Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

160: Three on one, Casillas' highlight moment!

Of course, the battle situation was anxious, just because only the Death Knights participated in the battle.

On the other hand, Zebesius and Luxey had already used most of their cards.

"and also?

Just when Zebesius and Luxey joined forces to kill the Death Knights, skeletons suddenly appeared around them.

Although they look weak, each of them exudes a kind of strength.

God's power.

Seeing this, how could Cebexiu and the others still not understand that the Death Knights in front of them were just a vanguard, and the real army of undead had only appeared now.

"Kill it out!

Cebesius and Luxey were back to back, watching their carefully cultivated summons being devoured by this army of undead, their faces became ugly.

Don't look at these as the weakest skeleton-type summons, but under the influence of divine power, his 300W defense has no effect at all.

Only the divine defense with less than 1000 points can reduce a little damage, but it is better than nothing.

Therefore, when the undead army took shape, they had to think about retreating.

More ants kill elephants, this is not an empty phrase, but a fact.

Just can they really escape?

Certainly not.

Zhang Yang had already asked Malygos and the Bone King to use Azeroth magic far beyond the current level to seal the surrounding space.

Oh, the god-level ones are not counted, after all, Malygos and the Bone King are not god-level summons.

"The Town Return Scroll is invalid!

Cebexiu shredded a city-returning scroll, only to find that the azure-blue portal just flickered for a moment and then dissipated.

As a player from a high level, he felt a little groaning in his heart.

"Damn, this man knows Azeroth's spells, he closed the space!""

Zebeixiu's face became ugly: "Lucy, we have to kill!


Luxie suddenly let out a terrifying howl, which was deafening, and at the same time a panic filled his heart.

All the summons that did not reach the god level fell into a state of fear at this moment, running around, and the surrounding formation was also chaotic.

This is one of Luxie's second job in Azeroth: Death Knight's skills.


The same is true for Cebesius. After seeing the skeletons around him returning to normal, he once again released a skill belonging to the Azeroth warlock profession: Howl of Fear!

The effect is the same as that of Lucy's ability.

As the surrounding skeletons fell into fear again, Cebesius and Luxi took the time to break out of the encirclement and walked towards the periphery of the barrier.

However, they hadn't gone far when a very strange man blocked their way.

Conqueror - Casillas!

After taking a sip of wine, he smiled slightly at the two of them, and drew out the long knife from his waist.

"Kill him!"

Cebesius and Lucy were only afraid of the large number of skeletons, and they were not afraid of Casillas, who was obviously stronger but was only one person.

Faced with the two of them starting the attack without saying hello, Casillas showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and then followed suit.

Ye Mingliu - Immovable Sword!

Casillas drew his sword with one hand, and a terrifying sword energy formed out of thin air, flying towards Zebexiu and Luxi.

Originally, the two did not take it seriously and were ready to fight hard.

But as the sword energy got closer and closer, the sixth sense in their hearts that had been strengthened to the extreme of mortals kept telling them.


Otherwise, you will die!

Although the two were from noble backgrounds, they were still true warriors who came out of the sea of ​​blood.

The sixth sense, saved them more than once.

Therefore, they subconsciously stopped their movements and avoided the sword energy.

Because of his attributes, Cebexiu, who was a mage, slowed down a little and was rubbed lightly.


A near-eight-digit damage came directly from his head, and his blood volume dropped directly below 80%, causing his hair to stand up.


Cebexiu looked at the sword energy that flew to the horizon, and the shock in his heart was indescribable in words.

Luxie also saw this scene, and his fear of Casillas rose to the extreme.

"You left me right!

Lukexi's hands are filled with the power of death, which is the inferior attribute of Zhang Yang's death power, forming an energy chain that traps Casillas.

Immediately afterwards, Cebesius summoned a demon that obviously did not belong to the world of sanctuary, was fully armed and held a huge war blade, and issued an attack order.

...... ask for flowers.....

This demon was a demigod, and it was one of Cebesius' trump cards.

The most important thing is that the two signed only an employment contract, and every time this devil makes a move, he will charge a lot of money.

"Just like last time!"

This demon was obviously used to being summoned suddenly. After a price, he shot directly at Casillas.

In his opinion, a mere king-level existence is not worthy of his seriousness.

But when he really played against Casillas, he noticed something was wrong.

"Damn, you cheated on me!

After the demon was repelled several meters away by Casillas' one-handed attack, he turned his head tremblingly and looked at Cebesius: "What kind of king is this guy! 99


"I didn't even say he was the king!""

At this time, Cebei Xiu was rubbing his skills: "Stop talking nonsense, if we don't kill him, we will all die!

"If you can live, I will definitely make you bankrupt!"

The devil also knew that now they belonged to the grasshoppers on a rope, and they both prospered and suffered losses. They directly activated their ultimate move and attacked Casillas.

In this way, the main attack is a demon whose life level is higher than that of Zebesius and Luxi, the auxiliary attack is Luxi, and the auxiliary is Zebesius.

The three temporarily formed a small team and attacked the big BOSS Casillas in their minds.

"Is that right!"

Just now, Casillas was just playing, not serious.

Now watching the three of them practice their hands, he finally felt a little pressure.

Finally, he took his first steps after the battle had begun.

Sideways let go of the demon warrior's axe, his left hand moved slightly, and the sword light flashed.

A crack appeared in the armor made of abyss iron on this demon armor.

There was also a deep scar on his body.

"Green blood?"

Casillas frowned at the blood color on the blade: "Demon? 35

"Damn, I'll let you know what cruelty is!

The demon warrior who was almost cut off with a knife was even more angry.

He originally used the big move of transforming into a demon, but at this time, he directly burned the source of life and greatly increased his strength.

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