Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

161: Finally meet, Demon of Destruction, Baal!

The demon warrior who reached the pinnacle of the demigods fought back and forth with a sword-wielding Casillas, as if they were evenly matched.

But there were no stupid people present, and it was natural to see that the demon warriors fought like this by relying on their bloody bravery and unwillingness to exchange injuries for injuries.

When the source of life is burned, and Casillas does not need to make up for the knife, he will lose his combat power and become meat on a felt board.

Zebesius and Luxey naturally would not allow such a thing to happen.

The two were divided into one left and one right, constantly interfering with Casillas' attack.

Cebesius constantly used Shadow Arrow and Chaos Arrow to interfere with Casillas' attack. During the interval of the attack, he kept throwing the curse skills of Necromancers and Warlocks.

For a time, Casillas' body became colorful, and he was also covered with various DEBUFFs, weakening "630" in the eyes of his combat power.

Still, Casillas didn't have panic on his face, just a desire to fight.

Ye Mingliu-Remnant Heart Sword!

Casillas took the initiative for the first time.

The long sword in his hand seemed to have life, and he led him forward, directly catching the demon warrior by surprise, and a large scar appeared on his body again.

Immediately afterwards, he turned over and slashed horizontally, and a sword energy burst out of the hole and slashed towards the three of them.

The three of them were at the moment when their old strength was exhausted, and when their new strength was not born, they could only helplessly watch the sword qi attack.

Reluctantly used their own weapons to block the sword qi, but found that the weapons they once depended on for survival were shattered piece by piece after being subjected to this attack.

This unexpected situation made the three of them very excited.

Everyone's weapons are not so easy to obtain, even if it is a demon warrior, his weapons are fought with one knife and one knife.

Now that the weapon is broken, the combat power of the three is greatly reduced, and there is no capital to fight Casillas.

Looking at each other, they both saw the retreat in each other's eyes.


Cebesius threw a fear on Casillas, and when he was slightly lost, the three of them fled in three directions.

"Did you escape?

Casillas watched the three leave, but did not chase, but took out the wine and poured it.


Cebexiu ran a distance and looked back, but did not find the figure of that terrifying existence.


This was Zebesius' first reaction.

But the smile on his face vanished when a skeleton that looked very difficult to deal with suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was the skeleton tyrant who stopped him!

As the representative of absolute firepower in Zhang Yang's summons, its appearance brought a bad experience to Cebesius.

What a Gatling Vulcan.

What an RPG.

Like not wanting money, he frantically bombed every inch of land around Cebesius.

When the sound of the roaring of the gunfire gradually faded, and after the gunpowder smoke dissipated, what appeared in front of the skeleton tyrant was a miserable Cebexiu.

At this moment, Cebexiu's blood volume had dropped to freezing point, even if it was just... well, Cebexiu was dead.

He was struck to death by a rock that had been blown from somewhere.

When he was about to die, Cebesius' eyes were full of relief.

Compared with Zebexiu, what happened to Luxie, son of the wolf king, was much better.

He encountered Malygos.

This giant dragon in charge of magic used all kinds of magic to directly kill Luxey to scum, without so many twists and turns.

What the Demon Warrior encountered was the High Priest of Death, who had no room for resistance at all, and was beaten by a finger of the High Priest of Death.

The sadness is hard to describe in words.

"Finally home.

Cebesius also ignored it, and directly chose to return to Harrogath's resurrection after losing 10% of his attribute value.

almost the same time.

Luxey also appeared in the Teleportation Array area.

The two looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

"We spent so many resources, are we actually here to die?"

Luxey laughed at himself and said: "You know, those resources are used for me to break through the peak of demigods!

"Me neither.

Cebexiu had the same wry smile on his face: "Now I've lost 10% of my basic attributes, and I'm one step closer to becoming a god!"


The two looked at each other and sighed.

"Let's go?

Luxie looked at Cebesius: "After a while, that guy comes back, we have to die again. 39


Cebesius has already opened the teleportation array: "Being caught by him is not a death! 99

"It's always dead!

A very unfamiliar voice appeared in the ears of the two of them, and the sixth sense's crazy warning showed the danger of the owner of the voice.

"It's you!

The moment he heard the voice, Cebesius had activated the teleportation array, and when he was teleporting, he turned around and saw the owner of the voice.

The assassination target of his trip - Eternal Night!

"Your reaction is quick."

Zhang Yang looked at the silhouette of the two teleporting away, and looked up at the sky: "However, I will find you.

Tower of Infinity, 20th floor.

Seeing the few resources left in his backpack, Cebexiu did not feel distressed, but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Too dangerous!"

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Cebei Xiu immediately went offline, preparing to make the target far more powerful than ordinary demigods.

But he also knows that although the blood clan is not only the thirteen blood gods on the bright side, but there are only one or two more, which is the bottom card of the pressure box in the clan.

Impossible to be a killer at all.

"Hopefully he didn't recognize who I was.

After Cebesius sent the message, he closed his eyes and prayed to the blood god: "O almighty blood god, your believers pray to you, I hope the target will not recognize my identity in 5.4, otherwise we will be wiped out. Disaster!

The Blood God did not respond, and even he himself did not know that the demise of the blood clan had already been put on the agenda.

Zhang Yang left a bit of death power in the body of the two of them. Although he might not be able to see them in the future, it was a good choice to leave behind.

Returning to the gate of the World Stone Temple, Zhang Yang pushed open the huge door while looking at the temple.

There are many monsters in it, and they are very powerful, and each of them is a top-level combat force with a level of 70.

Moreover, these monsters are basically the ultimate evolutionary varieties of each race, with various means and innate skills.

Zhang Yang took the undead army and began to sweep the place.

This place is very big, and it took Zhang Yang a full day of work to be in front of the rumored Devil of Destruction Baal.

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