Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

179: The tragic encounter of the wolf king!

In an instant, the endless elements in the universe burst out on the star of Cain.

With the chaotic fire that can burn through space, the entire star of Cain was reduced to purgatory in an instant, and countless vampires melted in the high temperature that even space could not resist.

There is the Thunder of Chaos, known as Heaven's Punishment, and the entire planet collapsed without even hitting one.

There are ice bombs of chaos that can freeze even black holes, and the number is extremely large.

As the main bearer of the attack, Cain's body also seemed to be equipped with a light bar, constantly flashing red, blue, and purple.

Looking at the star of Cain, which has no life, Cain's heart is ashes.

Without the believers who believe in himself, without his own planet, at this moment, only those heroic souls in the kingdom of God are left.

The breath of the body is falling unstoppably, from the upper god to the lower god in an instant.

The saddest thing is this.

Knowing that he is not the opponent of the shadow incarnation, and the dream of achieving the Lord God is broken, Cain laughed instead.

"Let's die together!

Cain just followed the planet's broken blood god domain again, this time, its scope is not large, just shrouded the two of them.

Cain no longer suppressed the three divine powers in his body, but devoured them with the 630 force of the blood family and the power of shadow.

He succeeded.

The three special powers were successfully swallowed by Cain, and his strength was restored from the lower god to the middle god.

But all this, Cain has not cared.

Because in his eyes now, there is only the incarnation of shadow.

"This is what the old blood god told me to maintain the dignity of the blood. 35'

A raging flame suddenly appeared on Cain's body. Under this flame, the unstable space was once again riddled with holes: "I am curious about its power, I believe you are also curious?"

"Let's die together!"

Cain murmured softly, and the raging flames on his body swallowed him directly, turning him into a terrifying flame monster.


The sound is loud, and the elephant is invisible.

This flame monster made a roar that Zhang Yang didn't hear at all, but it was enough to shatter the surrounding space.

At this moment, the repairing power of the space self is powerless, and a dimensional fragment swallows them both.


The flame monster threw a punch at Zhang Yang, directly smashing the dimensional fragment, and even with a galaxy behind the star of Cain, it was directly pierced in a straight line.

Obviously, the power of the flame monster has also reached the main god level.

"We need to pay attention to this trick in the future. 35

Zhang Yang thought about this scene through the perspective of the shadow avatar.

The battle continues.

Shadow Avatar uses the Flying Dragon in the Sky again, this time after three times of charging, the damage is directly tripled by the Flying Dragon in the Sky!

Once you step down, the entire universe is constantly changing.

Although they are still in place, the surrounding is already boundless universe, but on a planet.

He, kicked the boundaries of the entire universe, so that the two came to a new universe.

"This is the supreme European..."

Surrounded by beings in green uniforms, each exudes a powerful force.

But in the next second, the entire planet was turned to dust at the foot of the shadow incarnation.

Huge energy fluctuations shook the entire universe.

But the next second, they appeared in a new place.

This place seems to be a battlefield, one with golden gloves inlaid with six gems with the power to condense the entire universe.

When the two appeared, both sides on the battlefield were stunned.

"Get out of here, it's very... 35

One of them was wearing an armor, some fat axe man loudly warned, but in the next second, endless power erupted, and everyone was struggling to support from this power.

"What kind of power is this..."

There is a weak divine power on the axe man, and he can barely resist this power.

He desperately watched the teammates around him disappear one by one under this force, with frustration in his eyes.

He has lost so much.

He first lost his mother.

Then there is his own father. (cjfe)

Then there is the country of its own.

And finally... it's his brother.

Now, even his comrades are lost.

He gave up resistance and let the force devour him.

But the axe in his hand was unwilling.

It erupted with its final strength and teleported the axe man away.

The axe man, who was already safe, looked at his empty hands. At this moment, he had nothing left.

Even the weapons were lost.

"Do not!!!"

Zhang Yang's foot traveled through countless universes, and when they finally came to the flame monster, they had returned to the original universe where Zhang Yang was.


After a small sound, the flame monster disappeared with a "boo" like a welcome.

Along with it disappears, is the entire galaxy.

Zhang Yang, who was far away in Blue Star, saw the damage caused by the shadow incarnation, his eyes widened and he shuddered.

This is the attack of a god-level powerhouse.

If there is no divine power to bless the space, a random attack can break the boundaries of the universe.

The so-called fire at the city gate, which affects the pond fish, is nothing more than that.

After destroying the star of Cain, Zhang Yang controlled the shadow avatar to catch up with Cebei Xiu and the Bone King, ready to move towards the next place.

The time is reset by 10 minutes.

The wolf king also saw the figure that suddenly appeared after Cain's disappearance. After reminding him, his strong sixth sense made him aware of the danger.

Suddenly turned back, sure enough.

A similar figure appeared in front of him.

This newly appeared figure is Zhang Yang's newly transformed incarnation. His original occupation was Druid, but now he is the god of nature under the god of life.

Strength and shadow incarnation are comparable.

It's just that the shadow incarnation is a pure god of battle, and the performance of combat power is a bit exaggerated.

The incarnation of nature saw that he had been discovered, and when he raised his hand, a group of crows with the realm of quasi-gods appeared out of thin air, rushing towards the wolf king with a deadly attitude, and when they approached, they directly blew themselves up.

Although the quasi-god is only the bottom layer of the god realm, he is also a god and possesses divine power.

Therefore, the damage they caused, the wolf king could not avoid at all, and there were scars one after another on his body.

And then there are a group of wolves with the power of the median god!

These mad wolves not only control the laws of space, but also control the laws of tearing, a pair of sharp claws, flickering cold light, and nothing can block it.

Even the more powerful superior god wolf king is the same.

The wound torn by the mad wolf is affected by the tearing law and cannot be healed.

It's not over yet.

A giant bear with three laws of controlling the earth, great strength and tenacity appeared.

It has the combat power of the upper gods, slaps it down, and the space it passes through is directly shattered.

The wolf king reluctantly parried, but was unable to remove the power that this slap carried, and his body was like a cannonball, directly piercing the boundaries of the universe.

The joys of human beings are not the same, but the tragedies are mostly the same.

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