"Are you finished?"

One of the elders sitting at the front knocked on the table and said, "Is this your way?"

"It seems that the infiltration of the consortium is still not in place, and so many people here have not been able to withstand the sugar-coated cannonballs of capital.

"According to what you said, we will take down a strong man who is already at the forefront of the world, deprive him of his resources, and then let us cultivate it ourselves.

"What is the cost of time?"

"According to Yong Ye's combat power, at least it is an SS-level talent. This kind of talent is so powerful that anyone sitting here has no specific understanding. Stand up and let him experience it for himself."

"Such a strong man does not want to make good friends, but takes the country's righteousness to morally kidnap people... It is because we have harvested Azu and floated away, ready to let Yong Ye, the first person in the endless tower at present, change it. Country of Citizenship?

"Are you pig brains, or did the consortium ask you to do this?"

The old man's speech was neither fast nor slow, and his words were clearly articulated, but each word was like Mount Tai, pressing down on the various high-level officials who were talking eloquently just now.

They were sweating coldly, their heads bowed, and they didn't even dare to look at the old man.

In fact, some of them have really received the request of the consortium, and those generous gifts have been sent to their homes, just so that they can say a word about the eternal night.

A small number of people have their own selfishness, hoping to strip part of Zhang Yang's combat power and transfer it to their own people.

Therefore, everyone who can become a high-level person is stupid.

Stupid, would not stand in this position.

"At the end of the meeting, those who have taken those who should not have taken it should go to the inspection and surrender themselves."

The old man glanced at most of the people present, and his tone was very disappointed: "This meeting, Lao Zhang stays, the others go!

You look at me, I look at you, these high-level executives, but they didn't resist and walked out dejected.

When they left the conference room, they all knew that their future was gone.

"Old Zhang, express your opinion."

The seat of the Secret Service who was left behind was also a companion of these old people, but for some reason, he had to be relegated to the second line.

"Hmm. 35

The secret service seat, that is, Lao Zhang looked at the old man and began to report some of the information (cjfe) he had mastered.

"According to the information provided by Azu, we can first confirm that there was once a powerful alien civilization stationed on Europa."

"At the same time, there are many civilizations in the galaxy, eyeing Blue Star.""

"But after that attack, the large armies of these civilizations evacuated, leaving only a few minors to watch over us."

"According to the information provided by Azu, those alien civilizations call the existence that exerts that power, God!

Speaking of this, Lao Zhang's expression became serious: "The Secret Service also analyzed the meaning of this god's shot, but there was no specific result. 39

"Although it seems that this god is on our side now, there is no guarantee that this is an attack on a whim, or that someone else has provoked him."

"So, what we need to do is to have a real top-level combat power as soon as possible, even if it is not cultivated by us personally. 35

"I think Eternal Night is good.

"Since he became famous, he has hardly done any vicious things, and he is dedicated to improving his own strength."

"Although the Ao family and the Nangong family were cheated in the process, according to the content of the transaction between the two parties, it can only be said that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and there is nothing wrong with Yongye's actions.

"But because Yongye's strength has blocked the way of many people, this is the reason for this agitation.

Lao Zhang sighed: "It's not that these consortiums can't see the current situation clearly, but they are used to being high above the ground. After the arrival of the Endless Tower, they don't want to change, and they even sacrifice everyone's interests for this."

"Old Zhang still sees it very clearly.

The old man who started talking said: "To be honest, when we chose you to go to the Secret Service from among us, it was because of your thoroughness."

"You think about the same as we think, these consortia... time to clean up."

"Let the Ministry of Rites do it!

"Minimize the impact this time, and then let the Ministry of Commerce take action and beat them!"

"Everyone, do you agree?




The remaining two old men who did not speak nodded and voted in favor.

Then, the meeting ends.



Zhang Yang had just finished processing the assets of the 5,000 people he controlled, and was about to randomly select a lucky audience to let him experience the thrill of endless rebirth, but found that those voices were suppressed.

Originally, Zhang Yang was still thinking about who has so much energy to suppress such a loud voice, but a subsequent friend request let him know the whole story.

"It turned out to be the official shot."

Looking at the ID of applying for a friend, named Lao Zhang, Zhang Yang knew who was responsible.

Think about it, if you are qualified to suppress such a huge voice, apart from the official, it is difficult for even the top ten financial groups to suppress it.

In addition, this is what the top ten financial groups made. If you press it down, isn't that slapping them in the face?

After passing Lao Zhang's friend application, and looking at a sentence sent by Lao Zhang, his calm mood fluctuated a little.

"Yongye, do your best to strengthen yourself, as long as you are not anti-human, anti-social, official, you will always be your backing!"

A short answer expresses the official's attitude towards Zhang Yang incisively and vividly.

Zhang Yang just replied "I got it" and turned off the communication.

Although his first auction was messed up, Zhang Yang also harvested 6000+ spiritual slaves.

Well, for those who are controlled by themselves, that's what Zhang Yang calls them.

"Can the remaining pieces of equipment be sold to us at the price of the second auction?

The only Thunder Dragon group that was not controlled was at the entrance of the auction house, and Thunder Dragon spoke to Zhang Yang: "We need this batch of targeted equipment very much.


Zhang Yang knew who Thunder Dragon represented, and nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yang, who controlled more than 6,000 people at the auction, the current gold coin stock exceeded six figures for the first time!

You can reach seven figures within a short time.

With such a large amount of money in hand, Zhang Yang's boosted soul, which had been suppressed for hundreds of chapters, was on fire!

"Then, come on!"

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