Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

130: The gluttonous civilization? The god of the future, eat howl!

After another 3 hours, Zhang Yang came to Cui Fanke and saw the three gatekeepers.

Zakarum High Council Member - Finger of Fire Gileb!

Zakarum High Council Member - Ice Fist Tok!

High Councilor of Zakarum - Ismail the Hand of Evil!

Each of these three is a powerhouse with a level of 48, a terrible blood cow with a health value of 5000W-.

And these three have different attributes, and if they cooperate with each other, even a level 50 powerhouse will have to drink hatred under their subordinates.

Perhaps it was because the army of undead had already been swept away, there were no mobs here, only these three trembling senior council members who were hiding in the room.

After seeing Zhang Yang, these three members not only did not attack, but wanted to escape?

Is this worth it?

These three are three big experience packs!

After three hits, two and two, Zhang Yang beheaded these three guys who had no desire to fight, and a dark-gold ancient flail fell to the ground.

At this point, Klimt's main relics have been in Zhang Yang's hands, and the rest is only a matter of time.

When I came to the room where the three members were responsible for guarding, a building with a peculiar shape was very eye-catching.

Zhang Yang knew that this sphere emitting a strange red light was the divine tool that Mephisto controlled the entire third floor—the sphere of forcing.

Zhang Yang tried to attack the sphere, but felt an invisible and soft force blocking his attack.

"Hint: If you want to destroy the Orb of Compulsion, you need a holy soul as a guide, and you can destroy the Orb of Compulsion by hitting hard with the Instrument of Purity.

"Hint: It is detected that the attacker has special power, is it depleting the original power and breaking the protective barrier? 99


Zhang Yang saw the second system prompt and decisively refused.

He is a brain watt, and will consume the source power to break the defense of this thing.

It is not impossible.

Now that he has four Klimt's relics in his hand, he only needs to summon the other parts to obtain the power to destroy the Forced Ball, so why waste his own source power?

The power of the source, as the name suggests, is the most basic and the most important power.

Once it is worn out, unless it encounters a huge opportunity, it cannot be recovered at all.

After Zhang Yang got the prompt, he didn't even bother to look at the ball of compulsion, turned over and rode the ancient frost giant dragon and left here.

He is going to kill those regional bosses and collect Klimt's body.

Through Cui Fanke's teleportation array, Zhang Yang returned to the Kurast market, and then took the ancient frost giant dragon, at the cost of one hour, to the entrance of the lower level of Kurast.

His purpose is very clear, and the target is aimed directly at the lowest king-level creature-Storm Tree.

When Zhang Yang reached the bottom layer and found the Storm Tree, he found that someone was already attacking the boss.

It's just that these guys are obviously a little over-the-top, and they can't withstand the attack of the Storm Tree at all.

"This is the site of our gluttonous civilization, and the idle people are waiting to get out!"

After a player wearing a full-coverage battle armor and a knight's helmet was knocked out by the Storm Tree, he rolled right under Zhang Yang's feet, and before he even stood up, he began to say arrogantly, "Otherwise. , shoot to kill."

"Gaotie civilization?"

When Zhang Yang heard this guy's words, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The gluttonous civilization, one of the subordinate civilizations of the Pluto clan, has a god-level powerhouse in the clan, called the devourer. It is the most mature and the most powerful one among the mechanical warriors carefully crafted by Pluto.

Among the vanguard troops who once attacked Blue Star, this gluttonous civilization was the most active, and even just started the war, as the king of gluttonous, Ji Howo personally came to the battlefield.

A god, in the battlefield of a group of mortals, is absolutely invincible!

At that time, it was already a demigod Thunder Dragon and his brothers combined, and only after temporarily possessing god-level combat power, did he reluctantly repel the Howl.

It was an unknown player named "Grass Conglun" who appeared behind him who really slaughtered the gluttonous star. With a big sword, he turned the gluttonous star into the dust of the universe.

"Hey! 99

This gluttonous player saw that Zhang Yang hadn't left, so he stood up and took out his weapon: "Toast if you don't eat or drink fine wine, you will die! 99

Obviously, this guy put the hatred that was blown away by the Storm Tree on Zhang Yang's body, this knife flashed, and it was obvious that he had used his skills.



With the sound of metal crashing, the gluttonous civilization player looked at the number that appeared on Zhang Yang's head in shock and swallowed.

.....for flowers .....

"Brother, I said this is our gluttonous civilization meeting ceremony, do you believe it?

This gluttonous civilization player clearly understood the difference in combat power between the two sides, and said tremblingly.

On the other hand, Zhang Yang was expressionless and summoned a bone spear directly.


The bone spear pierced directly through the guy who dared to attack him, and flew towards other gluttonous civilization players.



A string of two!

Zhang Yang's bone spear, after killing two gluttonous civilization players in a row, nailed the Storm Tree to the wall.

Afterwards, Yifa arrived at the level 52 God Fang, piercing the bodies of all the gluttonous civilization players present.

"Am I..."

The player at the head is the gluttonous king in Zhang Yang's memory - Swallow.

After being pierced by the God Bone Spear, Fang Howl looked at Zhang Yang with resentment, but his body fell down helplessly.

In the perspective that they have not dissipated, the terrifying man who killed them as soon as he shot, directly exploded their corpses.

This also means that they have no choice but to go back and lose 10% of their attributes.

"Death assassin."

Zhang Yang summoned the Death Assassin with a cold tone that seemed to freeze people's souls: "Remember them?""

"Remember, Master.

The death assassin got down on one knee and lowered his head.

"Follow them and kill them!"

It can be said that, with just Zhang Yang's words, there is a question mark on whether the king of gluttonous food, the only god of gluttonous civilization still exists in the future.

So far, a future god, the fate of the moment has changed.

Kurast Seaport, Teleportation Array area.

The resurrected Fang Howl punched the ground: "Damn guy, what is his name, I want him to die!

"Eternal night!

The subordinate looked at the record of being killed and pronounced a name.

"Eternal Night?"

Bit Howl felt that the name was a bit familiar, so he opened the ranking list and found that the top one was the familiar two characters.

Forever night! Wide.

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