Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

134: Lightning Dharma King Yang Yong!

Zhang Yang didn't know that he was stirring up the world again, and now he is offline.

After summoning the three girls and two children into reality, Zhang Yang asked them to change into modern clothes and went out for a walk.

Because it was not the first time they were summoned to reality, they took Zhang Yang's card and went to the supermarket in the city center.

Zhang Yang himself stayed at home, listening to Foyego's report on how to control Nangong Yu'er's mind, making it indistinguishable between enemy and me, and was finally killed by a special force, and the body was taken away.

"well done.

Zhang Yang is very satisfied with Foyego's approach.

Since then, there has never been a person called "Hot Hand Destroys Flowers Nangong Yu'er" in his previous life.

Because this update takes 24 hours, Zhang Yang himself may not have gone out for a long time, but he doesn't want to hang out with the three girls and two children, so he just walked out of the door and strolled around the community.

Because of the need to update, more and more people walked out of their homes, and it has been a long time since so many people appeared on the street at the same time.

This also caused a problem.

The more people, the more friction.

Coupled with the first two fusions, it gave everyone part of the power of the endless tower characters, which allowed some people to release their inner demons.

Since ancient times, it is an eternal truth that the hero uses martial arts to violate taboos.

With the strength to resist, those who might have swallowed their voices in the past will fight back.

Just like now.

At the gate of the 613 Zhang Yang community, a group of elder brothers with flower arms surrounded a young man, and it seemed that they were going to "borrow" something from that young man.

But in the past, they relied on a lot of people, and they could rely on their own fists to be smooth and smooth. The young man just punched lightly, and the flower-armed big brother flew out hundreds of meters and lay motionless on the ground.

The remaining few were also knocked out one by one, and fell to the ground with unknown life and death.

"A bunch of gangsters, looking for trouble with an otaku..."

Zhang Yang looked at those big brothers with sympathy: "Do you still think that it is an era when you can rely on a lot of people to be domineering? My lord, the times have changed!"

"You are charging protection fees, the otaku is fighting monsters and upgrading.""

"You go and hack people, the otaku is fighting monsters and upgrading.""

"You guys go drink and relax, the otaku is fighting monsters and escalating.""

"Just like you, what do you use to fight the otaku?"

Seeing the people around him calmly calling the police, and then pointing at the otaku like no one else, Zhang Yang shook his head with a smile and left.

Along the way, Zhang Yang saw no less than ten fights, most of which were retaliatory actions by those who were usually weak after gaining powerful strength. (cjfe)

After the official people came, most of those who started followed them obediently, and a small number of people who wanted to resist were also defeated by a member of the Secret Service who accompanied them.

But when Zhang Yang was passing by a bank, a frantic voice came from inside, accompanied by endless electric light, a figure broke through the door.

"Hahaha, I love this era to death!"

This man covered in electric light had no intention of caring about the people around him at all. The electric light radiated everywhere, and the throbbing arc fell on the ground, creating deep pits the size of one person.

Judging from the power of this skill, Zhang Yang estimates that this guy is at least level 35 and above, and is a mage specializing in lightning.

"Chain Lightning!"

Just when Zhang Yang was evaluating this guy's combat power level, the brawny man suddenly shot, and the chain lightning rushed in the direction of Zhang Yang like a thunder dragon.


Zhang Yang was speechless.

Inexplicably suffered an unpredictable disaster, which made Zhang Yang very unhappy.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he directly blocked the Thunder Dragon.

With a slight force, the entire Thunder Dragon was smashed into pieces.

This scene caused everyone present to stop and their faces were shocked.

"'s impossible!

The releaser of Thunder Dragon, the strong man who robbed the bank, saw this scene and his jaw was about to dislocate.

You must know that his level is not the lower limit of level 35 that Zhang Yang guessed, but level 38, an absolute powerhouse who can almost defeat Duriel!

In today's Blue Star, his rank belongs to the first echelon.

With S-rank talent and specializing in lightning skills, he is confident that even if he encounters Azu of Eagle Sauce and Ampei Jingming of Footpen Chicken, he can still fight for hundreds of rounds.

In a mere ancient city, it is not even the provincial capital of Henan Province. How could there be a first echelon?

He doesn't believe it.

He would rather believe that the young man in front of him was resisted by special means, rather than crushing it casually.

"Chain Lightning!"

To this end, he once again released his strongest skills.

The chain lightning with a level of up to 20 turned into a thunder dragon again and charged towards Zhang Yang.

It's just that this Thunder Dragon was pierced by a seemingly ordinary bone spear.

Immediately afterwards, before the strong man could react, he was pierced through his body and nailed to the wall.


The violent special pass caused the strong man to mourn continuously, and the thunder and lightning on his body all converged.

"I remember, the Secret Service has a cash reward for this extrajudicial fanatic?"

Zhang Yang talked to Foyego who was hiding behind him through a spiritual link: "How much does a guy of this level cost? 35

"Around 500W.

Foyego said: “No one has ever caught someone on this level.”5

"That is, the first one?

Zhang Yang looked at the guy: "Notify Secret Service.

"It's 35


Foyego nodded.

After a while, the special service person came, and it was Leng Bing who led the team.

"Aren't you hurt?"

Zhang Yang was about to speak when Leng Bing stepped up and looked at Zhang Yang with concern: "I heard that this guy's ID Thunder Dharma King is actually called Yang Yong, the owner of the S-level talent Lightning Heart!

"You actually beat him?

"You won't use any tricks that damage your body, will you?"

Leng Bing's series of concerns and inquiries directly confused Zhang Yang.

"I'm fine. 35

Zhang Yang pointed at the Yang Yong: "Do you really ignore him? It feels like he is dying. 55

"You put special handcuffs on him."

Leng Bing instructed the two people who followed him to handcuff Yang Yong, and then continued to care about Zhang Yang.

"This is the first time I've seen Team Cold. Is that person the Boyfriend of Team Cold?"

"It's very handsome, but you dare to be with the cold team, aren't you afraid of death?

"The cold team isn't that violent, so... well!"


Two secret service members handcuffed Yang Yong. This special handcuff comes from the Tower of Endless, which can suppress the extraordinary power and make him become an ordinary person again.

"Call Captain Cold!"

At this moment, Lengbing's walkie-talkie lighted up: "There is a player riot in the city center, and the General Bureau hopes that you will rush over there as soon as possible. 35


After Leng Bing responded, he looked at Zhang Yang apologetically: "I have to go first, there is another player riot in the city center, I have to suppress them.


Zhang Yang nodded, looking at Leng Bing's figure, suddenly thought of something.

"Then what...mind I take a ride?

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