Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

167: The shock of Shen-zinko!

With the appearance of the system sound, Zhang Yang's body flashed with endless holy light.

The eight virtues and seven deadly sins of knights emerged one by one in Zhang Yang.

Eight virtues: humility, honesty, valor, mercy, spirit, justice, honor, sacrifice, humility.

Seven deadly sins: pride, stinginess, lust, anger, jealousy, gluttony, and sloth.

At the same time, Zhang Yang also realized that he can create the strongest knight in the world: the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

This is outrageous.

Eight virtues, each of which can create a god knight of the lower god level, and the corresponding seven deadly sins.

And the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are even more powerful.

Each of them can reach the level of the middle god, and after joining forces, they can even reach the peak of the upper god, and they can only touch the realm of the main god.

The realm of gods is different from the realm of mortals. The first half is: demigods, quasi-gods, and true gods. When you reach the realm of true gods, and you can control 10% of the rules, you can be called a true god.

The middle half is: the lower god, the middle god, the upper god, there is not much difference in combat power, it is just different according to the degree of mastering the rules.

The upper gods have mastered the rules to 80%, reaching these 29 levels, which can almost be called immortality.

Unless the god's imprint on the rules is completely erased, he can be reborn from the rules at any time.

The second half is: the main god, the god king, the god emperor, if you want to reach the main god level, you must control a rule 100%.

To this extent, unless it is natural death, it is extremely difficult to kill.

Even after death, you can still be resurrected by this rule, which is very difficult.

And the king of gods, as the name suggests, is the king of the gods.

In addition to controlling one rule, it is necessary to comprehend other rules. At the same time, it has at least one main god, nine upper gods, and ninety-nine middle gods. Under the witness of other gods, after forming a god system , can claim to be the king of gods.

And the emperor is even more powerful.

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless Divine Kings, but there have been fewer than nine Divine Sovereigns.

There are rumors that there is a more powerful existence above the God Emperor, but no one has ever seen it, and no one has confirmed it.


Shen Zhenzi, who had thought that it was at most twice, saw that the phantom that represented the profession had not disappeared, and his heart was even more shocked.

Dual-professionals, this is something that can only appear in legends, and every dual-professional is a rumored person who saves the world.

But three occupations, unheard of.

Although shocked, Shen Zhenzi has to travel his responsibilities and guide Zhang Yang to change jobs again.

For some unknown reason, after Zhang Yang acquired the profession of the God of Knights, the death knight lit up, but the paladin dimmed, and he had no choice.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to focus his attention on the priest who was also the Holy Light profession.

"Hint: You have acquired the fourth occupation [Priest (Azeroth)].

Like the first profession [Warlock (Azeroth)], this profession has not changed much, and it should be effective only after the MAX increase.

Zhang Yang decisively carried out a MAX evolution.

"Ding, you have increased your occupation by max level, and your occupation has changed.

It was the same familiar voice, but this time, Zhang Yang felt the level of his own life, and came to a leap of sublimation.

Opening the personal panel, he found that the personal panel had become incomprehensible to him.

[Personal panel: God of Death (Sanctuary) / God of Darkness (Azeroth) / King of Knights (Azeroth) / God of Life (Azeroth)].

If he wants to see that, he can click on it to view it.

Now, he took a look at the newly emerging profession of God of Life.

After a while, Zhang Yang realized something, and his eyes were full of shock.

The God of Life, as the name suggests, is the opposite of the God of Death.

The God of Life can resurrect any existence that has died, even if it is a pile of bones, or only a part of the body is left, and even more, there is only one concept.

In other words, as long as Zhang Yang is willing, he can use the divine power of life to fabricate a life form that did not exist in the world with his bare hands!

And can give it great power.

Most importantly, after obtaining the God of Life, Zhang Yang learned that as long as the profession of the God of Life is trained to the same level as the God of Death, the two can be merged to achieve another Xeon profession.

Zhang Yang didn't know what it was, just looking forward to it.

At this moment, the professional phantom has not dissipated.

Now Shen Zhenzi is no longer shocked, but wants to know how many careers Zhang Yang can change.

Then there is the fifth profession.

Zhang Yang chose the Druid with the same name as the world of Sanctuary.

As Zhang Yang expected.

The profession of Druid also changed after coming into contact with the life force in Zhang Yang's body.

Become the god of elements.

The size of the grid is second only to the god of life and the god of death, and even surpasses the god of knights!

Everything in the world is constructed from various elements.

And Zhang Yang, the God of Elements, can not only extract and combine elements at will according to his own will, but can even temporarily completely extract the elements formed by the designated target body, and directly obliterate his opponents.

At the same time, the Elemental God also gave him the ability to summon the 630-level Elemental Holy Spirit, and all the elemental skills will appear in the form of the Elemental Spirit.

For example, the skill of Yang Yan's Wrath, which comes with level 1, has been transformed into God, Yang Yan Elemental Summoned!

The effect changes from causing 10+231%*spell power damage to the target to summoning a sun elemental spirit, each attack can cause 5000+1*spell power damage to the target, duration: unlimited, quantity: unlimited.

In other words, as long as Zhang Yang uses this skill all the time, he can summon an infinite number of Sun Fire Spirits, crushing his opponents with both crowd tactics and high quality.

For this, Zhang Yang was once again shocked by his SSS-level talent.

Without this talent, although he would be very strong, he would not have reached such a terrifying height in such a short period of time and acquired so many powerful professions.

Well, maybe get another one.

Zhang Yang looked at the professional phantoms around him that had not disappeared, hesitated for a while, and finally chose the shaman.

Well, after choosing this career, as Zhang Yang expected, it also evolved into the subordinate of the God of Elements, the God of Totems and the Holy Spirit.

Since then, all the totems in the world and the Holy Spirit who were born and raised have a common god.

Zhang Yang.

An ancestor who is above the entire Alliance and Horde!.

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