Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

141: Sake red noodles, wealth and silk are moving!

Mud, can not support the wall.

This sentence almost stung all the players who were clamoring for Zhang Yang to donate their equipment and money.

They are indeed incompetent, otherwise, they would not be jealous of Zhang Yang's equipment and assets.

"Who are you? You're actually helping Yong Ye to speak? Are you the filial son of Ye Xiao?"

"Don't talk nonsense, LZ doesn't believe that you are not interested in Yongye's equipment?

"Without the equipment, Yong Ye is a P? LZ can crush him with one hand!"

"The player who said that one hand ran over me is just one word for ID madness, right? I remember you.

As a speech prefixed with Yong Ye flashed by, the channel that swiped the screen instantly turned off.

As for the player who just spoke, saying that he could crush Zhang Yang with one hand, he swallowed and his face was pale.

He was really just talking. As a small party dish who just came to Lu Gaoyin, "June 13" let alone Yong Ye with a level of 44, even if it was a level 30 mobs outside, he singled it out. In any case, they may not be able to fight.

Just like the prey being targeted by the top predators, [Crazy just one word] instantly felt Alexander.

He wanted to ask for mercy, but couldn't say anything.

Zhang Yang looked at the channel without any words, followed the steps and walked down slowly.

"You want my equipment?"

When he came to 【Ye Kuang, what can you do to me】, Zhang Yang's tone was flat and expressionless: "Come, say you want that one?"


[Ye Kuang, how can you help me] In reality, he is also a ruthless man who beats people without blinking, and even has blood on his hands.

But in front of Zhang Yang, he found himself like an ant, welcoming the gaze of the flying dragon.

The terrible pressure made him want to kneel down now and beg Zhang Yang's forgiveness.

But he lost control of his body, and even his body's instincts stopped, it was difficult for him to breathe, and the feeling of suffocation became deeper and deeper.

"Don't tell me?

The corners of Zhang Yang's mouth rose slightly: "Then, shall I help you choose?

"How about the Forced Ball I just got?"

Zhang Yang took off the waist pendant from his waist: "The red magic weapon, the equipment of the same level as the colorful magic weapon.


[Ye Kuang, what can you do to me] He found that he had regained control of his body, but facing the red beam of light and the attributes of the piece of equipment, he swallowed and stretched out his hand tremblingly.

When he was about to hold the ball of compulsion, Zhang Yang let go of his hand, and his waist fell to the ground.

"Oops, my hand slipped."

Zhang Yang looked at the [Ye Kuang, how can you help me] whose face was blue and white, and his tone was very flat: "Now, this piece of equipment is in front of you, pick it up.

"Do you think grandpa dare not?

[Ye Kuang, what can you do to me] Although I was scared to death, my inner greed overshadowed my reason, so I bent down and held the ball of compulsion.

When the people present saw that [Ye Kuang, what can you do to me] actually obtained a red magic weapon, which was comparable to the colorful magic weapon, they were instantly in an uproar.

"Damn, I shouldn't hesitate, or this equipment will be mine.

"that is!"

"Don't worry, Yong Ye still has two artifacts on his body!""

"that is!""

"Yongye, hand over all the artifacts on your body!"

"Yes, hand it over!"

As the ball of compulsion was taken into the bag by 【Ye Kuang, what can you do to me】, the people present were greedy and devoured their rationality, and their voices for Zhang Yang became louder and louder.

Tianzi room 2.

Lei Long frowned as he watched Yong Ye's handling.

"Yongye, what do you want to do?"

Tianzi No. 9.

The people in these consortiums saw that Zhang Yang really gave away a piece of equipment that was comparable to a colorful artifact, and there was a stunned expression on his face.

But then, they saw a piece of fat hyena.

But as capital predators, they can still control their inner desires.

It's just that when Zhang Yang's actions followed, they couldn't sit still anymore.

"Are these enough?"

Zhang Yang took off all the equipment on his body and threw it on the ground.

For a time, the entire auction was shocked by this beam of light.


All of a sudden, everyone started a riot.

In their eyes, there were only those beams of light that reached the sky, and they started a mode of cannibalism.

Except for the one in private room No. 2 who was suppressed by Thunder Dragon, who did not participate in the riot, everyone else did.

Azu, the capital predators... they all participated in this eating of Zhang Yang's fat.

Looking at the crowds killing each other, Zhang Yang didn't have the slightest emotion in his eyes, he just watched quietly..

Slowly, these people suddenly discovered a terrifying thing.

After they died, they did not return to Lu Gaoyin's teleportation area, but were resurrected on the spot.

Some people only noticed this after dying three or four times, and at this time, their attribute points had dropped by nearly half.

"Stop it all, there's weirdness here!"

Those players who were awakened by the death penalty began to cry loudly, but because of their opening, they were targeted by some people and died again.

After an hour, almost all the people in the auction house died three or four times, and a little more than seven or eight times.

It can be said that the future life is a waste.

When everyone realized that if this continued, everyone would become a crippled person, the tacit understanding stopped.

There are still some people who don't understand the situation are still attacking frantically, but they are targeted by everyone, and they use death to calm him down.

"It's you!" 9

[Ye Kuang, how can you help me] is the worst one. He is the target of everyone's attack. He has been killed more than 10 times, and his attributes are directly cleared.

He looked at Zhang Yang with tears in his eyes, trembling all over his body: "It's all you, why do you do this?"

"Isn't it what you asked for?"

Without the cover of the mask, Zhang Yang's delicate face caught everyone's eyes.

That indifferent expression, there is no hint of helplessness and despair of being forced, and some are just calm.

[Ye Kuang, what can you do to me] Speechless, everyone bowed their heads.

Yes, this is indeed what they asked for, and Zhang Yang did as he wished.

But the result after that was not what they wanted.

Their original fantasy was to get Zhang Yang's equipment, become famous in one battle, and then go to the pinnacle of life.

Instead of the current situation, he has been killed several times and his attributes have been deducted by nearly half. It can be said that he has become a waste.

Under such circumstances, does it still make sense for them to compete for these equipment?

Everyone wants to understand a truth.

No matter how good the equipment is, if they don't have the strength to protect these equipment, then sooner or later they will encounter this situation today.

Sake red noodles, wealth and silk moving people's hearts.

They only understand this truth now.

However, it's too late.

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