Of course, Ningbing didn't mind Zhang Yang taking a ride, and she even knew why Zhang Yang chose to ride a ride.

She knew that Zhang Yang was surrounded by three women who could be said to be alluring. According to speculation, they should have come from the Tower of Infinity.

Just like Vivian in the past.

In terms of combat power, there is no specific shot data, but it should not be weak.

Dangerous Judgment: Class A!

This is written in the Secret Service's files for the three women, and even Zhang Yang himself can consult these files.

As for Zhang Yang's combat power evaluation, the main body is A-level, and the summoned bone is S-level.

All of this is based on the fact that Zhang Yang never took the shot himself.

Now, Zhang Yang took action and easily subdued an S-rank dangerous criminal. Leng Bing conservatively estimates that Zhang Yang's dangerous judgment will at least rise to S, ~ or even SS!

Because there is no reason to be weaker than S-class criminals, but they can easily subdue S-class criminals-.

Can't tell.

Leng Bing drives the car, and out of the corner of the eye has been watching – Zhang Yang.

As a spiritual master whose spirit surpassed 3,900 points and could even reach 4,000 points immediately, Zhang Yang naturally noticed Leng Bing's gaze.

But he pretended not to know and kept looking at the scenery outside the window.

It's just that the scenery is a bit white and a bit beautiful.

Soon, the group came to the city center, Leng Bing and Zhang Yang got off the car, and two young comrades from the Secret Service guarded Yang Yong in the car.

It was only when the two came to Shang Chao, where the riot occurred, that they saw four people nailed to the wall.

Their hands and feet were pierced by arrows and they could not move.

The one that hurt the most should be the arrow stuck in the third leg.

The damage should be quite large, both physically and mentally.

"Who did it?"

Seeing this scene, Ning Bing immediately showed his weapons, two dark gold-level fists, and at the same time cast a shadow cloak, hiding his figure.

Zhang Yang's safety, Leng Bing is not worried, because from the point of view, Zhang Yang's combat power is much higher than his own.

Looking at Leng Bing's actions, Zhang Yang's face showed a rare embarrassment.

Because Morena contacted him just now and said that she did all this.

The ones nailed to the wall were the daring robbers who wanted to rob the entire supermarket.

Originally, Morena didn't want to take care of these things, but one of them took a fancy to the appearance of the three girls, and she wanted to meddle in the three girls.

Can this be tolerated?

Zhang Yang gave Foyego a look next to him, and the other party immediately understood.

As a lich, or a lich summoned by Zhang Yang, isn't it easy to deal with these little guys whose level does not exceed 40?

With just one look, the four robbers who were already dying suddenly rioted.

Black smoke was coming out of his body, and his muscles were constantly expanding.

In the end, they lost their human form and became four sheep-headed demons in the Shipo wilderness.

"A devil?"

"This has just been updated, and there are demons disguised as human beings to come to the world?"

"This speed is absolutely impossible. The biggest possibility is that they have come long ago and are lurking among humans. 99

"It's terrifying to think about!"

I have to say, this remark makes a lot of sense.

"I'll kill them, do you have any opinion?"

Zhang Yang looked at the cold ice that had been invisibly approaching the four sheep-headed demons.

Looking at the other side shaking his head, Zhang Yang condensed a bone spear, adjusted the angle, and threw it out.

As a result, there is no need to think about it, how could the four sheep-headed demons be able to withstand Zhang Yang's attack?

As soon as he was pierced, he was already dead.

Leng Bing's figure appeared beside Zhang Yang: "It's your little girlfriends who nailed them to the wall?

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

Seeing that this matter had been dealt with, Morena and the others came out and stood beside Zhang Yang.

Although Leng Bing has seen the three women several times, they have all seen them separately. Now, the three peerless beauties are standing next to a man who can also rely on his face to eat. The impact of the picture is unimaginable.

"I haven't eaten yet, do you want to be together?"

Morena looked at Leng Bing, as a woman's intuition, she knew what this equally beautiful woman meant to Zhang Yang, and issued an invitation.

Star of Cain.

After Cebexiu was sent back by the son of the wolf king, he directly applied to meet the blood god Cain.

"What do you mean, there is a god-level combat power on that planet?"

...... ask for flowers ·

Cain was very fond of the son of Cebesius, and he did not doubt what Cebesius said, but frowned: "It shouldn't be, although three SSS-level talent controllers were born on that planet, it shouldn't be. Now you have god-level combat power.""

"In between, something must have gone wrong. 99

Although Cain is precious as a god, he is not the kind of omniscient and omnipotent god.

Only those who have comprehended the laws, mastered the laws, and possessed god-level combat power from birth will be called true gods.

And the true gods that existed in ancient times were called ancient gods. There were good and lawful camps, and there were chaotic and evil camps.

"You go back first."

Cain felt that the development of this matter was a bit wrong, he decided to discuss it with people of the same level, and let Cebesius go back.

Then Cain notified the other twelve members who were also blood gods through secret law.

He sat on the throne, closed his eyes, and his spiritual body appeared in a dimly lit round table conference room.

At this time, there were thirteen seats on the round table, and two were already occupied.

"Ancient God!

When he saw one of those two figures, the arrogant Cain lowered his head: "I didn't expect it to surprise you!

"The place you said..."

The existence known as the ancient god is the oldest existence of the entire blood clan, and it can even be said that he created the entire blood clan.

The other twelve blood gods, all under his guidance, achieved the body of gods and led the entire blood race to glory.

The ancient god's voice was trembling, and his voice was ethereal: "It's a very magical place, in the past, there..."


Just when the old ancient god wanted to say something, a deafening sound of thunder suddenly came from this secret world, which should have been extremely safe.

The mighty power in it made Cain lost his mind and just wanted to turn into a bat and escape.

"I still can't tell."

The performance of the ancient god was much stronger than his two backs. Although he was also shocked by the thunder, there was nothing unusual about it: "Blue Star, hehehe..."

"Sooner or later, I will lead the blood clan back to that place!" Guang.

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