Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

164: In charge of the top ten consortia!

Ancient city, Secret Service headquarters.

"It's definitely not that simple.

Lao Zhang knocked on the table: "The day before, the top ten financial groups announced their support for Yingjiang and their opinions, and put pressure on the government, and the next day the person in power was assassinated.

"Now the people who eat melons suspect that it is the official shot.

Lao Zhang felt a headache when he thought of the public opinion he read on the Internet.

There were applause.

There are official praises.

And conspiracy theories

Tens of millions of comments made Lao Zhang's blood boil. He really felt that the official took action to kill the so-called consortium in power.

But as a high-level executive, he knows that the official has no preparations for the ten major consortiums for the time being.

The time is not ripe.

The secret service members below looked at Lao Zhang suspiciously.

Obviously, they also thought it was an official shot.

Otherwise, with so many guards in power of the ten major financial groups, could anyone be able to assassinate them?


If this is the case, the top ten consortiums should not be called consortiums, but the big fat sheep.

With the same defense as a sieve, who dares to take the top?

"Perhaps it was some unscrupulous people who had a hatred and conflict with the top ten financial groups.


Leng Bing watched the scene silently, as the action team leader, she opened the mouth and said: "Although the ten major financial groups have realized that the times have changed, they still maintain their usual arrogance, and have no reverence for the strong at all. Misfortune is only a matter of time. 99

"Especially, they dare to provoke Yong Ye, which is even more courting death."

This sentence, Leng Bing did not say it, but said it in his heart.

As the strongest at present, considering the opponent's combat effectiveness in the Tower of Infinity, although it is only 20%, it is still enough to threaten the personal safety of those "superior people".

"Check the recent movements of the players in the first tier."

Lao Zhang said: "After the verification is completed, report directly to me. 35


Cold Ice stood up and nodded.


"Yes! 35

Immediately afterwards, all the players in the first echelon were invited by the Secret Service. At this time, they regretted that they did not hide their information like Zhang Yang.

Although they are now in the first echelon of the Infinity Tower, they are not invincible. For hot weapons, they are still unable to achieve complete defense.

Because of this (cjfe), although they are very upset, they still won't turn against the official, and can only cooperate with the inspection quietly.

Of course, people who are pretentious and unruly will exist. For such people, the Secret Service directly and forcefully suppressed them, showing the muscles of the first echelon and those careerists.

After learning from the previous lessons, the Secret Service is divided into three teams, each team maintains a minimum of 12 hours of upgrade time in the Infinity Tower per day.

The three shifts are rotated to ensure that the Secret Service has at least one group of combat power.

Because of this, their current strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, such as Leng Bing and other talented people, who have worked hard, they have even caught up with the first echelon, and even ranked in the middle and upper reaches.

After suppressing these pretentious and rebellious guys, the Secret Service's next action has much less resistance.

When all the players in the first echelon were questioned, and after the investigation confirmed what they said, the materials came to Lao Zhang.


Lao Zhang looked at the materials and found that none of them matched the time when the assassins committed the crime, which made him scratch his head.

In the Mediterranean Sea, which was already scarce, the last few hairs were pulled off.

Now, three days have passed since the person in charge of the ten major financial groups was assassinated.

During these three days, the assets of the ten major consortiums have shrunk a lot due to the lack of those in power at the helm.

Fortunately, each consortium has a lot of talents, and with concerted efforts, the consortium did not fall apart.

At this moment, the most important thing to do among the ten major financial groups is to re-elect those in power.

After all, they need a leader, so that all talents can unite their strengths, rather than doing things separately.

If you want to successfully run the entire consortium, you need not only ability, but also whether there is support behind it.

This also caused many capable people to sigh and withdraw from the fight.

Proud family, Council of Elders.

Because the Aojia Patriarch is not only the Patriarch, but also the Speaker of the Elder Council. After his death, the other elders have different thoughts.

Sometimes, when the water is muddy, it is easy to fish.

After taking this opportunity to win over six people, the proud elder, who was controlled by Zhang Yang, is bound to take the position of the speaker and successfully take charge of the proud family!

After the long council of elders, Ao Wudi walked out of the council with a look of spring breeze.

he made it.

At this time, he successfully took charge of the behemoth of the proud family.

After walking out of the parliament, he immediately contacted Zhang Yang through the spiritual link to inform him of the good news.

"well done.

Zhang Yang's praise made Ao Wudi even more excited.

In fact, Ao Wudi's heart was still very resistant when he was controlled from the very beginning.

But under the force of the Force Ball, he couldn't resist.

But only through the information about his master collected during this period of time, he realized how terrible Zhang Yang was.

Through the few words of some NPCs, he noticed an amazing secret.

His master, possibly, is a god!

So after realizing this, he was ready to follow Zhang Yang with all his heart.

So he didn't feel that he was being controlled, but got the maximum freedom.

Zhang Yang received news of the chess pieces in the ten major consortiums one after another. Most of them succeeded, but the Nangong family failed.

Because, Nangong Yu'er's elder brother, Nangong Changtian, has returned.

He was on the Eagle Sauce side, the first echelon there, second only to Azu in rank and combat power.

After Azu left, he became a well-deserved first person.

This time, Yingjiang let him back in order to control the Nangong family.

Sinister intentions, too many books.

Zhang Yang didn't care after learning the news.

He also knows that Nangong Changtian is not a perverted person, but it is not a good thing.

The talent belongs to a fixed increase of a large number of attribute points, which is very useful in the early stage, and can even crush Azu before level 40, but after that, it becomes weak and eventually stuck in the master, and there is no room for improvement.

Zhang Yang just told the Nangong family's chess pieces that he could handle them, and just went out for a meal, and when he came back, he saw the eldest son of the Nangong family, Nangong Changtian, who was assassinated.

"very pitiful."

After Zhang Yang pretended to use a prayer gesture commonly used by Yingjiang, he ate the chaos of the Shaxian Hotel in two mouthfuls.

Well, it's all handmade, freshly packaged and cooked, and it tastes really good.

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