"Next, is the second auction item."

The fox girl was even more motivated when she saw that the first auction item sold for an astonishingly high price.

Because the auctioneer's salary is determined by the auction performance and the total amount of the auction, just 188,000 gold coins, she can get a full 18.8 gold coins!

Because the most exciting equipment already has an owner, everyone can only compete for the few remaining pieces of equipment.

These pieces of equipment, without exception, are all tailor-made by Zhang Yang for Lao Tie for Duriel. Although it is not as perverted as [Old Tie's Iron Gloves], if you have it, the strategy for Duriel will definitely take over. Certain advantages - .

Therefore, although the quality of these pieces of equipment is not as good as the iron gloves, the competition is still fierce.

The dark gold equipment that used to be at most 100 gold coins has now reached 500 gold coins, and it is still rising!

Seeing this crazy scene, those lone wolves who originally wanted to shoot stopped involuntarily.

"This group of people... are they so crazy? The market price of equipment is only more than 100 gold coins, and now it has doubled?"

"It's level 37, can't you understand it?"

"They are not fighting for equipment, but for tickets to the third floor of the Tower of Infinity!"

"How long have they been stuck in Duriel now, and up to now, no one has entered the Kutlas Seaport except the Great God of Eternal Night.

"The Endless All Heavens Forum is open, have you seen it? So many civilizations have entered the third floor, but we are so far behind.

"Could it be that in the battle of civilizations that follow, we all expect the Great God of Eternal Night to fight against the entire civilization of mankind?

"wake up.


After making a statement, he explained why these people are so crazy to compete for these high ice resistance and high material resistance equipment.

After the auction channel was silent for a few seconds, another statement appeared.

"The consequences of all this, isn't it Yong Ye himself?"

"If he announced the secret of the card level earlier, be more generous, and send some equipment to everyone, wouldn't the combat power of our Blue Star humans rise? 35

"If I want to say that Yong Ye is too selfish, he should donate all the equipment and gold coins for free, so that everyone can have a strong combat power."5

"Let's just say that the three pieces of god-level equipment on him can be given to anyone, and he can create a powerhouse second only to him, right?

"Let him contribute. If you contribute, you don't need to face the entire civilization of others alone!"


There is a saying that is good, and it is unreasonable to stir up three points.

And what is an unreasonable three-pointer?

That's what this statement is about.

Its heart can be punished!

Although everyone knows that this is moral kidnapping, most people can't bear to be jealous of Zhang Yang's wealth and equipment.

Therefore, after this statement, more and more people began to ask Zhang Yang to contribute his equipment and distribute his assets equally to everyone.

Seeing that the voice was getting louder and louder, in room number 9, the people from the ten major financial groups looked at each other and raised their wine glasses.

"Will Yongye contribute equipment and money?"5

A young man frowned at the increasingly outrageous remarks: "What if we annoy him and take revenge on our industry?"

"Public opinion is a weapon that kills without blood."

An old man patted the young man on the shoulder: "You are still young and do not understand the power of public opinion. 99

"As long as the public opinion is controlled, the black can be said to be white, and the good can be said to be evil.

"Yongye wants to take revenge?"


"Can he destroy our assets?35


"Don't say whether he has this strength, even if he has, would he dare to destroy it?"

"The authorities will not let him act recklessly. Our employees are not only employees, but also a talisman for us."

“As long as you can provide 1,000 jobs, in the city, you can talk hard.55

"When you can provide 5,000 jobs, in the city, even the bosses have to take care of your emotions.

"When you can provide 1W jobs, even if you encounter difficulties, the city will do its best to help you."

"When you provide 100,000 jobs, you can put your name on it in the province, and the general requirements can be met."

The old man let the young man digest it, and then said again: "So, if you lend him some courage, what can he do?

"I understand, Uncle Ao."

The young man nodded, his face taught.

Zhang Yang watched the call for him to contribute everything for free, with no expression on his face.

From entering the game to now, he has offended very few people.

........... ask for flowers

There are not many people who have such means of manipulating public opinion, and Aojia is one.

The Nangong family is also one of them.

In addition to the top ten consortia that have just offended.

Now, he just needs to find out who made this public opinion, Zhang Yang will let him know what despair is.

And how to check?


Zhang Yang summoned several dead assassins and asked them to follow several of his enemies.

"Yongye, come out, give me your mask!

At the auction, a person may be agitated, or he may feel that he has something to rely on, ignore the auction, stand up directly, and shout: "Otherwise you will be the enemy of everyone."5

Tianzi No. 9.

The old man looked at the man who stood up and took a sip of red wine again.

"Is this a test of my attitude?

Zhang Yang's attitude was very arrogant, and he was even ready to rush to the auction stage to take away the goods that were being auctioned.

But it was stopped by the guard called by the fox girl.

"Can't you see the voices of the masses? Get out now and give me all your things!

This player with the ID of [Ye Kuang, what can you do to me] was full of madness. Although he was stopped by the guards, he still stood in front of the auction table, disrupting the normal progress of the auction.

Following his clamor, Zhang Yang sorted out his clothes and walked out.

Because of this guy's troubles, the auction was forced to be temporarily suspended, and the fox girl looked at this player angrily, wishing she could just shoot and flatten him.

She has such strength.

As a level 40 assassin who has reached the upper limit of the second floor, she is confident that with a single punch, she can send this guy back to the west.

But she didn't make a move.

Because the owner of the auction, came out.

"Eternal Night God has come out!

"Look how this guy handles this."9

"One bad... Yongye will change from a national idol to a sinner!

"By the way, don't you envy the equipment on him?"

"The battle strength of the Great God of Evernight is not entirely dependent on that powerful equipment, but more of his talent.

"Even without these equipment, the Great God of Yongye is still the Great God of Evernight, and those who want to get the equipment of the Great God are still useless.

"Mud, you can't support the wall!" Guang.

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