The territory of the blood race, the star of Cain.

Ce Beixiu was informed that the ancestors were going to summon him, so he hurriedly sorted out his appearance, and rushed to the Blood Temple.

Only the blood god Cain was in the hall, and the others seemed to have already retired.


Cain looked at the respectful Cebesius, who had thrown himself to the ground, and said, "This time, I have a new task for you.

"Follow the oracle!

Cebexiu agreed without hesitation.

"Take this and head to that planet.

Recalling the performance of the old blood god, Cain knew that the planet was definitely weird, so he had to prepare in advance: "Always pay attention to everything that happens on that planet, and use this when necessary."

"Blood God Pearl?"

Cebexiu raised his head and held the drop of blood bestowed by Cain in the palm of "June 13", looking surprised.

Then he realized that he was a little rude, and lowered his head again: "Please God forgive my guilt!

"I pardon you.

Cain knew that the status of this Blood God Orb, which was condensed from his own blood essence, in the hearts of ordinary blood clans, he didn't care about Cebexiu's performance.

"Go. 99

Cain waved his hand, and Cebei retired knowingly.

In the temple, Cain closed his eyes.

"What secrets will that planet hold?"

"What secrets will that planet hold?"

After re-establishing the fleet, Cebexiu, who set off again, looked at the Blood God Orb in his hand, and was also thinking about this question.

The Blood God Orb is a one-time item condensed from the blood of a blood god-level powerhouse. After using it, you can obtain the power of the blood god for a short time.

This is the treasure that every vampire dreams of.

Just because after using the Blood God Orb, that trace of divinity will remain in the body, and the difficulty of breaking through demigods and true gods will plummet in the future.

According to rumors, the twelve new blood gods in the clan achieved the position of blood gods only by comprehending the charm in the blood god beads.

Therefore, there is such a saying in the blood clan.

Holding the Blood God Orb means that the Council of the Thirteen Gods has recognized you.

You, will become the fourteenth blood god!

Therefore, the identity of Ce Beixiu, who was in charge of the Blood God Orb, was suddenly different.

Before, he was just an ordinary blood race demigod. Although noble, he had no privileges.

but now.

After the news of his possession of the Blood God Orb spread, his status suddenly reached the height of a demigod under the true god.

This also made him feel in advance the treatment that only true gods can enjoy.

Such as this demigod-class battleship, the entire blood clan has only 99 ships, but now it has become his vehicle, the main ship in his fleet.

Even higher, there are only the Blood God-level battleships that every Blood God has devotedly built. That kind of thing can only be built with the ability and resources after becoming a Blood God.

"Blue Star..."

Cebexiu put away the Blood God Orb and looked into the distance: "I'm here!""

at the same time.

The son of the wolf king, Lucy, also set off.

He took the wolf god's fangs given by his father, and rode his father's wolf king, heading towards the blue star.

Apart from the blood clan and the wolf clan, other small races also secretly dispatched a few warships after learning that the two clans were heading towards the Blue Star at the same time, hoping to have a drink between the two big clans.

The blood clan and the wolf clan did not care about these small races, but moved towards the Blue Star very tacitly.

During the following period, Zhang Yang had a very fulfilling life every day, and his experience bar kept rising at a rate of 60% every day.

As for why it's so fast... you can ask the alien players in the entire third floor who are doing nothing.

"What, why don't you ask me to fight monsters and upgrade?

"Go outside and see, every upgrade area is occupied by Yongye's summons, and those monsters were killed just after refreshing, how do we upgrade? 35

"Simply everyone has started to make secondary occupations, just like me, now I am a senior blacksmith, do you want any equipment, as long as you provide the materials, I will make it for you for free!


Because Zhang Yang occupied the entire third floor, those alien civilization players had to turn to other upgrade methods.

For example, to improve the sub-professional.

Although there is less experience, it is better than no income at all, just a waste of time!

Conditional, they have already spent gems to return to the second floor, and went to grab monsters with the people in the second echelon.

Those who have no money can only rely on this method to make ends meet.

Simply, such a day lasted for a month before it finally ended.

Zhang Yang looked at the 300 attribute points and 30 skill points he had obtained, and smiled contentedly.

When Zhang Yang withdrew all the summons, went to the Prison of Hatred alone, and opened the passage to the fourth floor, a system prompt suddenly appeared.

"Hint: Congratulations to the [Human (Blue Star)] civilization represented by Yongye for winning this battle of civilizations. All human (Blue Star) players will receive experience bonus rewards within 1 year."5


A message appeared in the third time all connected civilizations.

Different from the cheers of the Blue Star human civilization, people from other civilizations were stunned when they got the news.

Because they don't believe that a civilization that has no reputation in the heavens has defeated so many powerful civilizations and won the battle of civilizations?

This unscientific!

Those civilizations that had already gone to the third floor began to crusade against their first-tier players, but they were all stunned when these crusade players showed the combat effectiveness of any of Zhang Yang's summons.

What a sad thing it is to live with such a person for a period of time. 5.4

These players are forgiven.

But when the first group of Blue Star Humans were right, except Zhang Yang, the second Thunder Dragon group who arrived at Kurast Harbor came here, but they found that the attitude towards Blue Star Humans was not friendly.

Almost every day, a new civilization beats them up with trumped-up excuses, or robs them of their bosses.

But he didn't dare to kill, as if he was afraid of something.

When they logged into the Endless All Heavens Forum and saw the posts full of crusade against Zhang Yang, they finally knew why the Blue Star Civilization was targeted.

For this, Thunder Dragon and the others were full of admiration in addition to crying and laughing.

This is truly achieved by one person, crushing nearly 20 civilizations' peak combat power.

Besides Zhang Yang, who else can do it?.


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