"Who is it that dares to harm me?"

In the kingdom of gods, the god of bones felt the destruction of his own soul, and could not help but stand up from the throne of bones.

Under his wrath, the entire kingdom of God was covered with dark clouds, and thunder was brewing in it, a scene of doomsday.

Those believers saw this scene, prayed more devoutly, and contributed their faith to the God of Bones.


The furious voice of the God of Bones spread throughout the kingdom of God: "Find out to me who it is, dare to provoke me!"

"Yes! 99

Leoric's territory.

Zhang Yang used the power of death to strengthen Leoric in all directions.

It took hundreds of thousands of gold coins to strengthen Leoric to the pinnacle of quasi-god.

A powerhouse at this level is considered one of the best in the entire underworld.

"keep it up.

Zhang Yang left Leoric's body with the power of life, the power of death, the power of darkness, and the power of nature. When necessary, he can detonate these powers and break through the realm of true gods.

After explaining everything, Zhang Yang looked into the distance, and he could feel that there was a special force calling him.

It is the power of Faith 29.

Leoric followed the direction Zhang Yang was looking at and said, "Master, there is the territory of the Church of Death."

"The Church of Death?"

Zhang Yang decided to go to the Church of Death to take a look: "Let me go and see. In this church that believes in me, there are still a few people who are loyal to me."5

"Avril, why didn't you run away?"

A young and holy girl was tied to a pillar, and a dozen nuns in black robes with weak death power were constantly humiliating her: "As a saint of the Church of Death, what a glorious one. something and you run away?""

"You have to remember one thing, you are born, you are a member of the Church of Death, and when you die, you are the undead of the Church of Death!"

"If it wasn't for the Archbishop asking me to save your life, I would have divided your food into eight parts and fed my lovely devil dog!"

"Sisters, it's time for prayer service, let's go to the church to be baptized by the bishops!"


The dozen or so nuns left with excitement on their faces, but they did not see the contempt on the face of the former saint.

"The Church of the Dead...fallen."

Looking at the retreating figures of the nuns, Avril felt worthless for her devout beliefs for so many years.

In the past, she also worked hard with the goal of becoming the Holy Maiden of Death.

But she really became the saint of death, and when she came into contact with those high-level executives who were not usually accessible, she realized that this so-called saint was just a pretense.

Whatever the body and mind belong to the god of death, they are all excuses.

As the agents of the god of death, they asked the three saints, including themselves, to be their venting tools, and they called it close enough to feel the will of the gods.

If there really is a god of death, the first one to be destroyed is probably the church of death that has rotted to its roots.

The only person who still devoutly worships the God of Death is probably only himself and the sleeping Pope, as well as those brainwashed children.

At the beginning, Avril was unwilling to serve the Archbishop Vatti, but now that she was brought back by the death knights, she was afraid that she would not be able to escape Vatti's claws.

Thinking of this, Avril closed her eyes and prayed to the god of death for the last time.

"The existence of the two poles of the world, the ultimate destination of all things, the great god of death, please listen to your devout believers, the last prayer."

"The church that once believed in you is now rotten to the roots."9

‘Dedicate it to your saintess first, they all dare to meddle. 35

"Even the Pope suffered their conspiracy and fell into eternal sleep.

"Your devout followers have been slaughtered, and only a few remain."

"If you are really listening, please bring down the divine punishment, and let these blasphemous scumbags feel the wrath of the gods!"

When Elvie finished her prayers, gathered up her courage, and was about to bite her tongue to end her life, a voice she had never heard before, but she had dreamed about countless times in her dreams, echoed in her mind.


Just three words gave Avril an infinite surprise.

This is the first time in thousands of years that the god of death has answered the prayers of believers.

And this lucky person, turned out to be himself?

Avril did not doubt the authenticity of the voice that appeared in her mind, because she was the saint of death. Although the saint today is not very valuable, she still has some necessary abilities.

For example, the first thing to become a saint is to get acquainted with the god of death.

Although no one has received a response from the god of death for thousands of years, but a thousand years ago, the god of death often chatted with everyone.

The former old Pope told them with a smile that the God of Death is a god with a very good character, not only is he not arrogant, but even a bit outrageous to the believers.

The most exaggerated thing, a believer said that he was depressed, emo, and wanted to understand his life and return to the embrace of the god of death.

In the next second, a figure appeared beside the believer, and a brain collapsed and woke her up.

As the god of death, the old Pope said that His Majesty does not like death.

He prefers the way everything in this world is full of vitality.

The old Pope imitated the voice of the God of Death, which was the figure Avril heard just now, and it was not bad at all.

"Lord God!"

Elvie subconsciously called out the God of Death in her mind, but she didn't expect a response, but the reassuring voice appeared in her mind again.

"Okay, don't call... I'll save you first.

Following this sound came a divine force of death.

Under this power, the rope that was enough to bind the True God Realm was broken like the most common hemp rope.

After Avril regained her freedom, she did not flee immediately, but bowed in one direction.

Because she could feel the divine power of death coming from that direction.

"I didn't expect that the Church of Death would turn out like this.

Zhang Yang just came to the door of the Church of Death when he heard the only firm voice of faith in the church.

From the mouth of the saint named Avril, Zhang Yang knew the specific situation of the Church of Death.

Zhang Yang raised his hand to condense an incarnation of a witch, to teach the Church of Death, which was rotten to the roots, on his behalf.

The occupation of the witch incarnation is the elemental god, which belongs to the dual powers of Zhang Yang, the god of elements and the god of magic.

Her strength is very strong, she has directly crossed the mortal realm, broken the realm of the gods, and came to the level of the median god.

This can almost go sideways in the entire underworld.

Because all the gods in the underworld except Hades are only middle gods, only the peak of the death pope, the middle god, can temporarily step into the realm of the upper gods with the help of death power.

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