"We... actually want to assassinate a god?"

Ed closed his eyes. "Are we crazy?"

"No, no!

Dracula also suppressed the waves in his heart: "God, there is no such low level. 35

"In other words, he is a false god! 9

Hearing this sentence, Xiaode opened his mouth: "A false god is also a god!"

"Withdraw, and report the news to each of them."

As Xiaode spoke, he went offline: "The target is no longer something we can handle.

Seeing Xiaode's body dissipating directly, Ed and Dracula looked at each other, sighed, and went offline.

Zhang Yang looked at the explosive equipment on the three and picked it up.

"Level 90 equipment..."

Looking at the equipment, Zhang Yang raised his head thoughtfully: "Did it attract the attention of others?"

"Six One Three"

Blood family, the star of Cain.

When Cain got the news, he frowned.

He didn't just dispatch one killer, but sent three killers at the same time, targeting the owners of Blue Star's high-level talent.

It's a pity that people at the top can only descend to the fourth floor at most, and only a pair of killers will go to the fourth floor for the time being.

That Yong Ye, although not on Cebexiu's list of SSS-level talents, but his progress has always been ahead by so much, and the last time he was an SS-level talent.

In order to strangle it in the cradle, he prepared a high-level killer.

But I didn't expect that three killers with an average level of 120 were easily defeated.

Moreover, according to their news, this player may be a god!


Cain stretched out his hand, looked at his pale hand, stroked his pale face, and his expression gradually distorted.

"This... how is it possible, how is it possible!"

Cain knew what a huge price he had paid in order to become the Blood God.

And now, just a little guy who has just reached the fourth floor, is he suspected of becoming a god?

"kill him!"

"Must kill him!"

Cain calmed down his inner emotions and gave the order again.

"Send the order, let Zebexiu, Ulqi, Kasas... go to the fourth floor, and be sure to strangle Eternal Night!

At the same time, the wolf clan and the fallen clan also issued orders.

This time, they dispatched the highest level that the fourth floor could accommodate, that is, a demigod-level powerhouse, to hunt down Zhang Yang.

For a time, the mobilization of the three groups of demigods caused other races to start war alerts, ready to respond to the attacks of the three groups at any time.

Zhang Yang packed up, picked up Diablo's soul stone, and its phantom appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

At the same time, Mephisto's soul stone in the backpack also floated out, and Mephisto's phantom also appeared here.


Diablo saw Mephisto and said hello: "It looks like you made your own choice too?"


Mephisto sighed: "This guy's fighting ability really makes me admire.

"Third brother, your vision is good."

"That's for sure.

Zhang Yang ignored the two demon phantoms who were chatting, but came to the center of the magic circle, looked at the portal that could be opened at any time, went to the fifth floor, and stopped.

As before, he still decided to lay a solid foundation and go to the fifth floor.

"Continue to upgrade."

Zhang Yang made a decision to spread out the summoned beasts, occupying the Chaos Refuge and the River of Fire respectively.

As for the largest surface layer, Zhang Yang decided to let Tageo, who is big or small, handle it.

It is a huge body that is enough to carry the entire world, and any action can kill the enemy in a huge area.

a week later.

Zhang Yang, who was already level 53, returned to the Chaos Fortress, waiting for the fusion of the two worlds.

As mentioned above, when the new civilization of each period comes to the fourth floor, in order to prevent the guys who stayed on the fourth floor for a long time from bullying the newcomers, a 7-day safety period is given.

During these seven days, a branch space will appear on the entire fourth floor, and after the time passes, the two will merge with each other.

Then, is the real fourth floor.

Zhang Yang watched the surrounding space begin to tremble, and ripples continued to appear, accompanied by the distortion of the space... the whole feeling of the end of the world.

This situation continued for 10 minutes.

After it stabilized, with the appearance of ripples, countless players suddenly appeared around Zhang Yang.

They are humanoid, animalistic, half-human, half-animal, and even more insubstantial.

If the third layer is only for the newly added civilization to initially contact other civilizations, the fourth layer is to go further.

There are more civilizations here, and there are many people who should be able to go to the fifth floor, but for various reasons, they stay here.

According to incomplete statistics, at least 30% of the people of each civilization will stay in this layer, and they will never be saved.

In other words, the fourth floor is the final seat of the mediocre.

"Take a look, take a look, it's a level 50 rare yellow equipment, 1200 gold coins!"

"5000 gold coins to get a dark gold staff, those who know the goods come, and those who know the ink will roll 1"

"Seeking advanced skills book! Some MMM!

The lively shouting around made Zhang Yang come back to his senses.

Looking at that piece of trashy level 50 yellow equipment, it dared to sell it for 1,200 gold coins, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh with emotion that people with goblin civilization are black!

Relatively speaking, the dark gold staff of the dwarf civilization is relatively fair. If you like it, you can sell it for 5,500 gold coins.

Zhang Yang looked around and saw that there were very few players below level 60. Zhang Yang's level 53 was a bit out of the ordinary among this group of level 60 players.

However, although there are few, there are still some players whose level is lower than level 60. Zhang Yang even saw a 5.4 old man with white beard and hair from the Orc civilization, whose level was only 51, which was lower than him.

After strolling around, there was nothing that caught his eye, so Zhang Yang walked out of the Chaos Fortress and prepared to upgrade.

It's just that after he went out, he found that the crowd of people in front of him was a bit familiar.

People are everywhere.

Those level 60 guys ruthlessly slaughtered these level 50 mobs.

There are more people than weirdos.

Zhang Yang can only say so.

This is true of the largest surface, not to mention the more competitive River of Fire and Chaos Sanctuary.

Zhang Yang sighed.

"Looks like you have to use that trick!"

Zhang Yang returned to the Chaos Fortress, came to the River of Flames through the teleportation array, and summoned all the undead army.

"Empty the River of Fire, and the Chaos Refuge!"


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