the player turned back, Essie looked at the handsome face that was far beyond his own, and encouraged his teammates to take action again.

He firmly believed that it was just that guy's life-saving trump card. As long as he made another move, that guy would definitely fall in front of him.

It's just that what happened next made his three views collapse, and even if he died, he couldn't believe that such people still existed in the world.


These two words were like demons, constantly drifting through his mind.

When the figure emerged from the thunderstorm formed by the Fist of Heaven, with just two words, the Rogge archer, who was obviously a follower behind him, only shot once and took them all away.

He glanced at the injury, it was six figures!

When did a follower do six-figure damage too?

Suffering such a blow, Essie didn't even care that his attributes were deducted by 10%, and directly exited the Infinity Tower.

Others look at me, I look at you, because the corpse was destroyed, their attributes were also deducted by 10%.

Simply followed the offline.

The third level of the skinning cellar.

After Zhang Yang blasted the corpses of these guys with God Corpse Explosion, and looking at the dark gold legendary equipment they dropped, he knew that these four people might be the absolute core of a certain civilization.

Otherwise, there would not be so many dark gold-level equipment.

Zhang Yang happily put away the equipment given by the four wealthy boys, and looked at the witch doctor Durant who was still trying to attack him.

Because he was in a better mood, it was just a poisonous nova that let him rest in peace.

Nothing special happened this time, just two pieces of yellow equipment, which made him very unhappy.

Then, Zhang Yang opened the guarded treasure chest, and a ray of light shot up into the sky.

Zhang Yang didn't bother to look at it, so he picked up this brain-like thing...

"The second one!"

Zhang Yang looked at the brain that seemed to be wriggling in the backpack, and returned to the Flaying Forest.

He continued to fly south on the ancient frost giant dragon, and when the sky was about to get completely dark, he stopped.

For a full day, most of his time was wasted on the road.

This made him very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

Let Morena and the others set up the tent, Zhang Yang took advantage of this time to quickly brush up today's dungeons of the Tower of Death, Cow Pass, Endless Battlefield, Lu Gaoyin and Rogge Camp.

The level has finally reached level 41.

This made him very happy.

When the time came to 12 o'clock in the morning, he finally returned to Kurast Harbor, the outermost periphery of the skinning forest, and drank a sip of hot soup.

This hot soup not only provides energy, but also gives Zhang Yang the warmth of home.

There is a person who has been waiting for you to eat and sleep. I believe that people who have such a partner must be very happy, right?

Anyway, Zhang Yang felt very happy.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Yang scattered his undead army, leaving only the summons of the Death Skull series to guard.

In this case, when you sleep, you will not delay the army of undead to give yourself experience.

This is not oppression, but the nature of the undead army.

They don't need rest, they are tireless, but rather tired of summoning space.

Therefore, it is a better choice to let them come out and let them out at 5.4 in the evening.

Here, Zhang Yang fell into a deep sleep, and those players from other civilizations had bad luck.

For example, a small civilized player from the Alpha Galaxy, who can be called the hope of the whole village, came to Kurast Harbor with great pains and hardships, but found that he could not find a monster to farm.

Unwilling, he wanted to see where it was sacred. He followed the corpse all the way, and finally saw the figure who was slaughtering.

A terrifying knight riding a war horse.

This knight can deal six-figure damage with a single blow.

If you have a crit, start with seven figures.

This terrifying injury made this Alpha Galaxy, the star of hope of the Kurt civilization stunned.

Is this still the summoned item of the Necromancer?

Is it too outrageous?.

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