Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

143: Zhang Yang's big deal!

Therefore, the players who did not enter the auction looked at the guys who looked like big shots in confusion. After Zhang Yang threw out a few bottles of potions, they suddenly started fighting with each other.

Even if they want to stop it by speaking, these people are just as invisible, just beheading those players who have picked up the potion, regardless of the cost, it makes people feel a little shudder.

They don't know the truth, they just think these guys are stupid.

Only after they went out and revealed the whole truth of the matter, did they know Zhang Yang's generosity.

Soon, on the screen that only appeared in front of these people controlled by Zhang Yang, a villa in the suburbs that looked particularly luxurious appeared.

No one else knew where this place was, but Feng Lingtian knew.

This is his home.

This picture is not made up by Zhang Yang, but directly shares Foyego's perspective.

"Everyone, this is the residence of Mr. Feng Lingtian, the famous Feng family's dark world talker.

Zhang Yang looked at these people and didn't know what this place was, and focused on the introduction: "If nothing else, this will be a perfect dive.

"The final destination is Mr. Feng's game warehouse.

Everyone looked at the unknown existence, and in an instant, they killed everyone who appeared in the field of vision. After arriving at a game warehouse, they forced the warehouse door to open.

Although the game warehouse has a self-protection function, it is useless like a cardboard box in the face of Foyego's powerful combat power.

As the warehouse door was opened, Feng Lingtian's body, who seemed to be sleeping inside, was revealed.

"Let me go!"

Feng Lingtian had already tried the offline function, but for some reason, this function was banned in the auction house.

This point made Feng Lingtian not understand.

But he couldn't understand, so he didn't delay his understanding of the current affairs as Junjie, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, hoping that Zhang Yang would not kill him.

"Why am I willing to kill you"~?"

Zhang Yang looked at Feng Lingtian who was kneeling down in front of him, no longer had the arrogant look just now, squatted down, pinched his chin, and swayed from side to side: "I am very afraid of the power of the inspector and special service, especially You Feng family, but you hide a lot of trump cards."

"I'm so scared! 35

Although Zhang Yang said he was afraid, his actual actions were very insulting.

"I won't make trouble with you."

Seeing Feng Lingtian sweating profusely, if it weren't for the Infinity Tower, his sympathy would have been violated.

If Zhang Yang met such a person in reality, he would definitely not choose to forgive him regardless of his face.

Forgiving others is God's business.

And all Zhang Yang needs to sit is to send him to see God.

"I have money!"

Feng Lingtian felt the atmosphere of silence around him, and when he sensed something was wrong, he immediately said, "A lot of money, as long as you let me go, I'll give it all to you."5

"That's what you said.""

Zhang Yang smiled slightly: "Now, exchange all the money for gold coins and transfer it to me!


Although Feng Lingtian was helpless, but now he knew that Zhang Yang couldn't be bothered.

So he happily took out all the money he put in the box, hoping that Zhang Yang could kill him.

As a necromancer who is not a good person but has positive energy, Zhang Yang definitely nodded to Feng Lingtian.

After 5W gold coins arrived in the account, Zhang Yang motioned for a death knight to take it away and throw it at the entrance of the village to fend for itself.

Feng Lingtian has been killed 5 times, and all attributes have been reduced by 50%. Now he, from the very beginning, can attack the first-line players of Duriel, and he has fallen directly to the waste that may even be able to kill the mobs in the gravel wasteland.

From strong to weak, it is only between Zhang Yang's thoughts.

After draining Feng Lingtian, Zhang Yang generously asked the death knight to leave him outside, um, at the door of his house.

"Next, next.

Zhang Yang put his eyes on Ao Kun, the emotion in his eyes could not be compared with the same.

"I see.

After seeing Zhang Yang's methods, Ao Kun, who was far away in the three provinces, knew the current affairs and began to exchange his small treasury.

It's just that his wish to keep half of it was ruthlessly shattered by Zhang Yang.

Seeing that there was only a balance of 8.32 left in the bank card, Ao Kun wanted to cry without tears, and looked at Zhang Yang as if he wanted to eat people.

Next, everyone who did it turned over all their property before they got the permission to leave here.

Of course, this auction is also unable to continue.

All the participants' money was taken out by Zhang Yang, how can they still shoot?

After hastily ended the auction and gave the fox girl 1,000 gold coins as a reward for hosting the auction, Zhang Yang posted a message that it would be around at 8 o'clock tomorrow, and closed the auction interface.

Those who went out from the auction house and wanted to report, discredit, or even hire private investigators to find Zhang Yang's actual location, at the same time, had a splitting headache.

A face that was originally very delicate appeared in front of them, but brought the same coercion as a devil.

Through the introduction, these people know what kind of state they are in.

mind control.

In other words, now they, whether physically or mentally, no longer belong to them, but belong to Zhang Yang.

As long as Zhang Yang arranged for them to do something, no matter how dissatisfied they were, they would do it.

Even do it with all your might.

Even Azu, who is known as the little superman, has no room for resistance under this kind of mental control.

A magic weapon is a magic weapon.

Mephisto, as expected of Mephisto.

Zhang Yang can only say the same.

But it's not over yet.

On the World Channel, the calls for Zhang Yang to donate his equipment and assets for free are getting louder and louder, even alarming the top management.

Some high-level executives felt that this was an opportunity, and they could take the opportunity to incorporate Zhang Yang and become a pawn in their hands.

(Wang Dehao) There are also people who think that Zhang Yang's resources can be distributed to other people together, and a few top experts will come out early again.

The Secret Service seat is also participating in this meeting, but with his energy, he is the smallest group here.

But he felt that these high-level executives had not seen far enough.

The threat of extraterrestrial civilization is already a certainty, and now you don't make every effort to build a top powerhouse, but are still doing the dream of exploiting this top powerhouse?

Now that reality and the Tower of Infinity have completed two fusions, with Zhang Yang's strength, what is the concept of playing 20% ​​in reality, haven't these people considered it?

The Secret Service is very disappointed with these high-level openings. This is a situation that would not have happened before he stepped back to the second line and took up the position of the Secret Service.

But to his relief, those at the top did not speak, but quietly watched the performances of these people.

As if... it's a test.

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