"What happened!"

Dracula and the three looked at this strange scene, anxious, but helpless.

Let go first?

Don't make trouble, even if their average level is 120+ now, facing Diablo, they are not opponents at all.

If you want to kill this demon god, unless you take human lives, there is absolutely no way to single-handedly-.

In fact, the fifth floor is also the same, the ferocity of Destruction Demon Baal is even higher than Diablo.

The sixth and seventh floors are much better, and they don't know why the difficulty of the Infinity Tower is like this.

"hold on.'

Among the three, Xiaode knew Diablo the most. As for this tyrannical devil, he knew that this one was capable and would never beep.

In fact, the three of them didn't know that Zhang Yang and Diablo, who seemed to be staring at each other, were actually chatting.

"There are three bugs over there, do you need me to help you deal with them?"

Diablo's voice appeared in Zhang Yang's mind: "Also... I haven't seen you for a few days, you have become so strong?

"By the way... your body on the fourth floor can also perceive what is happening on the third floor?

Zhang Yang looked at Diablo, who was not shown to be his summoned object, but he could really feel the spiritual link, and was a little curious: "But it is not shown, is it because it is not the same level?"


Diablo gave Zhang Yang a positive answer: "Actually, you are in control of my real body on the 18th floor, and only after reaching the 18th floor can your name appear on my head."


Zhang Yang expressed his understanding: "If I kill your body now, what can I drop?"

"The highest piece of purple epic."

Having said this, Diablo glanced at Zhang Yang resentfully: "You took away my sword, what else do you want?"

"Ah this...35

Zhang Yang scratched his head in embarrassment: "Hahaha, the weather is really nice today. 95

This is also thanks to Zhang Yang's words, chatting in the Chaos Refuge.

"Oh, right."

As if thinking of something, Diablo suddenly said: "If I kill my body within 10 minutes, it seems that some kind of reward can be triggered. It's the rules set above, I don't know, and no one can do it. .

"However, you should be able to.

Diablo looked at the ordinary-looking bone dragon next to Zhang Yang: "I didn't expect that even the great Tagao would surrender to you... The chance of success in that matter is higher."

"Do not worry."

Zhang Yang winked at Diablo: "When I have the opportunity and the ability, I will definitely help you."9


Diablo nodded, then said, "Now to fight?"


Zhang Yang also nodded.

Then, the battle begins!

"They're finally fighting!

Watching Zhang Yang and Diablo fight, the hunting trio finally got excited.

In the battle against Diablo, there is no room for distraction, or you will hate the Northwest.

This is something they have all experienced.

But the goal is different. The goal is just a small broken ball that has just joined the Infinity Tower. Without any understanding of the Infinity Tower, naturally he will not know how powerful Diablo is.

Now, looking at the wall of fire that Diablo released, soaring into the sky, their hearts were gradually suspended.

They did not want the target, namely Zhang Yang, to die at the hands of Diablo, because the loss of the target was not large.

What they hope is to let the target die in their hands, so that they can use the props in their hands to maximize the loss of the target.

It's just that something shocking happened to them.

When the wall of fire dissipated, Diablo's seemingly invincible figure fell.

Accompanied by a purple and three dark golden beams of light rising into the sky.


The hunting trio is numb.

They couldn't imagine why someone was so powerful that he killed the invincible Diablo in such a short period of time?

But the system prompt that followed, announced to the world that the invincible Diablo had fallen!

"Are we still going?"

Ed swallowed. "Looks like we might not be able to beat him?"


Dracula's heart has also set off a huge wave now: "If he goes directly to the fifth floor, aren't we wasting the resources given by the gods?"

"He killed Diablo, he must have used a method that we couldn't think of, and now is the time!

After Dracula finished speaking, he shot out brazenly.

Toxic Nova threw it directly at Zhang Yang, and then the Bone Cage controlled Zhang Yang.

Xiaode and Ed looked at each other and had to shoot.

Xiao De summoned a giant bear and a mad wolf, and turned into a giant bear himself, rushing towards Zhang Yang.

·For Flowers····

Xiaode released the phantom cloak, hidden his figure, and killed Zhang Yang with them.

Looking at the rushing hunting trio, a green light appeared between Zhang Yang.

Dracula's poison nova exploded.

But there was no joy in his face.

Just because there are two words that appear.


"how is this possible!!!

Seeing these two words, Dracula's face was full of disbelief.

But in the subsequent attack, no matter who it was, the words that appeared on Zhang Yang's head had not changed.

All are immune.

Seeing this scene, they went crazy.

Skills that don't need money are thrown away, but they are all those two big characters in exchange.


When the green light in Zhang Yang's hand exploded, the super eight-digit damage appeared on the head of the hunting trio, sending them away directly.

Demon Fortress, Chaos Fortress.

Because the corpse was destroyed, the three groups of hunters who had directly lost 10% of their attribute points and were resurrected looked at each other, and the scene was very silent.

"Is this guy... a monster?"

Ed felt his teeth were itching: "Our attack didn't break the defense, but his attack hit us directly? 35

"Millions of damages!

Ed looked at himself with a blood volume of over 200W and 75% toxin resistance: "Xiao De, how much blood do you have?"


Xiaode glanced at his attributes: "Anti-drug 75%!

Dracula didn't wait for Ed to ask, and took the initiative to report his attributes: "HP 500W, poison resistance 75%, combined with talent, various resistances can reach 95%."

"A little bit of damage?"

"Not much.

When they said this, the three looked at each other and swallowed.

According to what they know, it is possible to ignore any defense and resistance to cause damage, except that SS rank and above have extremely rare talents, so there is only another possibility.


After becoming a god, no, even if you become a demigod, you will gain an SS-level talent.

This talent can cause 100% damage to existences below the god level, and reduce the damage by 99% when receiving non-god level damage.

Combined with their attacks, they didn't break the target at all...


The three looked at each other, their eyes full of horror,

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