In the heavens and the world, a piece of news detonated the audience.

"Have you heard, the blood god Cain of the blood clan, the wolf king of the wolf clan, these two upper gods have fallen!"

"What? How is that possible... That's the upper god, even if it's a big clan like the blood clan, there are only five!

"The wolf kings of the wolf clan were all killed, and the wolf clan went into a frenzy, and directly issued a bounty order. As long as the existence of accurate information can be provided, the demigods and below can help to upgrade to the quasi-god realm, and the help of the quasi-god realm. Promote to the real god realm, the real god realm helps to promote to the lower god!

"Is it such a big deal?

"Well, I really want to know the inside story..."

"Don't think about it, it is about the life and death of the two upper gods, you know, you can't tell the wolf clan alive.

"That's right!


As the center of the discussion, the blood clan is much quieter than the wolf clan.

Council of Blood Gods.

The old blood god appeared with a tired face, and there was a blood clan beside him.

The blood gods present knew this blood clan.


"Fortunately, you all left a mark of life on me.

The old blood god coughed a few times and looked very weak: "Otherwise, Cain is completely gone."

"Now, tell the big guy, who is so bold and dare to kill my blood god?

Facing the questioning of the old blood god, Cain first expressed his gratitude to the old blood god again, and then said slowly: "It is a god from Blue Star."5

"you sure?"

Hearing Cain's words, the old blood god's eyes widened: "You must know that since the last era, all the god-level existences on Blue Star have migrated out!"

"I'm sure.""

Cain nodded: "Because this god came back with my junior.

"Your junior, betrayed the blood clan?"

The old blood god's eyes narrowed: "Did you kill him?"

"It must be forced.

Cain is not quite sure: "Because I once promised that in the future I will hold him to take my place and become the new blood god"~!

"I can't imagine what the conditions would be for him to betray me.

After listening to the old blood god, his expression eased a lot.

Blood clan, that's it.

The upper and lower classes are dead, but they are united.

If it was rumored that the betrayal of a junior led to the death of a blood god, it would be a great blow to the unity of the blood clan.

"Where is he now?"

The old blood god continued to ask: "He should know some information."

"Currently, we are moving towards the next blood race territory, um, that is you, Dracula's territory.

Cain sensed it for a moment, and looked strangely at Dracula, who was also a high-level god: "The speed is very fast, it seems that he ran directly.

"It seems that it should be forced.

The old blood god calculated the distance from the star of Cain to the star of Dracula, and at the speed of the Prince, it must be moving at full speed to arrive in such a short time.

In addition to what Cain said, Zebesius had already taken off on the Prince before the battle, and it was obvious that he was taking the opportunity to escape.

There should be two reasons.

One: If Cain wins, he is afraid of being blamed, so he runs away.

Two: If the stronger wins, he is afraid of being coerced again, so he runs away.

Regardless of the reason, it can actually explain why Cebesius drove the spaceship to escape before the battle had even begun.

If Cebei Xiu really betrayed the blood clan, then he would not run before the battle started, but would wait until the battle situation became clear before taking action.

If you really betray, you will not wait for that God.

The universe is so big that even if it is a god, it is difficult to transfer from one place to another out of thin air. It is said that he, as a high-level god, wants to really go to other places, and travel is also on a god-level warship.

After Cain explained a lot to Zebesius, he began to explain the battle.

"His fighting power is very strong. Although it is only in the realm of the true god, his attack has reached the upper god, and he has even approached the main god. With a big move, he can even truly reach the main god-level attack!"5

Cain recalled his fear, and his body couldn't help shaking: "The assassin's ultimate move, in his hand, is comparable to the full blow of the Lord God!

"My blood god domain, my star of Cain, was destroyed in an instant."

Cain recalled the attack that destroyed his own domain and destroyed his own kingdom of God: "Even if I sacrifice all my existence and summon the spirit of vengeance, I can't do any harm to that guy."

The experience of the spirit of vengeance made him not dare to face the shadow incarnation again, even if he thought about it, he felt trembling.

"Forget it, let's see for ourselves.

The old blood god saw that Cain was now unable to truly express his meaning because of his fear. After answering their question, he snapped his fingers, and a memory light group emerged from Cain's mind.

There were scenes flashing on it, and it was the scene where Shadow incarnates against Cain once.

The battle begins, the battle ends, and nothing should be surprising.

It is nothing more than the incarnation of the shadow in a true god realm, collapsed two levels, and directly beat the upper god level Cain violently.

After the last phoenix attack surprised them a little, they stopped talking.

But then, the shadow incarnation attacked the spirit of vengeance, the attack that went beyond the boundaries of the universe, not only allowed them to appreciate the scenery of other worlds, but also shocked them for a whole year.

|| This guy is a little weird. "

The old blood god frowned as he watched the final attack: "This guy, the attack definitely surpassed the realm of the main god.


Hearing this, all the blood gods frowned.

Among those present, apart from the fact that the level of the old blood god was not clear, the other blood gods were only at the level of the upper gods, and Cain was the strongest among them.

The weakest is a little blood god who has just become a god and has gone to a lower god in the blood clan resources, and does not even deserve to have a name.

The main god level... and they are too far away.

"Blue Star (Wang is okay), don't provoke them recently.

The old blood god made the final decision: "Others pay attention to their precautions, with your strength, you can't beat them, but you can still run.

"In the entire heaven, there is nothing more difficult to kill than our blood race."

"Everything, don't be like this idiot, fighting with people.

"Leave the green hills there, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, this is an old saying from Blue Star, and now I'll give it to you.

The old blood god looked around at all the blood gods: "Remember, when you die, you have nothing, and when you live, everything is possible.


The blood gods responded together to the teachings of the old blood god.

Including stupid Cain.

At this time, Cain, looking at the incomparably weak old Blood God, felt extremely self-blame.

The old blood god is the capital for the blood race to become one of the top 100 races in the heavens. If the old blood god has an accident, the blood race will be kicked out of the heavens and hundreds of races immediately.

This is not alarmist.

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