This night, all the civilized players who came to the third floor one after another were very depressed.

Most of them are subordinate civilizations of those advanced civilizations, and they know some things about the Infinity Tower.

Originally, they all planned to open the dungeon as soon as possible to lay the foundation for the next civilization's hegemony, but after they walked out of Kurast Harbor, they found that all the maps contained only the corpses of monsters, and no living monsters were seen.

Not only the spider forest, but even the farther skinning forest, huge wetlands, and Kurast Bazaar do not have any monsters.

In their confusion, some monsters refreshed, and when they were about to harvest, an undead with a powerful breath appeared in front of them.

One knife.

None of the resurrected monsters could escape the undead's butcher's knife, and they all perished again.

"Just now, was that a skeleton?

The Taurus family player from the Taurus Galaxy looked at his companion, and said in a loud voice: "Old goat, you are also a necromancer, why can't you summon such a powerful skeleton?"

"You're still a barbarian, why are you still not a skeleton high when you attack?

The goat-headed player known as the old goat gave 29 cattle a blank look: "Don't be BB, are you not convinced that we can practice alone?"

"never mind.

Niutou Zhigao recalled the scene where all kinds of curses were added behind him, and he couldn't move an inch, and shook his head.

This kind of discussion is also circulating among the players of the first echelon among various civilizations.

These, Zhang Yang is not clear.

When he woke up from his sleep, he found that he was still halfway to level 42.

"This speed is really fast! 35

Zhang Yang sighed with emotion.

This person occupies the resources of the entire world, can the upgrade speed not be fast?

Zhang Yang glanced at it, the army of undead had killed Cui Fanke, and he didn't know if he had killed the senior council members.

He got up, washed and ate under the service of Morena's three daughters, and then put away the tent, he walked towards the sewers that had been discovered.

The remains of the next Kerim's body are hidden in this sewer.

"Be sure to kill this monster before that person wakes up!"

A player with smooth skin and some marine creatures, with his team, has gone deep into the sewers below the Kurast market.

The reason why it is so fast is because they have a particularly precious teleportation scroll that can send them to random locations within 100 kilometers of the set target.

They were lucky and were randomly teleported directly to the Kurast Bazaar where they could barely fight.

It was only when they discovered that there was actually a tent stationed here, and there were some terrifying skeleton monsters guarding it, combined with the rumors on the third floor of the Endless Tower recently circulated on the endless forums about the occupation of a powerful summoner. When it comes to the resources of the whole world, they know that they need to speed up their progress.

Otherwise, when this big guy wakes up, let alone the meat and soup, he won't even be able to smell it.

So they went deep into the sewers of Kurast Bazaar, hoping to kill the monster [Crack Wings - Ice Eagle] in the sewers in advance.

Along the way, they couldn't say it was easy, but they also killed the monsters blocking the way at an extremely fast speed, and went deep into the second floor of the sewers.

After fighting for most of the night, they finally saw the monster that exuded a terrifying aura.

[Crack Wings - Ice Eagle (King)]


【HP: 3000w】

【Attack: 10W】

【Defense: 1W】

[Talent: Frozen Strengthening, Teleportation]


Looking at the terrifying attributes of the monster in front of him, Yuvsky (a player of the deep-sea civilization in the Styx galaxy) took a deep breath.

In Lu Goin, the attributes of Duriel, the demon god, are no better than this guy.

Although they all have the equipment when they attacked Duriel, which can reduce the damage of this guy, but with 3000W of HP, when will they have to fight!

The fishersky with the highest attribute now has only 5W health, 3000 defense, and 1W attack.

Counting the skill bonus, it will cause a maximum of 9W each time, which is close to six figures.

Deducting defense, the damage they can cause is really limited.

However, thinking about the big devil sleeping above, Yuvsky still gritted his teeth.


"Is someone here?"

Zhang Yang looked at the monster corpses all over the ground and scratched his head: "It seems that I am still a little slack."

"That's right, everyone who can enter the third floor at this time is the top existence of each civilization, and their combat power is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people."

Zhang Yang thought about it, but there was no intention to speed up his steps.

The BOSS on the third floor is not only thick, but also difficult to attack and defend.

That is, Zhang Yang, who ignores the opponent's defense and has a lot of combat power, can kill the BOSS at an extremely fast speed. What about the others, how about giving them one night?

This is not his blind confidence and arrogance, but the fact.

The entire Infinity Tower, from its appearance to the present, has had a number of SSS-level talent-level owners, but the number of hands includes the number of Blue Star human civilizations joining the Infinity Tower.

That's it, not yet in double digits.

It is conceivable how scarce the owners of high-level talents are.

Some high-level talents do not have a high combat power bonus in the early stage, and they will become stronger and stronger in the later stage, which may lead to the fact that the early stage may not be as fast as those 597 players with low-level talents.

Therefore, Zhang Yang is not worried that the boss will be killed and the quest items will be taken away by others.

When he came to the second floor of the sewer, he saw the group of players who were fighting, and the BOSS whose blood volume had dropped to one-third.

"Here he is! 35"

Yuvsky looked at the slowly approaching figure, but in his eyes, that figure was far more terrifying than the devil, bringing him unimaginable pressure.


Yuvsky raised his hand decadently, and handed over the BOSS who had already been beaten with residual blood.


Zhang Yang watched the Yuvsky team stop, and after leaving the battle in a clear order, Gao glanced at him.

They threw a god and poisonous nova at random, and in Yuvsky's shocked eyes, they fought the boss for almost a night and melted in an instant.

A dark golden beam of light shot up into the sky, Zhang Yang glanced at it, it was not a quest item, picked it up, and opened the treasure chest in front of the four Yuvsky.

Another dark golden beam of light shot up into the sky, this time, it was Klimt's heart.

A smile appeared on Zhang Yang's face.

"This thing, you or?"

Zhang Yang turned back and looked at Yusky: "200 gold coins. 35


Yuvsky looked at the fist sword that shone with dark golden light, looked at his companions, and nodded.


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