Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

184: Stormwind City is in chaos

At the current speed, maybe even the curvature spaceship can be researched until the end of the protection period of the Endless Tower.

At that time, Blue Star, not everyone can come to provoke.

Zhang Yang got to know the Bone King and Wu Luqi, who were far away in the blood and wolf territories, and told them to come back when they were on their way to a victim's planet.

Because they attacked twice in a row, no matter how stupid the blood clan and wolf clan were, they would have taken precautions, so it would be better for them to evacuate first.

Anyway, the territorial star map of the blood clan has been obtained, and another wave of attacks can be organized at any time.

After getting Zhang Yang's order, the Bone King and Wu Luqi placed a teleportation formation on a nearby planet, and were recalled directly by Zhang Yang.

For now, everything at this stage is almost resolved, and you can devote yourself to the Tower of Endlessness for the time being.

At this moment, Zhang Yang's level has come to level 30 (remind, in Azeroth, the power of the Sanctuary world will be sealed.), and it is not the general level 30, but all Azeroth professions are all Arrived at level 30.

At this time, his strength is no longer comparable to that of the past.

The equipment of the whole body has also transformed from ordinary white and blue equipment to full-body blue sophisticated equipment.

This is also the characteristic of Azeroth. High-quality equipment requires a high level to be able to control it, and only those copies that are very difficult to navigate are likely to drop.

This is different from the Sanctuary world.

In the Sanctuary World, as long as you are lucky enough, you can equip a full set of Dark Gold Legendary equipment at level 1, and even better, you can explode purple epic equipment.

Correspondingly, the world of Azeroth is relatively fair. After all, the quality of the equipment is the same. In the end, it is only personal talent and actual combat level that will be competed.

Gossip less.

Zhang Yang came back to Stormwind City and knocked on the countess's door.

After seeing Zhang Yang, the housekeeper who opened the door did not need to lead the way. After telling Zhang Yang the location of Onyxia directly, he went to prepare the dinner.

"You came.

Upon hearing the news of Zhang Yang's arrival, Onyxia hurried over with a very happy tone: "How long are you going to stay this time?

"Wait until you send King Varian away."

Zhang Yang waved to Onyxia: "When are you going to start?"


Onyxia said a time that surprised Zhang Yang: "Tomorrow I will tie him up and send him away."

...for flowers


Zhang Yang nodded: "I will inform the Defias Brotherhood later, when the whole Stormwind City will be in chaos, just suitable for fishing in troubled waters."5

"This is the key to the treasury you want. 35

Onyxia took out a key and handed it to Zhang Yang: "I inquired, the guards of the treasure house are very strict, much stricter than the guards of Stormwind City Prison."

"That's not a problem.

Zhang Yang waved his hand: "As long as the key is in hand, let's watch my performance next!


Onyxia nodded.

"King Varian is missing!"

Because of Zhang Yang's intervention, although Varian disappeared, the original place of disappearance was in Stormwind City.

The night before, Varian, as usual, dealt with government affairs until the early hours of the morning, but did not return to the bedroom, and disappeared inexplicably.

There were no clues at the scene, as if Varian had been teleported away by someone using space magic.

Originally, the royal family and ministers wanted to suppress the news, but somehow, the news spread and caused panic.

At the same time, the Defias Brotherhood of Westfall also moved and broke into Stormwind City.

Stormwind City, chaos! Wide.

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