Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

180: Underworld, Leoric's Journey!

"Excessive force?"

Zhang Yang saw through his natural incarnation that the wolf king had penetrated the boundaries of the universe and disappeared in this universe, with a blank expression on his face.

It is also the first time that he has condensed a natural incarnation, and he does not know his true combat power at all.

But looking at this performance, ∼ is already very strong.

At this moment, Zhang Yang was a little curious as to why his avatar was so strong, but as the main body, the god of death promoted by the necromancer was so weak.

But it doesn't matter.

Other professions are strong, making him strong, and he still likes the feeling of the countless younger brothers of the necromancer.


After smashing a huge planet in an unknown universe, the wolf king's body finally stopped.

At this time, he was extremely miserable.

There is not a piece of good flesh all over the body, the self-healing factor in the body wants to recover the injury, but it is powerless to do most of the injury.

He could only reluctantly slowly recover his internal organs, which were almost mushy.

The wolf god couldn't believe it at all, that guy didn't even shoot himself, just the summoning thing could beat him so embarrassingly.

"This matter must be reported to the Great Wolf God!"

The wolf king stood up, exerting his divine power, and when he was about to leave, a figure appeared in front of him.

It's nature incarnate!

"You bastard!!!"

Unwilling to look at the natural incarnation, the wolf king directly opened the big move.

Because he knew that if he didn't work hard at this time, there would be no chance for him to work hard.

A bright moon rose slowly, and under the brilliance of this moon, the aura of the wolf king soared.

It's just that his body began to swell, and in the blink of an eye, from his original humanoid form, he completely turned into a giant wolf.

It's just that this giant wolf has red eyes and saliva from the corners of his mouth.

It looks like an irrational beast.

In fact, this state of the wolf king is called atavism.

Completely abandoned the human form, and handed over everything to the ancient wolf bloodline in the body.

The battle begins again.

The wolf king who is atavistic is extremely fast, even faster than the evil wolf with teleportation.

Each attack carries no less than 10 kinds of viruses, and the damage of each virus is ridiculously high.

There are even various DEBUFFs exist.

It's just that the profession of the incarnation of nature is the god of nature, and the natural divine power in the body is the nemesis of these DEBUFFs.

The two sides began to stiffen.

Because none of the summoned creatures summoned by the incarnation of nature could catch up with the speed of the wolf king except for the wolves, the incarnation of nature simply let them play freely.

He himself used various elemental skills, and even used giant wolf transformation, which transformed him into a state similar to the previous wolf king.

A human wolf and a giant wolf, the two figures continued to attack at a speed beyond the limit.

Other summoned creatures can't help, and they simply cheer for the natural incarnation.

When the confrontation between the two sides stops and the two figures are revealed, it will be clear who wins and who loses.

The bloody piece of the giant wave, which was transformed into a natural incarnation, looked particularly serious.

The atavistic Wolf King had only a bone-deep scar on his body, from his neck to his tail.

From the appearance alone, you may feel that the incarnation of nature has fallen behind.

But in fact, it was the wolf king who lost.

The softest abdomen was cut open, and the wolf king felt that the vitality was constantly passing.

He could no longer maintain his standing posture, his four legs were weak, and he fell to the ground.

The natural incarnation lifted the incarnation, and the bloody scar disappeared.

"You are very strong.

The wolf king, who was on the verge of death, regained his senses. Looking at Zhang Yang, who had returned to his human form, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I just don't know what the relationship between you and the Blue Star humans is."

Zhang Yang was silent, and the incarnation of nature was also silent.

So the wolf king left this wonderful world with unwillingness.

Recovering it again, the entire Wolf King Star has been wiped out, and even the nearby galaxies have been damaged.

Within 10,000 years, this galaxy will be destroyed because of the lack of Wolf King.

Zhang Yang, who successfully dealt with the blood clan and the wolf clan, rubbed his temples and closed his eyes.

He is not a good man.

But these two active attacks killed no less than 10 billion lives.

God-level war is so cruel.

This is why God is called God.

If you want to become one of the top 100 races in the heavens, you must have at least one true body in the race.

Otherwise, relying only on those demigods and quasi-gods would not be able to support Baida's reputation at all.

Now, Zhang Yang has completed the first phase of the plan to integrate the Blue Star power and exterminate the blood and wolf clans, and he has completed it almost perfectly.

・・・ Flowers・

Next is the second phase of the plan.

Destroy the underworld.

This is a terrifying race that ranks among the top ten of all races and ranks among the ten gods of the underworld.

"I don't know how Leoric is doing now.

Zhang Yang recalled the chess pieces he had casually served in the underworld, closed his eyes, and began to check Leoric's situation through the mental link.

Underworld, the realm of immortality.

The kingdom of death created by Leoric.

It has grown from a high-level skeleton to the current Skeleton King in the true sense, and no one knows the hardships it has paid.

When he just laid down the first territory, he was just an unknown pawn, and the major forces in the underworld were too lazy to pay attention to it.


When it laid down the tenth territory, the god of bones, who was also a skeleton, noticed it and took action, wanting to recruit Leoric as the head of the Knights of Punishment of his council.

But Leoric refused.

This caused the wrath of the god of bones.

Ordered by the Council of Bones, Leoric's name resounded throughout the underworld.

After all, it was the first one who dared to reject the existence of gods in nearly a thousand years.

In the face of the killing order from the Skeleton Council, Leoric was not afraid, and even confronted the Skeleton Council with hard steel.

As a subordinate of Zhang Yang, it enjoys the same treatment as other summons.

Under the majesty of the gods, all attacks that were not god-level could hit Leoric without breaking the defense.

At first, the Skeleton Council thought that this was just Leoric's special talent or skill, but as the war escalated, they discovered that Leoric, whom they called the "Mad King", actually had something on his body. God's gift.

This also means that behind Leoric stands a god!

This discovery caused the Skeleton Council to immediately report to the God of Skeletons.

On the same day, the God of Bones, with the help of the Council of Bones, successfully descended into the mortal world.

Although it is only 1% of the strength of the main body, it has reached the pinnacle of demigods, and it is only one step away from entering the realm of quasi-gods.

This is already considered to be the top combat power in the underworld.

The God of Bones set out on the expedition with full confidence, but he did not know that what awaited him could only be death! Guang.

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