Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

165: Change your name and surname!

After eating, Zhang Yang raised his head and looked in the direction of the moon.

He sensed that his death force was motionless in that direction. Obviously, the vicinity of the moon should be their temporary base.

Zhang Yang still doesn't know that his last shadow incarnation directly destroyed the temporary base of the blood clan, otherwise he would definitely do it again.

"When they find their base, make a big fuss, then follow them back to the vampire's territory. 35

After Zhang Yang gave Bone King and Wu Luqi a new order, he took another look and returned to his room.

Although it is a rental house, Zhang Yang has lived for a long time and has feelings.

He has recently been considering whether to buy the apartment.

But after thinking about it, he gave up.

It's not because of money. He now controls nine of the top ten financial groups. Money, for the time being, is just a number.

As long as he wants, let alone an apartment, even all the properties for sale in the entire ancient city, he can easily get it.

But not necessary.

He is not very demanding of these.

Don't you see, does he still enjoy eating at the Shaxian Hotel?

It's not that he hasn't eaten meals made from those expensive ingredients. In fact, in the following days, even the meat of divine beasts, he has eaten more than once.

Compared with the meat of divine beasts, even the most expensive ingredients in reality cannot be compared.

So he doesn't pursue that.

He just ordered the ten major financial groups to transfer all the funds that can be transferred, and transfer it to himself when the game is over.

As long as it doesn't have much impact on the consortium, that's fine.

After all, this is the hen that lays golden eggs!

For those who are disobedient, he has a second step plan, but it needs Foyego to execute.

After arranging Foyego to go out for the second step of the plan, Zhang Yang boarded the game again.

Ancient city, General Secret Service.


Lao Zhang looked at the news from Nangong's family, asking them to catch the murderer, and suddenly had a headache.

According to his knowledge, most of the players in the first echelon are currently fighting in the Tower of Infinity, and a small number are also under their monitoring, and no one has shot at the Nangong family.

After telling the news to the Nangong family, who knew that the Nangong family ignored it at all and continued to put pressure on it.

This time, he finally annoyed Lao Zhang. He called his former colleague directly. After some thunderstorms, the Nangong family finally stopped being so arrogant.

Afterwards, Lao Zhang learned that since then, the people of the Nangong family did not seem to have awakened, knowing that the rules of this world have changed, and they have restrained their superior style and behaved in a low-key manner.

This is another story.

Although the accountability of the Nangong family was suppressed, they also had to catch the person who took action.

Otherwise, the face does not exist.

Just when Lao Zhang was in a daze, Leng Bing came in a hurry.

"Boss, there is news."

Condensed Bing gave a copy of the newly printed, still warm document to Lao Zhang: "Look."

Lao Zhang took it, and after taking a look, his face was full of shock.

Then he turned on the tablet and played a video above.

Above, a figure shrouded in black mist said in a similar electronically synthesized voice: "With the request of the majority of netizens, our company is responsible for these eleven assassinations."

"The following is what the assassination targets collected by our company did.

The video screen is converted, and there are pictures on it, as well as the attached text.

That one thing made Lao Zhang unable to bear it any longer, and his blood pressure soared.

"These scumbags.

Lao Zhang knew that these guys were not good things, but he didn't expect that they would go so far.

As long as they are provoked, or even just because something is in front of them, they will brazenly take action and solve the other party.

Whether it was an elderly person, a child, or even a pregnant woman walking on the sidewalk at a green light, they didn't let it go.

It's not that no one is making troubles, but the top ten financial groups are rich and powerful, and with the money clearing the way, these troublemakers have been suppressed, and some have even disappeared.

Before watching it, Lao Zhang realized that if this video spreads, the opinions of the people will definitely increase.

As soon as Lao Zhang looked up, he saw Leng Bing and nodded to him.

Open the comments below the video, Lao Zhang's eyes are black.

"Hey, are the people in the consortium so ruthless? Even the elderly, children and even pregnant women are not spared?"

"That's not right, I see my blood pressure soaring. 35

"Well done! Daughter, your revenge has finally been avenged!"


Most people thought that this video was just coming out to gain popularity. Unexpectedly, with the spread, the cry of the bitter master made everyone realize the authenticity of this video.

As more and more people began to criticize the ten major financial groups, the official had to take action.

This shot directly suppressed all those who had bad deeds among the ten major consortiums, leaving only a few single seedlings in power.

Yes, it's Zhang Yang's.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

This wave can also be considered to completely control the ten major financial groups and eliminate the unstable factors.

At this time, most of the people who were eligible to compete in the top ten financial groups were taken away by the officials, and the rest could not compete with Zhang Yang's people at all.

The ten major consortiums have officially changed their names and surnames.

When the official took action and began to trace the source of the video, Foyego had returned to the apartment and continued to guard Zhang Yang.

a month later.

The fifth layer of Harrogath is finally fully integrated with the real Harrogath.

The original calm was broken by the players who were stranded here.

In the commercial area, there are booths spread out by players everywhere, with pieces of yellow rare equipment, as well as some fine white and blue equipment.

On the auction house, most of them are dark gold equipment, and a few are purple epic equipment. The prices are ridiculously high. Obviously, they are waiting for fat sheep who don't understand anything, or people who are in urgent need.


Standing among these players, Zhang Yang's aura made him stand out from the crowd.

"Who is this person? I feel good-natured."

"I can't view the information, this is a big guy, the identification is complete!"

"Having equipment that prevents viewing is a big guy, I believe everyone will not refute it! 39

"Another big boss is here, and I don't know when to leave.

"What's the hurry, don't leave after finishing the card?"

"Doesn't that mean that our practice area is going to be occupied again?"

"Occupy is occupy, you said that you can still defeat Baal and go to the sixth floor?"

"Can't you think about it? After being occupied, playing equipment is a problem!

"Then you won't make a copy.

"Can't beat it.

"Then what did you say..."


Ignoring the controversy of these people, Zhang Yang found Qualkek.

"you are leaving?

Qualkek is not these ordinary players. After the fusion of the two worlds, he also gained the memory of that world Qualkek.

He naturally knew that Zhang Yang's level had reached the full level, and he was full of attributes and skill points.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"The world on the sixth floor is completely different from our world, I hope you have a smooth journey.

Qualkek took Zhang Yang to the teleportation formation and came to the Temple of the World Stone. Under the witness of Baal, he took out something similar to the World Stone and opened a portal.

On the other side of the door is another world.

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