Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

166: The role of the strange skull!

After stepping into the portal, he did not appear directly in the new world, but came to a war canyon.

A human, an orc and a pandaren were watching him eagerly.

"New adventurer, please choose your faction.

Human is a heavily armed middle-aged warrior: "I represent the Alliance, he represents the Horde, and the black and white pandaren represent the neutral.""


Zhang Yang made his choice without hesitation.

Although joining the alliance and the tribe will have great advantages in the early stage, the neutral camp is very popular in the later stage.

After all, the neutral camp is only the object of competition between the two camps.

"Then, come with me."

The pandaren burped: "I'll take you to see Shen-zin. 55

"Good. 35

Zhang Yang was a paladin in his previous life and joined the "630" human camp.

But he had long heard of Shen-zin's name, and heard that it was one of the largest animals in the entire world.

But because Shen Zhenzi has been wandering in the misty sea, Zhang Yang was unable to see Shen Zhenzi's true face.

The pandaren opened a portal and motioned Zhang Yang to go in.

Zhang Yang nodded, and when he entered, he found that it was a particularly soft sandy beach.

When the pandaren also came to the beach and blew a tune, a behemoth gradually approached from the deep sea.

The fog dissipated, and a giant tortoise called a mobile continent appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

"Adventurers from the outside world, welcome to Azeroth.

Shen Zhenzi's voice reached Zhang Yang's ears through a very soft spiritual force: "According to the rules of the Tower of Infinity, the skull on your body can obtain the second occupation from Azeroth, and then I will give it to me. An introduction to your second career."

"my pleasure."

Zhang Yang took out the strange skull that was almost forgotten in the backpack, and after subconsciously increasing it five times, the situation changed between heaven and earth.

A terrifying power poured out of Shen Zhenzi's body, instilling it on the skull that could float out of thin air.

Then, the skull shattered, and a total of thirteen phantoms appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

Shen Zhenzi looked a little tired, but he introduced Zhang Yang one by one.

"These occupations are: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Stalker, Priest, Death Knight, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Druid, Demon Hunter.

"There are three kinds of talent trees for each profession, which can light up different talents as the level increases, which greatly improves the battle.

"Are you ready to accept the specific introduction to these thirteen occupations?"

After Shen Zhenzi finished speaking, a system prompt appeared in front of Zhang Yang's eyes.

After he was determined, a message was transmitted to his mind.

After taking a while to digest, Zhang Yang set his target on a warlock who was similar to a necromancer, but more destructive.

But just as he was about to determine his second career, he suddenly turned to another career.

Death knight.

A profession with the same name as Zhang Yang's summons.

This profession can use the power of death to fight the enemy, if it is replaced by Zhang Yang's death power, the effect should be better.

To be honest, Zhang Yang was a little hesitant.

But then, he did not hesitate.

Because he thought of a way.

"I choose Warlock.""

Zhang Yang chose the profession of warlock.

Afterwards, Shen Zhenzi's eyes radiated light, and the power of shadows full of destruction appeared on Zhang Yang's body.

"Hint: You have obtained the second occupation [Warlock (Azeroth)] 35


Afterwards, Zhang Yang opened his personal interface, and in addition to the [God of Death (Sanctuary)], there was also a [Warlock (Azeroth)].

Zhang Yang's method is to use a max increase.

He already has the power of death, and increasing the death knight profession again may not be very effective.

But choosing the Warlock profession, according to the first experience, the effect is definitely not bad.

"Ding, you have increased your occupation by max level, and your occupation has changed.

Zhang Yang took a look and saw that his [Warlock (Azeroth)] had been transformed into [God of Darkness (Azeroth)].

A huge force slightly inferior to the divine power of death continuously poured into Zhang Yang's body, and everything around him changed in Zhang Yang's eyes.

Everything lost its color, only darkness itself remained.

Shadow intelligence, power of evil energy... all transformed into a higher level of dark power, constantly integrated into Zhang Yang's body.

Even the original shadow arrow has changed, becoming the God Dark Arrow.

[God·Dark Arrow (lv.1)]: Instantly cast, shoots a dark arrow containing divine power at the enemy, ignoring any defensive skills of the enemy below or equal to the god level, causing 1000+1*spell power point true damage, No cooling.

Zhang Yang looked at this skill with a very strange expression.

If he remembered correctly, the damage of this skill itself should be 20 points, and now it has been directly increased by 50 times!

It should be mentioned here that due to the change of the world rules, Zhang Yang cannot fully use the power of the shelter world now, and can only choose one skill to use as a natural skill.

So, after coming here, Zhang Yang can be regarded as a fresh start.

Of course, this is only the case on the sixth and seventh floors. After returning to the Sanctuary World on the eighth floor, Zhang Yang will receive all the power blessings of the two worlds, and the combat power cannot be calculated by 1+1.

Before taking a closer look at the others, Shen Zhenzi's voice sounded again.

"Career Choice Success, Next..."

When Shen Zhenzi was about to send Zhang Yang away, he found that the phantom of the profession in front of him did not disappear, but the profession of warlock lit up, and the profession of assassin was dimmed.

"how is this possible!!!"

Shen Zhenzi's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

In his 5.4 impressions, such a thing never happened.

Generally, these phantoms will disappear after choosing a profession.

"Isn't his second-career credentials...not ordinary?"

Shen Zhenzi suppressed the shock in his heart, and was still performing his duties while thinking: "It seems that your job transfer certificate is not ordinary, and you can still obtain a job.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that the strange skeleton he had added five times at random would still have this effect.

So he decisively chose the death knight.

"Hint: You have obtained the third occupation [Death Knight (Azeroth)].

"Hint: Because your first occupation is [God of Death], and your third occupation [Death Knight] evolves due to the power of death."

"Hint: Your third profession has evolved into [God of Knights (God Level)]!""

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