Zhang Yang, who had killed the future god and was ready to strangle him in the cradle, was in a good mood.

Looking at the storm tree that was pinned to the wall and struggling, he directly gave the other party a joy.

The same two pillars of dark golden light shot up into the sky. Although they were only Klimt's left and right hands, Zhang Yang was still very happy.

The monster here was killed, and the dungeon was also generated. Zhang Yang successfully retreated and moved towards the next target.

Also near the market of Kuthras, in a small map called the Broken Temple, Zhang Yang found the target.

Battlefield virgin - Serena.

There is no pity for Xiangxiyu, because Zhang Yang doesn't know much about this virgin in the battlefield, and the other party... is not very in line with his aesthetics.

Zhang Yang condensed the bone spear, and the spear shot like a dragon. After just a few rounds, the virgin in the battlefield was defeated and hated the northwest.

Kerim's left and right legs, get "613"!

The next target is a ghost wandering in the huge wetlands. It is immune to physical damage, and its attacks can absorb the target's magic value. It is a very difficult guy to deal with.

It roamed around, lived in no fixed place, and carried Klimt's most important body part - the torso.

This guy, Zhang Yang searched for a long time before he found this guy.

But as before, this thing is being besieged.

Perhaps the siege is not very professional, it besieged dozens of players.

With wings on his back, the angel-like player looked at the ghost in front of him and spat: "Damn undead, sooner or later, I will become a war angel and destroy all the undead!

"Come on, Lao Ye, you have offended the King of Angels, and you still want to become a war angel?"

An angel with a special mother next to him gave the angel a white look: "Now you should think about how to escape the pursuit of the clan! 39

"It's like you're not wanted.

The male angel named Lao Ye also rolled his eyes: "You are no worse than me.

"someone is coming!"

Another male angel suddenly turned his head and looked in Zhang Yang's direction.


All the male angels turned their heads and looked at Zhang Yang's figure walking slowly, but it was as if they saw a big devil.

"Damn, he's the killing god on the forum!"

Lao Ye saw Zhang Yang's identity at a glance, and his tone was rapid; "Give up the boss, we have to get out of here!"


Lao Ye is the leader of this group of male angels. After he gave the order, everyone tore the scroll of returning to the city and wanted to leave here.

"Hua Ye?"

Zhang Yang looked at the figure who wanted to leave, without stopping, his thoughts drifted far, far away, the happiest time before his rebirth.

"I, the angel of judgment - Kyle, I would like to be the guardian angel of the eternal night, love what he loves, think what he thinks, bear the pain for him, and endure the suffering. No matter whether it is poor or rich, whether it is humble or noble; no matter where you are Troubled times, or God's disregard. I will draw my sword and fight for him, and take up my wings for him. I will never leave, never give up, forever!"9

In the high-level heaven, under the witness of the archangels, Kyle, who is known as the most outstanding lower-level angel and named in the name of judgment, swore to become the guardian angel of a mortal paladin.

When the oath ended, the Archangel of Courage left angrily.

Everyone present knows that this member of the Anglis Council, one of the only five archangels in the high heaven, the Archangel of Courage - Impris, has always been Kyle's suitor.

Although the latter is only a lower-level angel, even civilization has not yet been incorporated into the Infinity Tower.

Seeing that his beloved angel had become the guardian angel of others, Imperius did not draw his sword to kill the mortal paladin, which already showed his big belly.

That time in the high-level heaven was the happiest time for Zhang Yang before his rebirth.

His guardian angel, Kyle, almost gave him everything.

But in the end, the two had to be separated.

Something happened in the high heaven, as one of the branches of the angel civilization, Kyle had to go to the high heaven.

After that, Zhang Yang also set foot on the battlefield, and was finally attacked and died on the blue star.


Zhang Yang had just read out the name of his former guardian angel, and a beautiful figure in full armor and holding a flaming sword appeared in front of Zhang Yang.


The tone of this figure is not very good, like arrogance, but it is hidden very deeply.

"Kyle? 35

Zhang Yang looked at this unfamiliar yet familiar figure and read out the other person's name.

"you know me?"

Kyle took off his helmet, revealing his delicate and three-dimensional pretty face.

"Just heard your name. 35

Zhang Yang shook his head, his dusty memory was awakened, and his body was shaking slightly.

"Are you a necromancer?

Kyle noticed Zhang Yang's occupation and wrinkled his nose: "The guy who plays with the corpse."

Still the same conversation as before, the corners of Zhang Yang's mouth rose slightly unconsciously.

"This guy, I'm afraid he's not sick, right?"

Kyle looked at Zhang Yang's raised mouth and frowned: "I scolded him, but he's still laughing?"

"Forget it, we still have to find that disgusting guy first. 35

Kyle took two steps back calmly, spread the wings behind him, and flew into the sky.

"Hua Ye has returned to the city."

Looking at the distant figure, Zhang Yang told her the news of Hua Ye's return to the city.


Above the clouds, there was a vague thank you.

Zhang Yang looked at the sky, and after a long time, he lowered his already stiff head.

After moving his neck for a while, Zhang Yang looked at the ghost that attacked him in vain, and had no interest in playing. He made a move of God, Poison Nova, and then he didn't care.

Under the effect of the poison, the ghost with a blood volume of 5000W could not resist it at all. After a while, he was poisoned to death, his body turned into a treasure chest, and fell heavily on the ground.

He casually opened the treasure chest, and a dark golden beam of light shot up into the sky, but Zhang Yang showed no expression and took out Klimt's torso.

5.4 At this point, Klimt's remnant has been collected by him, and he only needs to place it and use the power of the Heracdi Cube to awaken this young priest with a pure soul.

Without further ado, Zhang Yang calmed his mind, took out the Horadric Cube, and used the magical power inside to awaken Klimt's soul that had been sleeping for an unknown time.

Under the power of the Horadric Cube, these limbs gradually come together and undergo a miraculous change.

Originally there were only brains and eyes, but at this moment, under the power of the Horadric Cube, a complete head gradually formed.

In addition to the already placed heart, the other four internal organs are gradually reborn.

When the power of the Horadric Cube dissipated, Klimt's corpse was completely restored.

The next second, accompanied by a loud heartbeat, the young pastor opened his eyes,

Bureau g

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