The two looked at each other, and both could see each other's plans.

"Who will notify?"

Cain knocked on the table: "You know, those guys aren't so persuasive."

"I don't believe that the owners of three SSS-level talents are not enough for those guys to do it."

The wolf king's temper is not so good: "Those little guys should also know that there is a suspected SSS-level existence on Blue Star, let's add fuel to the flames..."

"Well said.""

Cain nodded.

Just as they were discussing how to spread the matter faster, a teleportation formation quietly appeared on the star of Cain.


Cebexiu and the Bone King looked at the shadow incarnation walking out of the teleportation array and bowed.

"This is the planet of the blood race?

Zhang Yang, who shared the perspective of the shadow avatar, came to an alien planet for the first time, looked at the environment similar to the medieval buildings of the earth, and frowned: "It seems that the blood race civilization and the rumored vampires in Blue Star really have something to do.

"You leave this planet. 39

Zhang Yang moved his body: "The battle between gods and gods, this planet can't bear it!"


Zebexiu and the Bone King saluted again, and then took the spaceship to leave here.


Cain, who was discussing the plan with the Wolf King, was stunned for a moment when he suddenly got the news that Cebesius had left the star of Cain, and then he didn't take it seriously.

While this is rare, it is not uncommon.

In addition, Ce Beixiu had just experienced life and death, so going out to play now is nothing.

It was just that he suddenly felt that his back was cold, as if something was watching him.

"Cain, be careful!"

"Wolf King, be careful!"

When Cain saw the wolf king's room, a figure suddenly appeared, and he quickly reminded him.

But unexpectedly, the wolf king also began to remind himself at the same time.

"Could it be..."

Combined with the news that Cebesius had left just now, Cain suddenly had an incredible idea.

"Cebexiu, betrayed me"~?""

Cain did not want to believe the truth of this matter.

Because Cebexiu was the younger generation he most admired, and also the most loyal one.

He even prepared to hold Cebesius to the position of the Blood God.

Cebesius also knew about this.

Therefore, Cain couldn't believe what Cebesius was doing to betray himself who was going to make him a god.

He would rather believe that Cebesius was threatened.

But the figure behind him did not give him too long to think.

The battle has begun.

As a blood race that is planned to be a strange existence in the universe, it has many unimaginable abilities.

as it is now.

Facing the attack of the shadow avatar, Cain's body turned into a pool of blood and was directly immune to the attack.

Not only is it immune to attacks, this pool of blood can even absorb the vitality of the shadow incarnation, which is extremely strange.

However, it seems that there is a time limit for this blood pool state. After about 1 minute, Cain's body returned to its original state.


The shadow incarnation instantly appeared behind Cain, slashed down, and blood splashed everywhere.

not only that.

The power on the dagger penetrated Cain's body and directly began to impact the ground.

Although strengthened by Cain's divine power, the earth still began to shatter under this power.

The whole star of Cain began to tremble.

"This level of attack..."

Cain, who successfully recovered his injuries by absorbing the vitality of the shadow incarnation, saw this scene and frowned.

He found that although he had already overestimated this guy, when he really faced it, he seemed to underestimate it.

Because of this attack, the upper gods cannot play at all.

At least, it is also a main god-level attack.

The reason for this decision is not to directly think that the shadow incarnation is the main god, it is entirely because the main god comes, and he will not even have the opportunity to resist.

The power levels of the two sides are too far apart.

As long as the opponent does not reach the main god level, Cain has confidence that even if he fails, he will not die in the opponent's hands.

But soon, his confidence was shattered.

The shadow incarnation directly released the assassin's finishing move: the flying dragon is in the sky!

Although it is an ultimate skill that has not been strengthened, its power cannot be underestimated.

The right leg of the shadow incarnation, the bearer ripped apart the power of space and kicked towards Cain.

Because this move comes with the power of space, under the pressure of the powerful space, Cain has no way of defending at all.


A huge explosion sounded, the blood god of the blood clan, the absolute king of the star of Cain, the leader of the upper gods - Cain, was kicked into a rain of blood!

Despite this, the face of the shadow avatar did not show the slightest joy.

Because Zhang Yang knows that gods, especially the gods of the blood race, are not so easy to kill!

as predicted.

The rain of blood that was scattered all over the sky continued to flow back as if going back in time, gradually forming a figure.

Zhang Yang didn't let the shadow avatar do it, because he had suffered a loss from this move.

As long as they attack, the power of the attacker will be absorbed by this blood and turned into the power of the blood race.

In other words, attacking at this time will only make Cain stronger and stronger!

""|| It seems that you know the blood clan very well. "

After the rebirth, Cain glanced at the shadow incarnation regretfully: "However, you are worthy of pride! 35

"With the body of a true god, it was able to break out an attack that surpassed that of the main god... Years

Cain licked his lips: "I'm really curious about your secret.


Cain had sensed the true strength of the Shadow Avatar.

True God.

Although it is a true god with super high specifications, but a true god is a true god, and compared with the lower gods, the middle gods, and even the upper gods, the gap is quite large.

Just like now.

After Cain realized that the shadow incarnation was only a mere true god, he directly used the power of the rules to bring the entire planet under his control.

"This is my domain."

As the domain filled with the unique power of the blood race spreads (Wang Hao), looking at Zhang Yang in the center of the domain, Cain laughed wildly: "Tell me the secret of how you can play such a powerful attack. Come out and I might be able to leave you a whole body.99

"Are you finished?"

Although he was in the Blood God Domain, Zhang Yang was still not panicking.

Because this is just his shadow incarnation, even if it is killed, it can be re-condensed.

It just takes a little time, man.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

In the Blood God Realm, Cain has sufficient confidence that even if he does not do it himself, the ubiquitous polluting power in the Blood God Realm can corrupt the shadow and become his servant.

"That's it?"

"The old lady Tiantai knits sweaters better than you!

Zhang Yang taunted, the shadow avatar was in charge of the attack, and the two cooperated seamlessly.

Terrifying power filled the entire Blood God Realm. Under Cain's angry gaze, Zhang Yang charged three times and used his ultimate skill again!

Phoenix Attack!.

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