Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

183: The Pope of Death - Mo Qinglan!

What is Zhang Yang, who is regarded as the enemy by the blood clan, doing now?

He sat on the cloud and looked down at the battle that was happening below.

The elements incarnate all kinds of magic at your fingertips, constantly bombarding the death barrier supported by the Acting Pope of the Church of Death and the death bishops.

Although Zhang Yang could easily smash the barrier full of death power, he didn't do it.

What he wanted was to make this rotten Church of Death feel what is the real despair.

"Pope Stephen, we can't hold it anymore!"

Death Bishop Gerry Qiqiao was bleeding and said loudly: "Wake up the old Pope, we have really reached the limit.

"Can't wake her up!

Acting Pope Stephen thought of what he had done over the years, and what he had done to the old Pope in secret, his whole body trembled: "If she wakes up, we all have to die!

"The old pope may still show mercy to us, but this lunatic will destroy us all!"

The other bishop couldn't hold it anymore. As a zombie, his body was second to none in the Church of Death, but now it's all cracks.

"Damn it damn it!"

Stephen glared at the natural incarnation: "Who are you, who dares to attack the Church of Death, aren't you afraid of the wrath of the God of Death?"


The natural avatar didn't stop, just looked at him with mocking eyes.


Although Stephen knew that what he did when the old Pope fell into a deep sleep was enough to destroy his body and soul, but if he died a little later, maybe there would be a turnaround in a while?


Stephen gritted his teeth, took out a crystal statue, and shattered it.

In the broken crystal particles, a figure like a hell poppy slowly appeared, attracting everyone's attention to her.



very beautiful.

No adjectives are placed on her, and they may not even be enough to describe her beauty.

When she opened her eyes, the world paled.


With a light drink, a terrifying death force appeared and charged towards Stephen.

"Sir Pope, misunderstanding!!! 35

There was fear in Stephen's eyes, and he shouted, but it was useless.

The divine power of death dissolved Stephen, unabated, and rushed towards the death bishops who had been in sympathy with Stephen.

In just an instant, (cjfe) the high-level combat power of the entire Church of Death all died in the hands of this woman's soul who suddenly appeared and once served as the Pope.

"Faithful girl Mo Qinglan, pays homage to Lord God of Death.

The old Pope, named Mo Qinglan, bowed down to Zhang Yang who was sitting in the sky behind him.

"Get up."

Zhang Yang didn't expect that the acting Pope didn't recognize him, but this woman like hell poppy actually recognized her identity.

After letting the natural avatar stop, Zhang Yang fell from the sky.

"You recognize me?"

In order to verify his guess, Zhang Yang deliberately asked.

"Of course. 35

Mo Qinglan did not hesitate at all: "Your face is forever engraved in the heart of the faithful girl.

"Get up."

Zhang Yang raised his hand and lifted Mo Qinglan up with the power of death: "How did did you get to where you are now?"

Although Mo Qinglan was very strong, as soon as he made a move, he wiped out the top executives of the Church of Death who were at the peak of the demigod, and directly killed Stephen, the acting Pope of the peak of the quasi-god.

But she is in a state of soul now.

Judging from the situation just now, Mo Qinglan should have been sealed by that crystal.

But here comes the problem.

It's just the state of her soul, Mo Qinglan is so strong, so who beat her soul out?

You know, people are the strongest only when they have a body.

Judging from the low-level god-level combat power that Mo Qinglan has shown now, at her peak, she is at least a median god, and maybe even a high-level god.

"It was Hades and the God of Bones who joined forces to find your trail, the God of Death, lured me to the Valley of Death, and attacked me."

Mo Qinglan's expression was very indifferent, as if the protagonist of the story was not himself: "They are all median gods at the last time, and Pluto is even more of a god-level existence. Believe in women's incompetence, but at the expense of the flesh, they have severely damaged Pluto and skeletons. God, killed the Wicked Witch and escaped."5

In fact, what happened to Mo Qinglan was not as simple as she said.

Zhang Yang noticed it too, so he didn't ask.

He just raised his hand and used the power of life to create a body for her that was indistinguishable from the peak period.

"Thank you, Lord God of Death!"

With a physical body, Mo Qinglan, who has returned to the peak of the upper god, bowed down to Zhang Yang again, and her pious beliefs rushed to Zhang Yang like a tide.

"It turns out that Pluto was seriously injured."

After helping Mo Qinglan recover his body, Zhang Yang touched his chin, and only then did he know why the Ming clan, as one of the ten major races in the heavens before the rebirth, did not perform as well as the blood clan and the wolf clan, so it was.

"The Church of Death is still up to you, but you must completely eliminate people like Stephen. 35

"Then find out the location of Hades, and notify me when you find the exact location.

After Zhang Yang made arrangements, Mo Qinglan left with a reluctance in his eyes.

back to reality.

Zhang Yang came out of the game booth and breathed a sigh of relief.

During this time, he had reached the upper level limit on the sixth floor of the Tower of Endless, and even got six attribute rewards and skill rewards.

The reason why it has not yet ascended is entirely because the coup d'état that changed everything has not yet arrived, and Van Cleef's giant battleship has not yet arrived.

The reason why he wanted to plan this battleship was because when he reached the seventh floor, he wanted to go to the endless sea and kill the son of the ancient god in advance.

Otherwise, after the end of the seventh floor, in that event where opportunities and crises coexist, it will cause chaos for the entire Blue Star.

Zhang Yang, who had already ruled Blue Star, didn't want to see this happen.

So take precautions in advance.

Because the coup d'état still takes a while, Zhang Yang turned his attention to reality.

Because of the formation of the Blue Star Federation, coupled with Zhang Yang's behind-the-scenes fueling, the Federation's development is very rapid.

Fusion energy has been simplified into the appearance of a battery, and the places where it can be used have greatly increased.

The space transfer equipment has also entered the practical stage. The principle is based on the magic circle on the first floor of the Tower of Endless, and it is a super project mainly created by senior researchers who have practiced alchemy.

The Blue Star Federation united, based on the battleship fragments of the blood clan and the wolf clan obtained on the moon, and in less than a month, the principle was reversed, and a spaceship that could sail in the universe was created. Back and forth within the galaxy, but at this stage, it is enough.

Bluestar is developing and prospering.

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