Zhang Yang doesn't feel strange anymore.

Since the last time he noticed something was wrong, Zhang Yang would not have any strange meaning if something like this happened again.

It's nothing more than what the previous term, or the future self, did. What are you thinking about now?

Although holding such an idea, Zhang Yang subconsciously remembered the composition of the heroic soul.

"Brave adventurer.

The ancient souls of the three barbarians stopped after a long discussion, and one of them said: "Although you have been recognized by most barbarians, if you want to face Baal, you still need more glory. "

"Come on, let's fight! 35

Another said: "If you fail and prove that you can't resist Barr, find a place to realize a lifelong dream."

The last one said: "If you win, you will have enough weapons against Baal, make a choice!"

A prompt appeared in front of Zhang Yang's eyes, and he decisively chose to accept it.

Tasks will give experience.

Zhang Yang now needs an upgrade.

Then, the battle began.

Every soul of the ancient barbarian has a health value of 3E, and an attack power of 630, which is unprecedentedly 300W!

Of course, instead they have a defense of 0.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to pass this level at all.

The test is the output ability of the entire team.

And Zhang Yang, the most important thing is the output ability.

ten seconds.

In Zhang Yang's bombardment, the three ancient barbarian souls only lasted for ten seconds, and their lives were cleared.

But they did not die, but the golden light on their bodies was a little weaker.

"The power of faith can bring them back to life...as long as they are remembered.

After subconsciously analyzing the details of the rebirth of the three ancient barbarians, Zhang Yang made his own judgment.

"Adventurer, you win."

Although defeated, the three ancient barbarian souls did not have any frustration of defeat, but joy.

Joy from the soul.

"This is the entire barbarian family, 90% of the power of faith."

The three ancient barbarian souls converged the golden light on their bodies, turned them into a little golden bean, and handed them over to Zhang Yang: "I hope it can be of use to you.


Zhang Yang nodded to them, looking at the golden light flashing on his body, he was very satisfied.

Level 62!

"Going down the Atri Mountains is the World Stone Temple.

An ancient soul weakly pointed to a temple at the foot of the mountain: "Baal's magic power has blocked the entire area, even the angel Tyrael can't break it.

"May the god of death watch over you forever."

The sudden words of the three ancient barbarian souls made Zhang Yang roll his eyes.

What god of death is watching you... I am the god of death myself, do I look at myself every day?

Although I am very handsome, but if I watch too much, I am afraid that I will feel that there is no woman matching me in the whole world!

After complaining, Zhang Yang patted Qualkek, who was stunned now, and headed towards the World Stone.


Outside the World Stone Temple, Cebexiu, who was camping in a secret place, suddenly spoke up.

"What's coming?"

Lucy yawned: "The goal is coming?"

"Hmm. 35

Cebei Xiu looked at the son of the wolf king who was excited at night, his spirit was a little lethargic and he sighed: "If you are sleepy, you can take a rest first, and I will go to explore the reality of the target first."5

"I'll go with you."

Luxey shook his head, patted his face, and tried his best to refresh himself.

After tidying up, the two looked up, and on the sacred mountain, there were several small black dots winding down.

"It always feels like something bad is about to happen."

Zhang Yang felt something was wrong.

As the god of death, in addition to the normal picture he sees, there is something that only he can see.

That is the dead air (cjfe).

At this moment, except himself, everyone, including Morena, Ellie, and Redna, had a strong sense of death on their heads.

"Someone wants to deal with me."

Zhang Yang thought for a moment to understand why there was a dead air.

Obviously, someone set up an ambush on the road from here to the World Stone Temple.

The people who set the ambush are very powerful.


Zhang Yang stopped and looked at the third girl and the second child: "You go back first.


Morena's three daughters had question marks on their faces.

But as women born in the shelter, they were not as hypocritical as ordinary people. They knew that Zhang Yang would not harm them, so they didn't even ask, they just tore open a scroll of returning to the city and returned to Harrogath.

Qualkek also noticed something and left.

At this time, only Zhang Yang was left in the group.

Continue down.

Zhang Yang is ready, the bone armor has been released, all the undead army is ready to go, and even Tagao rarely sleeps, but yawns on Zhang Yang's shoulders.

Passing all the way to the foot of the mountain, and then going forward is a small valley, which is a good place to ambush.

Zhang Yang released the undead army, let them show their magical powers, and began to investigate all suspicious existences.

"Did he find something?

Luxey is ready, all kinds of beasts around him are ready to go, and he himself has transformed into a werewolf, licking his claws.

"do not know."

Cebesius shook his head, followed by a black mass of skeletons: "Look at it.


Suddenly, Lucy and Mad Wolf moved their noses at the same time and turned their heads to look in one direction.

There, a pair of knights carrying the breath of death were charging.

The target is them.


Now that they were discovered, Cebesius and Luxey no longer hid and attacked brazenly.

The Death Knights and the Sea of ​​Skeletons collided.

Something unexpected happened.

He has been promoted to the sea of ​​​​skeletons summoned by god-level skills, but he can't stop the red death knights at all.


Cebesius was still surprised at first, but then he was relieved when he remembered that his opponent might be a god.

He is only a demigod, how could he possibly fight against a god in terms of skills?

It's not normal to beat it.

The battle is in a state of collapse.

And Cebesius discovered that unless he used skills that had been promoted to god-level, ordinary skills would not break the defense against these death knights at all.

Luxie next to him also discovered this situation, but his werewolf form happened to be god-level, so he could cause damage.

For the first time, the Death Knights were downsized.

And layoffs are increasing.

Apart from the invincibility of Arthas, ordinary death knights could not resist the attacks of Zebesius and Luxey at all.

The situation became anxious.

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