Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

147: The bearer of the world, the guardian dragon - Tagao!

"Hint: Welcome to the fourth floor of the endless tower, the fortress of demons - the fortress of chaos.

With a system prompt, Zhang Yang came to the inside of a huge war fortress.

The city wall is built around the top of this mountain, and there are endless white clouds at the foot.

Countless metal cannons were placed on the city wall, as if all the cannons would fire in unison in the next second, destroying all the enemies.

Here, everyone is fully armed, as if they are always ready to charge.

In the center of the fortress, sat an angel with light wings behind his back, whose face could not be seen clearly.

"You finally came."

Tyrell looked at Zhang Yang's arrival and acted very eagerly: "During the days I was imprisoned, a warrior known for his bravery was framed by demons and fell. 35

"He is holding the heavenly artifact - the blue anger, and his combat power should not be underestimated."

"Adventurer, I hope you can stop him, and at least bring back that artifact that belongs to heaven.

After Tyrell's words, Zhang Yang also received a new task.

Nodding to Tyrael, he didn't even bother to speak, and left the Chaos Fortress directly.


"This is so long!"

Following the descending steps, Zhang Yang walked for ten minutes before he reached the ground.

Looking back, the chaotic fortress has been blocked by white clouds, and the steps are like a ladder, which is very holy.

Here, there are more types of monsters.

Such as the terrifying knight with the power of doom.

For example, the advancement of ghosts, the doom magic that can suck the soul.

In, for example, the corpse from hell

All are demons polluted by the power of hell.

There are corpses everywhere on the earth.

There are humans, angels, and demons.

For some reason, these corpses did not have the power to infect hell, nor were they resurrected as corpses, enemies of humans.

After releasing the undead army, Zhang Yang disperse the undead army according to the previous model on the third floor.

It's just that the world on the fourth floor is really too big.

Even if Zhang Yang's current number of summoned creatures has reached 1W+, he still cannot occupy all the upgrade training areas.

Even the entire surface layer could not be fully occupied, not to mention the deeper river of flames, and the place where Diablo's true body was - the Chaos Sanctuary.

Zhang Yang rides the ancient frost dragon, Malygos, to patrol the sky.

12 hours.

A full 12 hours!

Zhang Yang just came from the wasteland of Outland to the place where the fallen angel, Izuel, appeared.

Plains of Despair.

Desperate indeed.

The entire plain, apart from the endless demons and monsters, were the corpses of various races.

There were also corpses belonging to giant dragons, and everyone was shocked.


Facing the huge dragon corpse, Zhang Yang unleashed a skill he had never used before: God Rebirth!

This skill can revive dead creatures.

After being prefixed with God, the power of this skill is even more powerful.

Ordinary rebirth can only regenerate ordinary monsters. With a higher skill level, it is to regenerate elite-level and boss-level monsters.

But no matter how high it is, such as the leader level, the hero level, and the king level, there is nothing that can be done.

What about God Rebirth, you can resurrect any level of creatures, including gods!

So Zhang Yang was very curious, what kind of strength it would be if he used the reborn object for the first time.

"Who is disturbing my long sleep?"

With the explosion of the power of God Rebirth, the huge keel in front of Zhang Yang's eyes changed.

There was a sigh that seemed to come from ancient times, and the entire Plain of Despair trembled.

As the bone dragon's body gradually recovered, a huge figure comparable to the continental shelf appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

[Monitor - Tagao (God Level) (Summon of Eternal Night)]

【Level: 50】

[Damage: 1E+ (645.5W from the summoner)]

[Defense: 2000W+ (40500 from the summoner)]

[Life: 20E (+6.3E from the summoner)]

[God-level talent: Liberation of the true body (Monitor Tagao's true body bears the entire world, when necessary, it can liberate the true body and launch an attack that is enough to destroy the world)]

[Skills: God Summon (LV.50), God Curse (lv.50), God Toxin and Bone (LV.50)]

Although it seems that Tagao's skills are only three, but if you look closely, they are three major lines.

God Summoning contains all the types that Zhang Yang can summon, but cannot be summoned, except for some creatures with special attributes, such as certain supreme existence marks, such as death knights, they can be summoned.

God · Curse, but also contains all kinds of curses that only you can't think of, and there is no it can't do it.

The same is true of God Toxin and Bone. If he really does it, Takuo can turn the whole world into a poison world.

In general, Tagao's combat power is now at the top of Zhang Yang's hands.

Well, except for the incarnation of the god-level mask.

"It's you, resurrected... eh?

Tagao's body gradually shrunk and turned into a similar size to Malygos: "I really didn't expect that someone in this world would actually gain such a high status... It's really incredible."

"It's no wonder that you can ignore that person's rules and resurrect me."

What Tagao said was mysterious, as if he touched the secrets of the ancient 613 generations.

Zhang Yang asked, but Tagao stopped saying these things, just told him that when the time was right, he would understand.

Zhang Yang swore that he had never hated the existence of the Riddler so much.

If you have something to say, can't you just finish it?

Or, don't open your mouth.

Zhang Yang hated his teeth, but he couldn't bear to attack Tageo, who had been promoted to the first combat power of his subordinates.

As long as he has a reason, he can make Tagao return to his original bone state at any time.

But in order to get angry, is it really worth it to lose a god-level combat power?

So Zhang Yang endured it, and definitely let this guy take the lead in the battle of the gods in the future.

Tageo, who had done a riddle once, felt a huge maliciousness coming, and under the intense alert, he did not find anything unusual.

This made Tagao a little confused.

At this time, a summoned creature reported that the fallen angel Izuel had been found, and Zhang Yang was ready to take his anger out on him.

Speeding all the way, Zhang Yang soon saw the fallen angel in a corner of the Despair Plain.

【Izuel (King)】

【Angel, Demon】

【Level: 50】

【HP: 1E】


【Defense: 1W】

[Talent: Frost control, more courageous in battle].

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